Why would ANYONE play fair after that?!

I'll preface this rant with: I know the never-ending cycle of toxicity and how the feedback loop is proverbially exponential.

I killer main. I play fair. I don't camp, tunnel or slug. I don't put on oppresive builds, i consistenly mix them to see their effect on my games.

Around a year ago I picked the game back up after a six month break. I have a full-time job so can play when I have the little spare time. Not too sure of the exact amount of hours I have put in to it, but I have a P3 50 Pinhead, P3 50 Pyramid Head, a 50 Nemesis and middling to low levels on every other. My survivors have most perks unlocked but not all.

I'll condense this...

80-90% of my games involve either some or all of these:

. Two or three survivors taking it turns with the bullying, God-looping, when you leave the chase the bait you again and again, no objectives, nothing but to follow you around the map being a pest.

. Tea-bagging at the pallet

. Constantly clicking flashlights

. DC'ing after the first down

. At least 4 gens done before second hook

. Hex totems immediately cleansed both during game and end-game like NoED etc

. Boon CoH and Shadowstep combo

. Cussed out royally in the chat, "Suxk it, NoED toy, get better," I reply: Dude, it's 4 brains versus 1, and you don't need to be that good to get five gens done and escape." His response, "We played better than you." Since when was this entitlement the rule of law for survivor mains?

You all played like trash, I play fairly, I'm the trash? To say it's stressful is an understatement. Why would anyone play killer anymore?

Cue the, "Disable end game chat" "Get better," "Run better perks," "Do something else... blah blah blah." Those are indivivdual solutions, I am pointing at a larger problem. A full year continuous play and this IS the norm. No matter if anyone tells you any different.

Fix it how? Or leave what I consider to be one of the most addicting games I've ever played, pumped money in to, loyalty time and time again and I swear I'm not a masochist.



  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    I take it on a case by case basis. I play "fair" (not that I think it's wrong to play with tunneling/camping) unless the survivors give me a reason not to. Like yesterday the survivor who bodyblocked me with BT active when I was trying to go around them to go after someone else. I'd rather not tunnel you off the hook but if you're going to give me no other option...

    But like you said, my thing above is an individual thing, not a "collective" fix but unfortunately I don't think there will ever be a big fix. This game brings out the absolute worst in some and BHVR is the only one with the power to do something about it and have demonstrated time and time again that not only do they not care, they actively encourage their player base to be jerks.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    You can't fix people, the solution you ask does not exist.

    Beyond this the only solution for YOU, is just do you.

    If you enjoy playing nice, do so. If you do not, don't then.

    If anonymous people over the internet can have such a heavy effect on your psyche so as to make you question why are you doing this, then either leave for good, stop being affected by it or join in on the toxicity, no one will notice.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    If you don't get DCs, you ain't playing killer hard enough.

    Kill em hard, be ruthless, show no mercy.

  • selflessnea
    selflessnea Member Posts: 580

    I mean this is the same as most if not all pvp communities. You can't change how people feel about certain aspects

  • Rokjer
    Rokjer Member Posts: 169

    This issue isn't just about the killer role. Survivors suffer the same toxic abuse. The community is immature, you can't do anything against that.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    One of my guilty pleasures is to play the clumsy Nurse, then properly massacre the cocky survivors who thought it was a signal to bully.

    Usually ends-up in the salt mines.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited May 2022

    Dude I was a player killer in Ultima Online, the original toxic playstyle that started the PVP genre. The way we played literally made them do the first "nerf" to which the word originated. Words like griefing originated due to our playstyle before it was considered "griefing" we just enjoyed killing other players. IN UO we could kill you and loot you, way before PUBG existed. We also camped corpses hard to where you couldnt even log back in.

    I was teabagging people in World of Warcraft with my feral druid like decades ago it seems

    DBD is like toxicity lite compared to the old days, in DBD you call someone a word and they think you toxic.

