Evil Dead The Game Comes Out Tomorrow

Will BHvR lose Ash Williams because of this?
Thanks for letting me know.
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I doubt it
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It's possible but it seems like Netflix is the only one trying to run their business into the ground currently so it's hard to say if Netflix pulling the license is because Netflix has no idea what the hell they're doing or if that's a pattern we should expect from other companies (with Ash and Leatherface getting their own separate games)
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I hope BHVR loses all the liscences. They don't deserve it the way they handle their game.
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At least someone see's this company for what it truly is.
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Doesn't it come out on the 13th not the 12th?
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It does.
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Yeah you guys are very unique and special. You're not two among many who spend their time visiting forums of games they hate because they have nothing better to do with their time.
Post edited by brokedownpalace on18 -
BHVR also got the licence to the Netflix show iirc so who knows it could go too 🕳️👩🏻🦯
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Nah they won’t. Licenses can be given out the multiple properties without issues afaik
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Can't wait for this game too. The trailer looks really great like a real horror game unlike this lol
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it'll be interesting to see how this plays out. Given that Evil Dead game is direct competition to DBD, it would make more sense to revoke the licence than stranger things, who make a bunch of ######### mobile games nobody cares about.
It'll also say a lot about Netflix and their decision if Evil Dead and Leatherface licences remain untouched.
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Here's hoping it will sink DBD and the devs can look for a new job. I recommend garbage collecting, they have accumulated a lot of experience with thrash systems in the past 6 years.
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Good for her.
Also wrong Forum Section.
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I would imagine if that was going to happen it would have already.
Also probably not because only Netflix is that dumb and overvalued itself that highly the rest probably know it's a good deal for them.
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Big problem is they took the epic deal. Ya console players dont care, yes there are a good amount of people using the epic store. But there is a large entrenched group of people who despise epic for very reasonably bad practises. Espicially with this being a multiplayer title keeping your player cpunt as high as possible and keepimg queue times close to non existent is essential.
Since at amy stage whilst queued amd waiting the thought of huh this is taling a little while longer maube I'll boot up apex,hunt, (insert game here) instead. I love the look of evil dead but if I'm being honest i dont like epic i refuse to support them. I have nothing against someone who does and i hope the dev team get enough support but let me reiterate multiplayer titles live and die on there playerbases.
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no why would they? its literally free income. If anything it would be smart to do more collabs. Plus we dont even know if the game is gonna be a flop yet. I dont have high hopes but im optimistic.
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God I love this comment lmao
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I personally don't understand the whole 'will x be the death of DBD?'
No developer makes a game with that idea in their mind. It's like with VHS, all people ever did was talk about this rivalry that only existed amongst the fans while the developers were bantering with each other on Twitter.
Each new asymmetrical game will develop their own reputation and hopefully stand on their own two feet.
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I remember reading that Bruce Campbell owns the rights to Ash Williams, apparently was part of his payment terms way back when with ED. If true then it’s another income stream for him so I can’t see him taking Ash out of DBD. It’s not like his inclusion in this game will make or break the ED game. If Ash were as popular as Feng then maybe.
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Ash vs Evil Dead was never a Netflix show. It was originally broadcast weekly on Starz from 2015-2017 and was done by Starz. Which was even how I originally watched it.
Netflix just got the rights from Starz to broadcast it after the fact.
Yeah, Evil Dead: The Game won't kill DbD. I honestly doubt it will dent it. It is an asymmetrical game, yes, but plays entirely different. This goes back to the whole Valorant will kill Overwatch because they were both shooters with heroes with albitites. Two different game styles with a different target audience.
I'll be playing Evil Dead more than DbD simply because after being in the beta, I prefer the gameplay style of Evil Dead over the game play style of DbD. But I freely admit I was not the target audience for DbD. I find survivor here boring (I preferred counselor in FF13, where I could at least attempt to fight back), and never cared too much for having to hook people regardless of Killer.
It's all the same reason VHS is also on my radar.
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In which case I stand corrected. Never watched the show and I've only ever seen it on Netflix
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It's a great show, you should watch it
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It's an easy mistake for people to make, trust me I know. With Netflix being more widely known for their originals nowadays and less for their licensed shows, I fully understand the assumption.
I always have it on in the background while reading in bed at night. Love the show. But I also grew-up on Evil Dead. I was around 9 when the original film came out in 1981 (I originally said 10 in another thread, but thought it came out in 1982, not 1981).
