Something happened to the MMR - Question for the Devs

I don't know about you, but this week my killer match making is not working as intended.
As I've already mentioned in other threads, I've been playing as a killer very relaxed for quite some years because I don't wanna sweat to win. I want chilled casual games. Since I don't care about the count of kills, I hardly ever camp or tunnel. I think having a good match with exciting chases is the real win for me.
When MM was still based on the old ranks, I preferred to play in the green and purple ranks because I simply had the best matches there. Relaxed survivor and less toxicity. So with the new MMR I made sure not to kill more than 2 survivors. This has worked quite well for me so far. My opponents weren't noobs, but they weren't hardcore Chuck Norris-Death-Squads either. They were somewhere in between. Gens are always made quick, but at least I always have the chance to get 1-2 kills in a relaxed way (without camping, tunneling and extreme gen defense).
What has changed now? Well, I've only had to play against the A-Team for the last few days. People who just seem to want to break their gen rush record. Some were very toxic and they definitely knew what they were doing. They always played with the best perks and I had some 3-4 SWFs. I thought the first 5 matches would be no problem, there will be chilled rounds again. I haven't gotten more than one kill in 20 matches now. It also doesn't matter if I play killers that I'm very good or very bad with. These people I can only beat when I specifically camp and tunnel and also play the strongest add ons and perks. But I refuse to do that.
Btw my Solo Q experience still hasn't changed. I can survive 10 matches in a row and still get matched with unexperienced survivors.
So my question to the devs would be if the MMR for killers is still kill based and am I just unlucky?
Have you had similar experiences?
Yeah, that definitely sounds weird. You play the same way I do, so it would really suck if MMR has somehow changed.
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I've had a somewhat similar experience, although in my case, it goes both ways. I can't seem to get good enough survivors with Pig not to let me 3k at the end after sweating my balls off, while with Nemesis, I'm on a 27 loss streak (2 kills) despite giving it my best with the meta perks, albeit not tunneling. Knowing BHVR's spaghetti code, I would honestly be not surprised if there is some hidden flaw in the system that makes your rating stuck at one certain point and then it won't budge.
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2k is not considered losing in MMR. That's considered a tie, so you really wouldn't move up or down in MMR with 2ks consistently.
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I've definitely been matched against weaker killers than normal. I normally play in a no-comms duo and we had 5 straight 4 escapes a couple nights ago. Some of the killers had around 200 hrs and we have over 6k combined between the two of us.
I haven't played killer as much because I'm bored. Did one Pinhead game last night and it was a 4k at 4 gens remaining.
I hate the direction they went with the MMR changes
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It’s been pretty clear for a long time that SBMM doesn’t work, especially during peak times (evenings in my US eastern time zone) when there is a large deficit of killer players in the pool. This is the time of day when there is the largest proportion of sweaty SWF teams like the ones you’ve been going against. The SBMM system won’t make them wait a long time to get matched with a killer within their MMR range - it will just grab the next available killer regardless of MMR. This theoretically means you should also get matched against potatoes occasionally, but sounds like you’ve have a bad run of luck only getting pro-level opponents
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I meant 2 kills in total, during my 27 games.
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Im glad to hear. I like it when people don't take the game too seriously. I mean, I don't farm with the survivors, but sometimes I play very fair and I like to let people escape here and there. Im also happy if everyone is having a nice match. For me, DBD is not an esport game and never will be. Nevertheless, it doesn't bother me when people tryhard for the win, but personally I don't want that anymore.
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Yeah, I also have a suspicion that it's not working as intended.
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NA East gets really bad and the problem compounds itself in both directions. More average killers get overmatched and top killers get undermatched against easy opponents because they're next in line.
You end up in a situation where nobody on either end of the spectrum is being matched accurately. I think it was a mistake to do away with bi-directional matchmaking altogether. At least enable it for those at or near the caps.
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Maybe the MMR works in the opposite direction? Maybe I'll get easier groups if I do 4ks for the next 10 rounds? Actually I should try it. For science! 😂
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Yeah, that's a problem.
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They wrote that they lowered the soft cap to bring more variety in the high ranks.
That means that better players get more different killers who can obviously be lower than the high(est) mmr.
Sounds like you are one of those lucky killers.
But also - the system just doesn´t work very good practical (theoretical it might be superb).
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I also believe the MMR has changed either intentional or bug, as Survivor I get paired with some very bad Survivors, Im not that good myself but Ive been paired consistently with people who cant last more than 20 seconds in a chase even against mediocre Killers. As Killer its similar, I get 1 very bad Survivor, 1 good one, 1 average and the last one is a wildcard. Im on Steam and I can check playtime, Ive been playing with and against people between 200 hours and 3000 while I have close to 2000, makes no sense.
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It's a complete crap shoot unfortunately. Time of day and server population is more of a factor than your actual MMR. I get much tougher killer games on weekend afternoons vs peak NA hours.
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Yes, that's how it is with me in Europe too. I also never played Killer at peak times because of the problem you described. But this week it didn't matter what time I play. I always got the same groups. Maybe I'm really on a bad luck streak.
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Well haven't tried killer today or this week but I have this problem as Surv... 3-4 days in a row only sweatiest of the sweatiest killers in my games. Don't get me wrong I'm happy to get a challenge but it's getting tired to have the "killer experience" as a surv especially if you quitted killer for this reason
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Yes, same to me and that actually surprises me. There are a lot more players at the weekend than during the week. Accordingly, I should have a better chance of getting people with my MMR.
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Do you play Solo Q or SWF? That makes a difference for me. In the Solo Q I mostly have inexperienced teammates as well as killers. In my SWF, the killers are average to very good.
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The problem with the MMR system is they still won't tell us exactly how it works. Like what is the maximum range it matches you with? What exactly is the MMR cap? It'd be nice to know all of these things.
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I play solo only and never had an issue with it. But the past days were horrible. Teammates are to cocky and killer stomps everyone in the end.
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Yuuuup. I main GF and more often than not I get SWF so sweaty my tv leaks. But when I play survivor I keep getting paired w/ lvl 8 Bills or DCs Dwights. Its getting annoying
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This implies that MMR ever worked to begin with
Which it didn't, at all, it was and still is inconsistent at best, entirely random at worst
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First match of the day and I've got these pretty nice guys. Normally, when I saw toxic and homophobic names, I would have dodged the lobby, but I've been waiting for about 10 minutes. So I decided to embrace the fun experience. The match took place on the Clown Map. I found all 4 survivors at the shack and was greeted warmly by them with teabags. I quickly got Steve on the hook because he made a mistake and wasn't expecting Bamboozle. As soon as I got off the hook, he was unhooked and I turned back. I wanted to chase the unhooker, but Steve blocked me once with BT and a second time because of DS. I took the DS and tunneled Steve out of the game. After that, I hooked clicky Ace and camped him into the second stage. Thanks to their altruism, I somehow managed to win this match. I mean it wasn't a Chuck Norris team, but at least these people knew what gens are good for and how to run in circles and how to connect maze tiles. Definitely good enough to stomp M1 killers like Myers if they dont play with strong add ons.
Actually I shouldn't play against these people because my MMR is pretty low. With Myers I lose most of my matches (0-2 kills). So I'm still wondering what's wrong with MMR?