  • Yankus
    Yankus Member Posts: 638
    edited May 2022

    When I'm playing against newer survivors I will get 4 stacks of BBQ and then farm with them. Every single group still Tbags at the exit gates until there is 1 second left in EGC even if I am across the map afk. If I do go to force them out they won't even let me get a hit before running out. I'm not even joking when I say that I don't remember the last time a group that I let live left before there were only a few seconds left on the timer. Idk why this ######### is the norm. Maybe give survivors more points if they leave faster so they will leave and quit wasting my time.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    I don't think so, because DBD is actually permadeath. What were the stakes for dying in a game like WoW? Basically nothing. A corpse run. Unless it was an arena match.

    The only true griefing in that game was either thunder storming people off flying mounts / cliffs to damage their items, or mind controlling them off cliffs / into lava which also damaged items.

    What other game do you play where literally EVERYONE is toxic? DBD I can't play 3+ matches without someone BMing. Other PvP games I can go weeks, especially the huge player count ones like Fortnite or Apex where you usually barely have time to kill the hordes of opponents coming at you, let alone BM them

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    How else am I going to get a protection hit from a bot?

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited May 2022

    DBD is not permadeath. You are using WoW as the example and ignoring Ultima Online. In UO we could loot corpses and you loss your favorite sword permanently., In Fact, WoW was made the way it is to stop people from playing the way we did in UO.

    I used WoW as example of teabagging because thats where teabagging originated.

    In UO we camped your corpse and you could not log babck in, and your corpse would decay and you lost everything else on your corpse that we did not loot. WoW was designed to correct the PK playstyle of UO

    It was all permanent. DBD you dont lose anything really.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    People need to quit caring, this is a game and people shouldn't get their feelings tied up so heavy in a game they refuse to run certain things and play certain ways to be "fair", life isn't fair and neither is DBD, this game is here for your enjoyment and the real problem is when people lose they blame everything under the sun instead of sucking it up and moving on to the next trial. I'll BM in match and then be nice as can be in the endgame chat because it's a game and win or lose I'm not letting people get under my skin.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    I find it really boring when a match goes south quickly. I'm just like well that's MMR for you.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,611

    I played Ultima Online on Siege Perilous mainly and Felucca on the other servers. I also played Shadowbane where the motto was Play to Crush. The corpse camping, etc, was all there but there was still less toxicity in those games than there is in DbD. DbD is worse for toxicity by far.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,556

    Until I hit rank 1 iri, I stay as long as I can because it helps emblems. I wish it weren't that way, but it is. So many pips lost because I escaped under 9 minutes.

  • Zachcjjj
    Zachcjjj Member Posts: 531

    but survivors taunting isnt toxic neither is camping or tunnelling so just play how you want and dont take it to heart when someone does the same

  • selflessnea
    selflessnea Member Posts: 580

    I wouldn't say it's rare in FPS games. It's just not happening to you since the lobbies are usually bigger and it might also be spread out amongst a bunch of different players rather then one. It just seems more prevalent in DBD because in a since it's a 1v1 when interacting with the other side.

    Also BM =/= toxic. I would go as far to say that DBD isn't even that toxic at all. People that can't handle any sort of BM will always call it toxic. The actions preformed mid game (camping, tunneling, slugging, clicking, t bagging, notification spam) are not toxic and people need to be able to move on past that.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Playing nicely/"fairly" is fine but you should do it because you like doing it, not for survivor approval (you won't see much of that)

    Also don't restrict yourself too much. If you want to run weaker perks and not tunnel and not camp you should at least consider slugging when necessary. Some killers are barely playable without ever slugging.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    "playing fair" isn't really something to worry about. as long as you aren't hacking or exploiting a map issue you aren't doing anything wrong.

    there's nothing wrong with wanting to play nice, but my advice overall is to play in a way you wouldn't get angry about if you were on the receiving end. Essentially, play however you want, but don't be a hypocrite.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,343

    Because I play the way I do which is fairly "nice" as far as I know because it makes me have more fun. I also genuinely do not react to any of the "toxic" stuff like tbagging or whatever else at all, not saying that to be all superior I've just seen enough behavior similar to it in games throughout the years to not care.

    Play how you want. Just don't go down the "play for salt" route where making people mad becomes a more important goal than even winning or having fun, in my experience players like that inevitably turn into ticking timebombs that's a single taste of their own medicine away from going thermonuclear in post game chat and catching a ban for slurs.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    When you impose unnecessary standards on yourself that the rest of a given population are not required to match you create imbalance and wierd expectations.

