When is it okay to dc?

 So straight up.  I hate people who dc. That being said,  there are times it could be okay. I main killer btw. Anyways, i think real life issues are okay to dc but you could just leave the keyboard.  friends wanna play swf.. . Questionable but maybe.  I just did my second dc in 2 years.  Doing a survivor daily when i got cought right off breaking a totem. Another survivor unhooked me in front of killer.  Insta down. So i rage quit.  Sorry for the other 2 survivors.  

Sorry for the rant but question stands.  When is it okay to dc?


  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    I'll DC if I am playing survivor and the killer is slugging me to prevent a hatch escape while he finds the last guy. Thats if the last guy is just hiding and not gonna get me up.

    I don't always have long to play and don't want to waste 5min watching myself bleed out.

  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396
    Darksilk said:
     So straight up.  I hate people who dc. That being said,  there are times it could be okay. I main killer btw. Anyways, i think real life issues are okay to dc but you could just leave the keyboard.  friends wanna play swf.. . Questionable but maybe.  I just did my second dc in 2 years.  Doing a survivor daily when i got cought right off breaking a totem. Another survivor unhooked me in front of killer.  Insta down. So i rage quit.  Sorry for the other 2 survivors.  

    Sorry for the rant but question stands.  When is it okay to dc?
    DC is appropriate when-
    ######### teamates
    Hatch stand-off 
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Darksilk said:
     So straight up.  I hate people who dc. That being said,  there are times it could be okay. I main killer btw. Anyways, i think real life issues are okay to dc but you could just leave the keyboard.  friends wanna play swf.. . Questionable but maybe.  I just did my second dc in 2 years.  Doing a survivor daily when i got cought right off breaking a totem. Another survivor unhooked me in front of killer.  Insta down. So i rage quit.  Sorry for the other 2 survivors.  

    Sorry for the rant but question stands.  When is it okay to dc?
    DC'ing is ACCEPTABLE when:
    Playing against a hacker/lag switcher.
    The Game is unplayable due to terrible FPS/High Ping. (You may wanna look at your PC so you can prevent low FPS)
    Survivor is being noxiously immersed and holding the game hostage. (They know where the hatch is at but doesn't escape or never touches a generator when the hatch hasn't spawned in)
    You are glitched and cannot play the game.
    Real life events happen such as a power outage or you accidentally turned off your console.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    The only times I view DCing as acceptable is when someone is cheating on any side, the game is being held hostage, awful connection, a glitch that traps you somehow, or you're being farmed against your will.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    Most of the above are insufficient reasons to DC. I think it's only acceptable if:
    - bugged, unable to move
    - cheating (only when it's real cheating, which is very rare. Screwing up and claiming the opponent is cheating is childish, and it happens much more often than real cheating.)
    - RL reasons (house on fire, etc)
    - when you have pussy teammates who DC-d for whatever reason - I guess after the second one DC-s, I can't blame you.

    Really: if you DC because the killer camps, or ONE stupid teammate hookfarms you, you're a sad loser (if you're being hookfarmed by one guy and you DC, you still screw over the other two who may not deserve it). Same if you're the kind who keeps blaming "#########" teammates.

    Just don't DC. It's not that hard.

    And @Might_Oakk , that's kind of a dumb thing to do too. It's definitely less than five minutes anyway, and you probably realize: when there's only two left and one is downed but not picked up, any smart survivor will know what's up. He'd be stupid to save you. On the other hand, DC-ing in this case may give him the Hatch and screw the killer over unfairly.
  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    @George_Soros said:
    Most of the above are insufficient reasons to DC. I think it's only acceptable if:

    • bugged, unable to move
    • cheating (only when it's real cheating, which is very rare. Screwing up and claiming the opponent is cheating is childish, and it happens much more often than real cheating.)
    • RL reasons (house on fire, etc)
    • when you have pussy teammates who DC-d for whatever reason - I guess after the second one DC-s, I can't blame you.

    Really: if you DC because the killer camps, or ONE stupid teammate hookfarms you, you're a sad loser (if you're being hookfarmed by one guy and you DC, you still screw over the other two who may not deserve it). Same if you're the kind who keeps blaming "#########" teammates.

    Just don't DC. It's not that hard.

    And @Might_Oakk , that's kind of a dumb thing to do too. It's definitely less than five minutes anyway, and you probably realize: when there's only two left and one is downed but not picked up, any smart survivor will know what's up. He'd be stupid to save you. On the other hand, DC-ing in this case may give him the Hatch and screw the killer over unfairly.

    I'll do as I please tyvm

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @Might_Oakk said:

    I'll do as I please tyvm

    Hehh. Fair enough.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134
    Anytime you gotta get going it's ok.

    If it's because of teammates or killer or opponents, sorry you're a baby if you dc. L2p.
  • makayla
    makayla Member Posts: 287

    I don't really care why someone DCs. If they decide they're not having fun in a game, whatever, they can DC even if it's for a petty reason.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    - RL reasons (house on fire, etc)

    No no, that's a lame excuse. You gotta keep playing!!

    To the OP: when i got green ping in the lobby and as soon as the match starts i teleport like a nurse.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @Might_Oakk said:
    I'll DC if I am playing survivor and the killer is slugging me to prevent a hatch escape while he finds the last guy. Thats if the last guy is just hiding and not gonna get me up.

    I don't always have long to play and don't want to waste 5min watching myself bleed out.

    So you're one of THOSE people lol

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Real-life issues. Anything else, take the loss and report any cheaters/hackers/lagswitchers/etc..

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    I like seeing people dc because it makes me take it easy as killer. I'll be there chainsawing the floating body for a while until I feel the remaining survivors have had long enough to make up for the dc.
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    The only times when it is ok to DC is for a real life scenario, internet problems you need to leave and sort out or a really bad ping once you have loaded into the game, the last scenario is only when you are rubber banding so bad you can hardly move.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @Vietfox said:
    @George_Soros said:

    • RL reasons (house on fire, etc)

      No no, that's a lame excuse. You gotta keep playing!!

    To the OP: when i got green ping in the lobby and as soon as the match starts i teleport like a nurse.

    Quite right.

    Honestly, some players I see get so worked up, I wouldn't be surprised if some of them just said "######### it, let it burn, I gotta murder these f***ing little trolls".
    Gotta appreciate the dedication.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172
    edited November 2018

    @Darksilk said:
    I main killer btw.

    Sorry for the rant but question stands.  When is it okay to dc?

    Oh god people please stop saying things along the lines of "I main killer btw/I main survivor btw" and I don't think it is ever "OK" to disconnect. Even if you get a game that is going downhill you are negatively affecting everyone else's experience. I care little for the reason just don't DC, its a real jerk move.

    Edited P.S: For the people saying RL problems sure that's true, as life takes priority over a game, but RL problems take priority over pretty much anything you may be doing so it feel pretty unnecessary as a response. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood today.