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If the Evil Dead license holders wanted DbD to lose the Ash license over the Evil Dead video game they probably would have yanked it a while ago like Netflix did with Stranger Things.
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Weirdly enough, I only just recently saw ED1 and 2.
I loved Army of Darkness growing up and I went through Ash v Evil Dead as it was coming out. It was only last year that I finally saw the original two movies.
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Aaaaand this is why the devs don't check these forums.
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Mad cuz bad
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ED 1 & 2 are a weird thing. They "kind of" redid ED 1 in the beginning of ED 2 and made it just Ash and Linda that went to the cabin. But in Ash vs Evil Dead, it was all of them as per the first film.
It seems there was a rights issue with the first film when making the second: "The reason for the retcon at the beginning of the movie was explained by Campbell in a clip from the special features of Evil Dead 2 (via Den of Geek), where he revealed that Raimi didn’t own the rights to his own movie, so they had to shoot a recap with different actors, which ended up becoming a different story." (Link: Why Evil Dead 2 Retcons The Original 1981 Movie | Screen Rant).
I understand they were in a similar rights boat with the show, which was why Army of Darkness was never really mentioned or shown in the flashback sequences.
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Deluxe Edition installed on PS5
Will be funzo
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The show just kind of ignored most of the movies. The pieces were there (Ash and his chainsaw, the evil dead/deadittes, the book, etc) but I feel like you could have seen absolutely nothing of Evil Dead and figured it all out.
I'd still recommend watching everything (though I did not see the remade movie, did you? Is it any good?) still. All 3 movies and the show are great and I'm really hoping the new game will also be great as I love me some Evil Dead and I love me my asymmetrical multiplayer vidja games.
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I hope it is good.
But ED game is no direct competition to DbD - at least from the stuff i saw until now.
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I remember watching the commentary for Army of Darkness directors cut version where Bruce and Sam talk about the rights issues which is why different woman played the girlfriend in each movie but also said "Evil Dead 2 is its own movie, Ash is THAT dumb to return to the same cabin and read the book again." 😂
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Oh wow didn’t know about that, looks really good. Like how if you play as the demon you don’t really get into direct combat, you just control things around you.
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Yep. You can possess cars and trees, set traps in chests and jump scare traps, can spawn and possess Deadites for direct combat (including your chosen Boss Demon and the two Elites), and once their fear meter is high enough can possess the player-character survivors as well for a short time. Survivors meanwhile have a multi-phase objective: Find the map pieces, then find the Necronomicon pages and the Kandarian Dagger, then battle the Dark Ones in a major boss fight, then claim the Necronomicon.
Once the Dark Ones battle phase start, any survivors that go down cannot be brought back to their feet, they're out.
While doing that, survivors also want to loot chests for weapons, things like the Pink F drink, sodas, and matchsticks (to make campfires to reduce fear), and other goodies.
The show also did a good job of using flashback images from the movies as Ash was telling Pablo his past and such to catch viewers up.
I have not seen the 2013 remake yet, though it apparently takes place in the Ash universe, as he appears briefly in the end. They'd also planned an Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness 2 at one point to set-up a crossover between Ash and Mia, but the remake sequel never came to be (the director had his major success, Don't Breathe, during that period) and they went with the TV show for Ash instead.
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Have to wait for steam release feels bad.
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They truly are unsung heros.
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This content has been removed.
Because I prefer to watch shows that are actually good.
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Big surprise, but the game is basically not even a competitor to DBD. I wasn't expecting much, but I didn't expect it to feel like that big of a cash grab.
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Seems pretty good I wouldprefer maybe mannequins instead of bunnies but whatever.
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yeah I agree bigly. DBD is just a cash grab at this point with all the bugs, lack of QoL, spamming new killers/survivors that are bugged, and mtx.
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Doesn't matter if they do. Just like REsistance and probably the new Texas Chainsaw game people will rather play that when they want to play Ash Williams. When people want to play as Nemesis then play REsistance. When people wanna play Leather face just play this new Texas Chainsaw game. When people wanna play the inevitable Jason, just play F13. If you wanna play DBD then you'll just play DBD. It won't have anything to do with those licenses anymore since better versions of them are being and have been made already. DBD just waters them down. I get it but like I said if people are looking to specifically play that license or character they'll insteas play those other games.
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For killer players who love setting traps and getting the jump on people its a dream game. Only other game that comes close is Resident Evil Resistance.