I want to get back into DBD. Should I?

I stopped playing DBD because of some horrible toxic players ruining my time. It's been 3 years since I stopped but I would like to try it again with my friend who loves the game. When I was doing some research on the game, I was seeing so much negative stuff about this game. So much so that I almost feel like it would be a waste of time to play it again. I do want to try to like it again, but with all this negativity surrounding this game I am unsure. I was hoping others who play right now could give their opinion on if this game is worth getting back into or of its a lost cause and waste of time.
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"Gee I can't wait until I get back into DBD!"
To be a little less snarky, if toxicity is what made you quit in the first place, this game has not gotten any better and is (probably) far worse in that regards (I have only been playing for two years while you've said it was three years ago that you stopped playing).
The game has become such a mess that everyone is basically a jerk to everyone. Survivors are jerks to killers. Killers are jerks to survivors. Survivors are jerks to survivors.
Now granted, this isn't EVERY single game and if you're playing with friends, that would in theory help. But if toxicity is what drove you away, I'd stay away.
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It’s an online pvp game - and asymmetric. It’s bound to have toxic people and negativity as humans are just sadly like that. But there is plenty of great matches still, the aesthetics, music, atmosphere (besides the fog itself) are great, the killer powers and diversity are interesting in most cases and make chases - if both sides are on fair skill level towards eachother - very fun.
sadly, matchmaking and general gamebalance for high (and low) skill players are an actual problem.
in the end, only you can decide if the positive outweigh the negative for you. For me, it definitely does, though that’s mainly because I am playing not alone and even if playing killer side I have someone who does the same and we are still kinda ‚playing together‘. If I would have to play this game on my own only with randoms even i would have quit by now.
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I mean just give it a try. Toxicity is still there and ever will be. Higher MMR = more sweat. If it is still annoying to u, just change the game.
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This is the kind of game where having freedom means being skilled enough to take agency away from the other team.
If that sounds as toxic as you remember it, that's because you'd be right.
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No. I really advise people to stay away from this toxic mess. I try so hard to do my part and play as fair as possible but there are just too many survivors who play just to insult and bully killers.
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I'd advice you give a try, then take your own conclusions. The community is the same tho.
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SBMM, cheaters, bugs, bad optimization, stale meta, camping and tunneling, toxic community, if you are ready to deal with everything i mentioned, enjoy
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At the very least, see what the sixth anniversary has to offer. If they don’t really surprise us, then don’t bother.
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NO, be aware of the news if you want, but DONT.
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Killer: No.
SoloQ: No.
SWF: Maybe.
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This but if you play nurse/blight you're fine too.
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Pretty much this.
Solo queue, don't even think about it.
Killer, if you're into sweaty tunnelling tryharding and that satisfies you, maybe. Otherwise no.
SWF: If you happen to have 3 competent sweaty friends, then your chances to have fun dramatically improve.
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I love how everyone agrees that the game is toxic.
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Yeah, you should.
But, like a lot of people here are saying, the toxicity is probably worse than it was. It hasn't helped that Dead Hard got a bugfix that essentially serves as a buff, so every survivor (EVERY survivor) runs it, and I'm starting to get annoyed by it even though I used to make fun of people who complained about it (as an M1 killer addict, I've learned to have some patience, but every survivor having an extra health state in all circumstances is a bit much).
We did get some much-needed killer buffs recently (Ghostie and Legion, two of my favorites even before the buffs, are now worlds stronger), but the latest killer's strength was probably overestimated before release and still has too many restrictions on her power despite a buff, and it's going to be several months before they do anything.
We got a new survivor perk, Circle of Healing, that allows any survivor to bless a totem that allows every survivor free infinite self-care AND a speed boost to all healing actions, and it can be spammed infinitely as long as survivor in question is alive. Needless to say, it's wrecked the balance of the game, and it's been ostensibly nerfed twice, but the nerf we wanted was "don't let survivors spam this infinitely all game every game", and the "nerf" we got was "maybe 90% healing boost was too much, and we'll just bump it down to 40% but let it stay infinitely usable with no drawbacks".
Thanks to CoH and DH, it's now a necessity to tunnel a survivor out of every match if you want a chance at winning, and it's going to be that way until CoH isn't spammable and DH has a drawback, but the game's still fun if you're willing to play mean. (Sometimes I play nice or run a chill build, and I always end up regretting it.)
Some here will say that it's all a conspiracy by BHVR to pander to survivors more than killers so they can make more money since there are theoretically four times as many survivors as killers, but that's crap. They just don't think things through sometimes.
They say that cheaters are rampant. I've never seen any of the bots as a survivor, but that's probably because bots instawin all games, and I'm not in high enough MMR as survivor to run across something like that. I've only rarely seen blatant cheaters as a killer, but I've had my suspicions about some teams (good cheaters are stealthy).
Despite all that... yeah, you should. The game is still evolving and the playerbase whines too much. The game is a lot of fun, and they'll get around ironing out the more annoying issues... eventually. In the meantime, you will still have fun as a killer main if you're willing to play the meta even if it doesn't make the survivors happy (and it won't). As a survivor, you're in a great period right now, and you should enjoy DH and CoH while they last.
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Oh, and killers have gotten some good perks lately (Hex: Pentimento and Call of Brine), but which work better in combos and better on some killers than others, and I don't think people have gotten around to learning to use them effectively yet.
Legion with Ruin, Undying, Thana, and Pentimento is mean as #########. Brine is even better than Ruin/Undying when combined with Pop, but only on high-mobility killers like Sadako and Freddy. Gens will go from 99 back to zero. But on vanilla M1 killers will no mobility, it's not usually worth running.
In general, though, I think killers could use a little more love in the perk department. I wouldn't complain about CoH if we got something as brutal and game-changing to go along with it. We've gotten some okay perks, but CoH has singlehandedly changed the balance of the entire game.
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Going to copy paste this from the other post that asked this question. Tldr yes but avoid the community. They are the biggest fun killers. The issues of this game aren't nearly as bad if you aren't reminding yourself of them constantly
Yes but with a caveat.
Stay away from the community!
Turn off the game chat. Stay the hell away from the forums. Avoid any video's that aren't purelly gameplay. Never read the comments of twitter.
While this game obviously isn't perfect (no game is) and there are still some issues most this community has conditioned itself into hating the game and will do everything to brainwash and gaslight others into hating it as well.
I took a break from DbD and started playing the game before going back to the forums. I really enjoyed the game and felt an immidiate drop in my enjoyment once i started reading the forums again.
This community is drenched in negativity and constantly reading the complaints and issues of this game enlarges them way beyond what they actually are. The negativity will effect you, if you think it won't you are lying to yourself.
DbD is an amazing game if you let it be.
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You're good as long as you don't engage with the community, especially these forums.
I genuinely enjoy the game but I have to take breaks from the forums a lot to keep people online from convincing me that I'm not having fun lol