SWF breaks the game. Here's another example.
So a 4 man SWF on comms with 2.5k+ hours each took me to the Grave Of Glenvale map and burnt that offering which increases hook distance. I already knew i was in for a GREAT time. I was playing Artist. The first thing they did was gather around the main building which has like 12 lockers all around, then as soon as i would injure and chase one survivor they would run around the building and near lockers where another survivor kept stunning me with head on. I injure another survivor and they would follow another route around the building and i would get stunned by head one from somebody else again. They all had Head On, and kept following these routes around the main building and stunned me like 15 times. They also set up a Boon exponential and COH in the main building just in case. That building has so many lockers so it was hard to guess which one they were in to avoid the stun, and they were extremely coordinated. So me a "killer" was running afraid of lockers lol. Why does that building have like 12 lockers in it anyways? So survivors can bully killers like this? And the devs are thinking of boosting solos to swf level too? When i say this game is a horror game for killers, i'm not kidding lol, it's pathetic.
I think the plan is to buff solo, but nothing is going to be equivalent to voice comms, ever. A good SWF on comms will always be bringing a gun to a knife fight, metaphorically speaking.
But the rumored plans seem like they will be adequate to me, if we ever seen them come to pass.
And don't forget not all SWFs are good. Some are awful, and some are just goofing.
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Sorry they didn't do all the gens in 4 mins I guess. I wouldn't say it breaks the game out just allows for certain builds to work better
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Comms are not even the reason for the difference between Solos and SWFs. The difference is that you can filter out Potatoes.
I am on the Hook. Survivor A is being chased (just got injured AND is the Obsession). Survivor B and C are on a Gen together. I die on the Hook.
How would Comms changed anything? They got perfect information - they knew where everyone was (A was occupied by being chased and the remaining teammate of them was with them on a Gen).
So if they buff Solo with Icons (as they said that they were thinking about it), it will not matter too much. Because even if this Meg sees that a Teammate is getting chased, this does not mean that she will be useful.
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so because you had a bad match people just shouldn't be able to play with their friends? lol
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What exactly did SWF do to break the game in this scenario? Survs basically doing nothing but locker hopping. You just got trolled, and -to be fair- let it happen, otherwise you cannot explain 15 Head-Ons in this game.
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Yeah okay some are awful and they play on low mmr but those who play decently serious are on high mmr and doesnt give any chance to win to m1 killers.
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If i got that much head id be happy
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can confirm.
in my swf, we always drag each other down more than anything. It's nice getting the odd team play, but frankly, I think that my solo q teammates are generally more competent.
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A useless teammate is going to be useless, sure, that's given. Info is only good if you know what to do with it. But a really good teammate is going to be that much better with clear, real time callouts and coordination. I'm sure you could cherry pick particular circumstances where comms wouldn't be as helpful as others, but come on. It's huge.
Info is king, and voice comms can and do elevate really good teams, without question. With four solid players, comms is absolutely a massive advantage. Bringing a gun to a knife fight, as I said.
I'm not advocating for it to be removed or anything, but there's no 1:1 substitute for it, it's hella strong.
That said, I don't think solo is nearly as bad as some people make it out to be. I suspect a lot of people only feel it is singularly awful because SWF play is their baseline.
Though as a surv player, I am definitely looking forward to some of the rumored implementations.
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That game sounds free af
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Can't w8 try new guy vs these trolls a little crow says he has locker powers.
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The only thought I had with SWF vs. solo is that perks cannot be stacked if you are with a SWF. This might be a meaningful handicap without completely destroying SWF. Like if you are playing with a 3 man SWF you cannot run Dead Hard more than once on your three team mates but the solo player out of the 4 can run whatever they want and solo players would be unaffected. There's reasons I don't like this idea but anything else seems too specific at 'weakening' SWF.
That honestly is one of the biggest problems I have when facing SWF, perk stacking. Especially with bully squads who depend on running the same perk multiple times to make the game as unpleasant as possible.
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Bully squads used to bother me until I realized its a free win. There's some amazing youtube videos of people dealing them that can hopefully give you further tips: here's two recent ones
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There's a challenge where you have to get stuns, and that might have been what they were trying to do, but they did it in the rudest way possible, and that sucks. At that point, your choices are to basically let them keep stunning you or walk away and hope they give up and finish the gens, which also sucks.
