Something happened to the MMR - Question for the Devs

Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,035

I don't know about you, but this week my killer match making is not working as intended.

As I've already mentioned in other threads, I've been playing as a killer very relaxed for quite some years because I don't wanna sweat to win. I want chilled casual games. Since I don't care about the count of kills, I hardly ever camp or tunnel. I think having a good match with exciting chases is the real win for me.

When MM was still based on the old ranks, I preferred to play in the green and purple ranks because I simply had the best matches there. Relaxed survivor and less toxicity. So with the new MMR I made sure not to kill more than 2 survivors. This has worked quite well for me so far. My opponents weren't noobs, but they weren't hardcore Chuck Norris-Death-Squads either. They were somewhere in between. Gens are always made quick, but at least I always have the chance to get 1-2 kills in a relaxed way (without camping, tunneling and extreme gen defense).

What has changed now? Well, I've only had to play against the A-Team for the last few days. People who just seem to want to break their gen rush record. Some were very toxic and they definitely knew what they were doing. They always played with the best perks and I had some 3-4 SWFs. I thought the first 5 matches would be no problem, there will be chilled rounds again. I haven't gotten more than one kill in 20 matches now. It also doesn't matter if I play killers that I'm very good or very bad with. These people I can only beat when I specifically camp and tunnel and also play the strongest add ons and perks. But I refuse to do that.

Btw my Solo Q experience still hasn't changed. I can survive 10 matches in a row and still get matched with unexperienced survivors.

So my question to the devs would be if the MMR for killers is still kill based and am I just unlucky?

Have you had similar experiences?
