Mine, and yours, Top 3 annoying/weird, but harmless thing in DBD

AS the title says, for me it is:
- Playing as Pinhead at the Wild Wild West.... it always fells out of place and annoys me.
- Playing as Deathslinger at The Game... unless you have the devil outfit, otherwise, its weird and out of place
- Being caught and be able to escape alone and basically unharmed from a freaking BEAR TRAP.
The fact that Freddy doesn’t talk or have facial animations
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I'm annoyed that so few killers have unique animations for destroying pallets and regressing generators.
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When you mouse over different survivors or killers, UI elements slightly change alignment
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1.) No map selection (outside of the add-ons) or map rotation ability
2.) Not enough outfits for Bill
3.) Not enough outfits/mask options for Michael Meyers
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1) The ********* filter
2) The profanity ******
3) *** profanity filter
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1.) The fact that you can fall two stories onto solid concrete without breaking your legs.
2.) The way that Feng sounds like she's a squeaky toy that just sucked on a helium balloon.
3.) Myers' stun noise.
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1) Freddy has none of his quips, i know we have the rework version but i would love to hear some of original Freddy's quips
2) The Profanity Filter existing despite the fact that this game involves a metric ######### ton of murder and blood
3) Dead Hard somehow making you immune to bear traps among everything else that DH makes you immune to for no reason
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No boob physics for all female characters, currently only 3 feature them: Kate, Jane and Spirit. Where is my Megs bouncy sweater puppies, Feng Min's jiggly bits, Claudett's bounding boobage or even Yui's... um... P-Plague's viral vibrations?
Also, how come the guys all seem to be Castrato's and feature no Flailing phalluses, or at the least have some kind of bountiful bulges betwixt their britches?
Sooo irritating!
Post edited by TWiXT on9 -
What substance did you take that let you write something so Shakespearean and cursed at the same time?
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The same I did when I defended Blights lower than avg pov back in the day before they "fixed" him:
sigh... good times!
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- Running into small looking reeds on Yamaoka and getting stuck like they're made of adamantium
- Victor dying because he leaps and ends up standing on top of a dropped pallet. I guess he's allergic to plywood?
- My favorite way to play Meyers is using Scratched Mirror (which makes Meyers permanently Evil 1 but with aura reading), but if I do I can't complete his daily mission so I have to do other add-ons first if I want to get the mission done. 😕 Likewise when I want to play Hag using Waterlogged Shoe (the red add-on that makes Hag a 4.6 m/s killer with traps that Hinder survivors -9%, but she can't teleport), I can't do her daily mission because it requires hitting after a teleport. (Waterlogged Shoe is actually surprisingly fun to use, it's not the best add-on obviously but survivors never expect it so it ends up working ok. 😄)
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I regret reading that Blight post, Jesus man, you're really gonna waste your talent to create disturbing paragraphs like that?
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That Claire Redfield is just a skin and not her own character, that Jill Valentine barely has cosmetics, that feng, Claud, nea and huntress are so overplayed. I’ll give one more when your trying to be nice as killer by farming or memeing around and they still rush the gens like it’s 1999
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Nemesis zombies moonwalking in the corner of the map for the entire match, or getting stuck on literally anything. Or forgetting someone was there within 2 seconds. Sometimes they display the ability to track info for a long duration, but most of the time they have the attention span of a fruit fly. If they had better pathing and their ai worked consistently they'd be my favorite passive ability in the game... actually they already are, despite all their flaws I really like them. But they could be so much better!
Trickster knives just disappearing if you don't hit enough to damage someone. Like, do they just disappear? Do injuries that don't reach a certain threshold just magically disappear in the entity's realm? People should at least have to take a second to remove the knives/shards of broken knives. Also main event should stay charged until you want to use it, I know they let you hold it longer but still
I think someone else mentioned it but, Victor dying if he's 1 inch off the ground on any object. Honestly, I think it would make him a lot more interesting if he could get on top of things as long as you keep controlling him, and he should only die if you leave him on top of something. Twins are kinda garbage anyways, they should at least have something that makes them bearable to play
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I'll dictate to you good sir what's disturbing: A game that can't have a little fun with itself.
wow that got too real, but never regret anything that makes you laugh, or cheers you up! If my Blight post didn't do that than I wonder, did I fail you, or did you just fail to get it?
Lighten up my dude, have some fun, not everything is super serious all the time.
As for my "talent" being wasted, if you really want to know what I consider my greatest contributions to the community are... well while they won't be as playful as this and the blight post, they are long and thoroughly thought out reads. Respond if you want them, but like I said, while they won't have the same whimsical fervor, they are good reads imo. Honestly I rarely get in this kind of mood, and I don't want to waste it.
Onryo is, after all, Blights successor (as far as the PoV Goes), and you know what that means? She's got some fine asses to brand! Expect that post hopefully today!
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You do you man, I don't know why you talk like a GTA character, but if that makes you write better then whatever.
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While I may be ineloquent, I hardly see the similarity between me and a "GTA Character", but that may only be subsequently due to my only experience with the brand, which is GTA 5, and thus the rest of them are unknown territory or inexperience of my experiences. Is there a GTA character that talks like I do, and with such verbose gusto? If so, I'd like to become acquainted.
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3- Most of the tomes and lore writting. There are the mistakes, sentences that are dumb or make no real sense, some cheesy stuff, also a bunch of stupid information that doesn't really add in any good way.
2- Jeff not having an artist skin.
1- above everything else: Barefoot skins in the swamp maps. Jake and Dwight, I see and hear your footsteps at those puddles and I find it absolutely DISGUSTING to think about it.