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I'm not saying people shouldn't be able to play with friends. I'm saying that killers should be buffed in such a way that swfs can't ridicule them like this, and make them feel powerless. The killer should be strong enough to deal with this nonsense. This is a SuRviVaL HoRrOr GaMe remember? Reading these comments it's sure survivor mains love trolling the killer, it's fun for them, but it's fun at the expense of the killer.
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Sounds more like they broke your spirit than the game.
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Wow, you even got an image of the survivors after they landed the head on. Impressive.
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Oh completely, i will probably never play any multiplayer game in my life again. Those 4 tough people with discord ruined my life :(
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So using a perk against your opponent = "survivors can bully killers" ?
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when else are you supposed to use head on
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To me the problem is map offerings. I don't believe killers or survivors should be able to bring map offerings.
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Am I the only one who thinks this is getting ridiculous? Every day there's literally 30 threads about the same topics.
I mean, Jesus Christ, if a locker is the fuel to your nightmares, maybe stop playing killer?
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Dude, you were playing artist. You can check the lockers with killer instinct with your power. Literally the way to counter this is find the locker that the survivor is in, and stand there until they get crows (obviously stand to the side so they can't stun you). The survivor can't head on you when they get the afk crows.
Also, usually head on locker squads lose because they just spend the whole game doing that instead of gens. It's an exhaustion perk, so eventually you'll catch them without having their head on ready. Get rid of their boon and just keep your ears peeled to hear if they are trying to set it up again.
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Let me translate this: "the way to counter this is to find the locker the survivor is in by spamming your power, which takes time to recharge, in hopes of triggering killer instinct, then stand still, hoping the survivor won't leave the locker for the next 60 seconds, so that they will get a stillness crow. In the mean time, while I'm hopefully in the process of countering Head On, which is not a given at all in this scenario, I'm not doing anything, while the three other survivors are free to repair gens."
This is the most ridiculous counter I've read in a long time. Do you even think this stuff through before you suggest it or do you just hope no one looks up the numbers here?
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Solo q it's already unpleasant to play, how about nerfing SWF? like: less meta perks, or one less perk slot
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I had a team do this to me on the saloon. Instead of Head On they would only jump into a locker when I was 100% about to get them. THEN while your locked in the stupid locker animation they flashlight save the guy. Try to slug? Boon expo. Try to injure? COH!!
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Always flabbergasts me whenever people saying this stuff. That sounds like an easy game
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This but unironically.
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You're not!
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I mean, there will definitely be situations where these icons will help. If you don't see any other survivor, you don't know what they are doing. Icons letting you know what other survivors are doing will definitely be helpful.
But I do agree that comms are probably not the greatest benefit for swf, it's avoiding the flawed matchmaking.
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Lol, instead of insulting the suggestion I gave on how to counter head on, you could have just said that this isn't a viable counter to win a game, which I know it isn't. I was just giving them a counter to specifically getting one person from a locker if they are that annoyed and just want 1 kill. A lot of people don't realize that idle crows cancel the ability to use head on, so I was just giving them that information because it isn't really stated anywhere unless someone tells you.
It's not a counter to win a game, but it does work if you want to just yoink someone from a locker and have 1 less person using head on. Also, I never said to spam your power. You translated that which is wrong. If you're chasing someone on top of saloon, you place one bird down so it traverses in front of you so if you get killer instinct as it passes the lockers that the survivor is running by, you stop and bait head on. 1 bird has a cool down of like 5 seconds and 2 birds have a cooldown of like 9-10 seconds, doesn't take long to regain your power.
I literally was just trying to tell OP that as artist, you have stuff built into your basekit that allows you to quickly check lockers mid chase so you can bait head on and not just keep getting hit by it. It seems like OP is relatively newer or just newer to artist so I was trying to help them by giving them information on her. A lot of people play here and don't really understand how she works. No need to degrade others because you misunderstood them.
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I had the exact same thing happen to me, too. That main building is just made for bullying killers with Head On. I managed to eventually kill 2 of the bullies and the one random player in the game, who wasn't part of the whole thing. But of course, it wasn't remotely fun, a big waste of time, and everybody laughed their behinds off in the end game chat. This kinda games its better to eat a 5min DC soft ban, then to deal with this kind of crap, BUT its not the norm. This kinda people give SWF a bad name, but actually most of those are just friends fooling around and dying horrbile deaths because only one of them actually can play the game.