Why do slugged survivors crawl towards hooked survivors?
Seen it aplenty in my survivor games. People bomb the hook, get slugged and crawl towards the hooked survivor.
From my perspective this just enables killers to camp 2 people with ease(which is typically what ends up happening, makes the most sense really) and turns any rescue attempt into a suicide mission.
Why not crawl away so the killer has to make a choice whom to guard? The killer can‘t be in multiple places at the same time. One person should be easy to rescue uncontested by the killer putting the team in a better spot, possibly being able to save the other one(s) too.
It happens so often, am I missing something here? What’s the idea?
Sometimes the distance between hooks can create the situation where you could potentially wiggle free by the time the killer walked from one hook to another.
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Why stay if the killer shows no intention to pick up and decides to camp though?
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That's not an answer for why they'd stay there if the killer isn't picking them up, just a possible answer for why they'd inch closer to a hook.
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Yeah, I don’t get it either. The only reason would be to Unbreakable for the hook rescue right under it. Otherwise they should prioritize crawling away from a hooked survivor, as you said.
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Trying to save you from getting your 3rd hook. Or I got D.S. as well.
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Fair enough, 99% of the killers just stick around though. It‘s a 2 for 1 and chances are someone else is gonna be coming to make a move.
The strategy just doesn‘t work from my experience. Killers just don’t pick unpin that case.
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if smart, unbreakable, otherwise they really dont understand how half the team being in one place is going to be advantageous to the killer if they stay
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I had one the other day that positioned himself so close that i couldnt get the unhook. It just latched onto the downed guy, and of course he hadnt bothered to heal up. Had enough time i coulda saved em both.....
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There was an old bug that often made it so you couldn’t pick up a survivor from under a hooked survivor.
People may still be trying to exploit that in the hope it’ll work.
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Probably to throw the game, I imagine. Not EVERYONE is trying their best to win, in case that was not plainly obvious given how many people are at a rank where they genuinely believe the game is killer sided. No offense to anyone who enjoys eccentric strategies such as this one.
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Faulty logic would be my guess. Like 'oh they'll see me if I'm near someone else'. There's certainly no shortage of that in the real world.
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I chalk it up to inexperience and poor game sense. I see it too often as well. Sometimes I have to signal for them to move away from the hook. When it’s me I crawl as quickly and as far as possible from the hooked.
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And then what? Being left to bleed out on the floor while the other survivor gets sacrificed because the killer‘s just camping? I know about the exploit but what does it manny if they‘re dying while getting camped anyway?
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A lot of killer players would leave you on the ground and go hunt someone else because they couldn’t pick you up.
Not every hook gets camped. People like to claim they get camped every hook, but there was a golden age when chases were far more viable and camping a less viable option.
Chains of hate release was great.
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Because they aren't very intelligent :)
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Because they dont care
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They might be trying to do a Soul Guard + Unbreakable play already happened to me once took me by surprise the survivors were smart.
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If two survivors are in the same spot and their time is running out the killer is likely to stay. It makes sense. Going away means they get to save the two for free, weakening the position of the killer. Staying basically either confirms two kills or gets the snowball rolling if the team decides to come save (which would also mean that little to no gens are being worked in, which means there‘s nowhere else for the killer to be).
Yes, camping doesn‘t have cut as frequently as some people claim but if 2 or more survivors are in the same spot sticking around is the most logical play to make for a killer.
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Because most people playing this game are incompetent and don't know how to play effectively.
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You are 100% correct. As a survivor main I fully believe if even 50% of survivors played with any strategy whatsoever killers would have to receive major buffs just to keep up.
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and the trophy for mansplaining goes to…
I know how the game works it’s just there was an old bug that meant if you were under the hook you couldn’t be picked up.
OP asked why people crawl under hooks well trying to use that bug to get 4 mins of bleed out timer over death hook was common. Established behaviours die hard even when they don’t work anymore.
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Because if they go down that fast they're probably not that great which means they will heal me right near the killer.But ya I don't actually know Good Question.
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I do it if I think I can Unbreakable right under the hook and get a cheeky save, or if nobody else is up and I'm being slugged to death, because I crave kinship and comfort on my journey to oblivion. Else I'll crawl away to force the killer to patrol or give one of us up.
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And the trophy for spouting nothing of substance and nonse goes to
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Honestly, I do it when it's obvious we are going to die, so I come close to the hooked survivor so he doesn't die alone.
I do the same when there is another slugged survivor next to me and there isn't a better strategic option, I crawl so my hand is touching their's.