Cosmetic ideas post yours

Color capes for all Survivors with Dead Hard Symbol on the back
Dev skins. I love these guys and gals. I want to be a dev. Then watch them get sacrificed lol.
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Granny as a legendary skin for trapper, like she literally uses bear traps it would work.
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Everyone gets a basic hoodie that has a toggle for flipping up and down with bandages on the knuckles. Then I can use it with Meg to become a true Legion survivor.
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Robert Englund Freddy with voice lines.
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Always wanted a young jake skin
We have old man jake I wanna see what late teens jake looked like
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Cyberpunk oni, with new sound effects
Angry boi needs them neon threads
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If there's any Diablo enjoyer here, imagine a skin for Oni as The Butcher.
All fun and games until you hear that FRESH MEAT and that beast charging at you
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Drippy Ichigo approves
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DBD has a multiverse so give us multiverse skins like evil Yui from the cinematic.
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I was honestly expecting that to be her rift skin. To say that I was disappointed isn't enough.