Is there any SERIOUS Sadako main out there?



  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,131

    Sadako has issues, and I love Tofu, but his Sadako opinions are among the worst out there. He wrote her off immediately. There are a number of other streamers out there who use her to great effect.

    She is terrible at looping, which can (and hopefully will) be fixed, but many of the old player set for whom looping is absolutely central to their fun are just going to hate her.

    I also have some hope that recent changes (hemorrhage buff and CoH mini nerf) are signaling an effort to revive the hit and run playstyle, which would benefit her immensely. A few tweaks and she could be really strong, if those changes come, I will certainly add her to my regular 3-4 killer rotation.

    Those who say she's the worst killer are nuts. Even in her current state, I still have 6-8 killers below her.