Welp, It happened.
I am now a Ghost Face main.
Unless Sadako ever gets buffs 🥴
Important follow up question: which cosmetic will you be maining as well?
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My condolences.
Jk I play weaker killers myself and sometimes have fun with it. Recently started playing gf too and memeing around.
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I'm only using his base cosmetic for now, I... Can't afford to pay for them at the moment lol. Very recent convert
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Tbh, I've been having a lot of success with him recently. He's weaker, but I don't feel like he's the absolute weakest as I previously did. With certain builds he's actually not too awful, but he's still not beating a really good SWF
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That's why I play Doc I love his laugh and he can be really fun to play. But I can't seem to play trapper....he's just way too weak to play for fun. Now Hag with shackles and severd ear is a fun combo lmao
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I was in a way still a GF main but he to hard to play now with no power now.
btw I main classic GF.
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Unironically love playing trapper. Also used to be a hag main, maybe there is a connection there 🤔
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Ghost Face is a lot of fun; both for standard gameplay...and games no player in the match takes 100% seriously and you wind up having a buttdance-off with the survivors for a few minutes before going back to semi-normal play lol even got a snoot-boop as Ghost Face once UwU that was a good match lol
My personal comfort map for him is anything Macmillan, I can get especially sneaky stalking on Coal Tower lol
I know you mentioned not being able to get cosmetics yet, but are there any that catch your eye to get first? (I personally needed the Scorched/Blighted one when I first locked eyes on it)
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What's fun with hag and CoH.....find the Boon and don't snuff it. Use the shackles addon and trap the boon area in locations that survivors would go to hide and heal.
Then wait and watch their reactions when their safe area isn't safe lmao.
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That is wickedness and you are a skallywag, sir! I love it!!
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I just had a match that ended in a squat-off. I call a squatty party 🥳
Csmetics wise, I'd really like to get the Viper ghost skin! The face mask is awesome, I also really like the scorched ghost face skin (just like most of the blighted costumes). But if I was going to only buy two, I'd probably main the classic ghost skin
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Ok...I am officially calling it a Squatty Party now rofl that is the best name
The Viper Skin is gorgeous, I can definitely agree with that one (and that nerfarious scary grin), and the Classic as well, that's what I am wearing on mine currently!
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He's very fun up until you go against sweaty meta slaves
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Well same goes for every m1 killer I guess.
There is just a line where games become outright impossible and it is not neccessarily just perks. It is tiles and how restricted you are in chase.
You just have to break a lot of safe pallets/force entity window blocks and waste time while gens pop.
Or you never commit to chases if every survivor runs to the strongest tiles, which yields the similar results really. I mean you have to commit to a chase sometime.
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Hey when CoH ruined hit and run tactics I had to evolve to match the changes. I personally like CoH in it's current form, +50% boost is fine just now they need to work on the snuff aspect giving Killers a choice to snuff or break tbh.
Besides who doesn't like a nice "back rub" from Grandma.
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Hey when I play as Demo Puppy I like playing semi seriously and love head pats. That will definitely give you a free pass to escape, just ignore the bloody claws that is just....Strawberry Jam...yes that's it Strawberry Jam.
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Same, actually one of my favorite matches as Survivor was against a semi-serious Demogorgon! I tried to hide in one of the 90 degree outside corners of a house on Badham I just vaulted the window of...and unsurprisingly he found me, I wasn't that well hid, an "A for effort" kind of attempt lol
He opened his maw ready to shred, and I gave him a boop... he nodded excitedly, shredded me, and left. My Discord friend and I were running a Plunderer's/Appraisal build, so we magpie'd a bunch of things and placed it outside the front of the preschool. I happened to spot him in the Boiler room via the big hole in the floor, and motioned him to come see, and he loved it, did a happy dance. We played normally and everyone escaped, and I stayed behind and sacrificed myself on the magpie pile during EGC; he was a good demopupper and deserved it <3 since then I vowed to have more fun and play around a bit more when I queue as Demo.
Absolutely, I have it on good authority Demogorgons love 3 Musketeers candy bars, Strawberry Jam, and...Barb-B-Que...hahaha..ha ha...I'll show myself out now lol
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That's great because ghostie has been getting a lot of hate lately. He's definitely underrated you just have to play him, ya know, in a more stealthy way instead of just being shrouded in the middle of a field.
Very unpopular opinion but I actually love his new chase music, I hope they don't change it too much.
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I can't seem to mark anyone with GhostFace, anymore - I always get insta-broken out of Shroud even from behind corners, other side of walls, etc.
Used to do really well with them :(
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I actually don't hate the music either, it's appropriately intense for his theme imo.
And I agree, you have to be very deliberate on where you chose to mark people, because of you don't account for los blockers (or the lack thereof) you will have a difficult time with new GF. I just get a kick out of catching someone off gaurd with a stock and having the look around for me, only to waste time and get cut off before a pallet or vault is reached
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It's hard, I think in maps with very open spaces like new Haddonfield, he is just tough especially since it appears you can be viewed through glass and windows.
But I have to say, compared to playing a stealth killer like Wraith or even Onryo, I feel like I actually have a power when playing him. I can use it to better effect then just hoping to catch someone off-gaurd, you actually have to somewhat respect stalk with how long you can be exposed and the fact you can't reveal him while exposed
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Before the latest patch, I was able to stalk at least 4 survivors per game.
My last few games have had zero.
I could just be bad/rusty, now, but I feel like he is way worse than before, in terms of the reveal mechanic (which is the counter to his power - I feel like I am playing without a power in most of my matches).
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You do take into account the reveal change right? That it doesn't instantly reset when hiding behind cover?
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Yeah - I've literally been revealed by hooked/downed/hiding survivors from behind walls...no way to even attempt a reset.