    Play as hard as you need to in order to accomplish your objective, whether it's to win or have fun. If Survivors are taking that away from you practice to the point that they can't anymore.

  • skylerbound
    skylerbound Member Posts: 754

    I played yesterday, my preferred killers(Two are just m1 killers) and got back to back teams that made it impossible to play. Not in the "just improve x" skill but either pre-drop every pallet and hold forward on large maps OR greed every pallet, dh to either continue to greed or chain a loop. The ladder was a 4 man squad(confirmed by them) where every one of them knew every pallet on the map and their distancing.

    I nearly lost to a 4 man swf(also confirmed by them) that did not look behind them and pre-dropped every god pallet and held W on Erie as Trickster. There were still some pallets left but the fact that I got rid of a massive area just destroyed the team in the end with all the gens completed... 5 hooks total.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    I mean sure, you can say the ingame actions are not toxic. But the postgame chat is the most toxic I have ever seen in a video game, and consistently so. Same with the extremely toxic -reps I routinely receive. I got nasty messages on Xbox sometimes for other games but not nearly to the same degree as DBD

    I am not sure I have played another game where someone is hurling deathwishes within 3~ minutes of gameplay; except League

  • Stroggz
    Stroggz Member Posts: 502

    I play fair. 


  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137
    edited May 2022

    (Double posted)

    Post edited by Chusan on
  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137

    Hint. The dev themselves don't even play the game. They plays hockey.

    They are even playing hockey right now if you think they listen to their community feedback, you're wasting your time.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    Yep, this. Your problem is that you’re playing against good survivors who are using every advantage they have to win, but you’re not doing the same. It’s not surprising that you’re getting stomped. Start slugging, tunneling, camping because these are all legit and necessary strategies to get kills at higher levels.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Destroy them, then draw dongs on the last survivor

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,253

    People just have ego problems in this game.

  • Yankus
    Yankus Member Posts: 638

    I assure you that these new players spamming crouch at the exit gate and not even letting me hit them know about that. They just do it to be toxic.

  • QueenSaccharine
    QueenSaccharine Member Posts: 37

    Honestly, a lot of survivor mains are just straight up disgusting.

    The amount of times someone has t-bagged and flashlight clicked throughout the whole game only to then flip it around to "ggwp, you're so cute haha" in the endgame lobby is abhorrent. I once caught a swf cheating, and when I called them out on it, one of them said they had recorded a video of the match and would be willing to send it to me as evidence for a ticket. I agreed to add them on steam and discord, but it turns out he was lying and just wanted to flirt with me, told me I should become a survivor main because "the game is sooo survivor sided" (then why bother cheating?) and tried to convince me to play swf with him.

    The moment people click on my steam in the postgame and see that I'm a woman they immediately become super ######### creepy. It's for this exact reason I completely ignore the survivor rulebook for killers. If I need to tunnel someone out early to secure a win, I will. If it's endgame collapse and I need to camp to secure my last kill, I will. And I hate playing survivor now, honestly. Only ever do it for challenges/dailies/bp. I have very little respect for the average swf players.

    Obviously, there are plenty of chill survivor players out there. If people are playing relaxed, doing silly stuff to amuse themselves and/or the killer, they walk up to me and drop their item in surrender, etc., then yeah, I'll be merciful, play friendly and give hatch. It's fun to play nice with people who want to play nice in return. Hell, sometimes the other side are super strong, possibly competitive swfs that kick my ass and show me I have a lot still to learn, but don't bm or act creepy in the postgame chat. But matches like that are steadily becoming the rarity compared to obnoxious flashlight spammers and t-baggers.

    Don't feel bad for playing to win. Don't feel bad for using whatever means necessary to win. Because chances are, the other side would be much, much worse, given the opportunity.

  • DY86
    DY86 Member Posts: 570

    Ya you see, actions like that is why Survivors bully. U gotta get your head outta your a** bro. Its just a game, if u bully someone one day it gives the idea that it is ok for them to bully too. The result OP can tell you

  • Yankus
    Yankus Member Posts: 638

    He's not bullying? He's playing killer in an optimal way. Quit being a salty survivor.

  • RequiemLestat
    RequiemLestat Member Posts: 33

    @QueenSaccharine I can't F all about Survivor mains as the experience HAS to be a thousand times worse for a woman. Anything a woman does online in fact gets this treatment.

    I'm nowhere near a Christian, but I do follow do unto others.... I would despise it if a killer camped me out, or tunneled me at the start of the match. So I don't do it as a killer. I refuse to add to the feedback loop. All others just saying start playing unfair because they do. It doesn't solve anything. Just puts me as bad as them and continuing the cycle. Besides I have gotten ALOT of 4Ks playing the way I do. But get Seal Team Swf and you've no chance as a fair killer.

  • DY86
    DY86 Member Posts: 570
    edited May 2022

    And so are the SWF lol if everybody had fairplay spirit no one would complain and yet here we are

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Okay, but why do you care about what survivors think, or how they feel, exactly? That is the issue I am not understanding.

  • RequiemLestat
    RequiemLestat Member Posts: 33

    @ThiccBudhha I don't. I really truly don't. The cussing out part was only one of the gripes. End game chat is always toxic. Either survivors quit out after you say GG because they're salty, or you've somehow exploited something because you dained to get a kill on them and how dare you. Just the chat the other day got to me because I was called the trash player because I got a 1k, though I played magnanimously. You have to admit, there is an overriding sense of futlity to it when 4 gens pop after your first hook. A good survivor team can trounce any skilled killer. There's a major balancing issue.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 520

    Don't play fair for others sake. For me i don't like to tunnel/camp to challenge myself.

    Tunneling makes the game too easy for that i avoid it.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    Actually, Ultima Online wasn't the first. Even if we ignore the pre-graphical games (MUDs) there were many other games including PvP before (Of all types, MMORPG included) and being sometimes nasty was part of the deal. What UO had, beside an insanely bad technical design, was true freedom. The PK city built in the swamp was, to this day, unique. It was a lot of fun. I wouldn't call that griefing : it was only the closest thing you could get to a real RPG.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited May 2022

    hitting the ctrl key is "toxic" in this game,...

    corpse camping and griefing were much worse in the old days than "clicking a flashlight" I dont even consider the stuff in this game real toxic,... "oh no he teabagged me at the gate" Ganking noobs all day at Crossroads was real toxic. LOL

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566

    who the F even told you to play fair?

    They finished all the gens quite early and cleansed my totems mid game, I got at least 3 stacks of NWO, but NOED was all I needed to win the endgame.

  • Furgoe
    Furgoe Member Posts: 18

    Become a basement bubba or something equally toxic, play survivor, or move onto another game. those are the only real options.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,611

    Perhaps the reason why you're remembering so much toxicity is because you played toxic? I didn't and there was far less toxicity in all three games mentioned so far (UO, SB, and WoW) than there is in DbD today.

    Part of that is because the devs of those games discouraged toxicity. Didn't like the possibility of being ganked? Play Trammel (UO) or on a PvE server (WoW). The possibility was always there for SB but you needed a city to advance and get decent gear. Getting banned or baned (which meant your city was lost) was the repercussion and, besides, many of the devoted gankers (defined as almost always targeting lower levels) weren't even that good at PvP to begin with so they were easier to deal with.

    The devs here have a very relaxed attitude to smacktalk and teabagging which I find problematic. Do you give people irl the middle finger? No? Then don't do it to another person. In reference to the other games, I liked the gankers, theives, etc being around because they added a sense of danger to the game and I consented to that when I chose a PvP server. I haven't consented to being teabagged or harassed in chat in DbD and, unless it's a death threat, the devs aren't interested in it.

    This game is worse and it's from the dev's choice to not speak against it. In SB, you could retaliate. In WoW or UO, you could pick a different server or contact a mod. In DbD, you can complain about it on the forum or ignore it and the devs can't be bothered to say they would like better sportsmanship. That difference is part of why this community has more toxicity than the others mentioned above.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    I mean, if they aren't doing gens, then it's just practice opportunity