How would i change the Mori system.

Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 520
edited May 2022 in General Discussions

First thank you BHVR for this great anniversary stream. The only thing i didn't like much is the new Mori system idea. And here is why:

1st it will be more rare and harder for killers to Mori now. And 2nd It will incourge more of the slugging the 3rd survivor to make sure to mori the 4th one. Which is nothing wrong with it -but lets be honest its boring-. So i think there is a better way to do it for both sides.

my suggestion

Is to make the Mori unlocked for the killer AFTER the 9th hook (or the 8th you deciede). Which means instead of 1 Mori they can now Mori up to 3 (or 4) survivors. Also this rewards in a way the killers like myself who enjoy playing more "fair" gameplay, Without damging the killers who enjoys tunneling.

What do you all think?


  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    I'm not sure if that's the best solution either. It sounded like they have more to the mori rework that they can't really talk about yet because they're probably trying to work it all out still. The only reason I'm not too fond of your suggestion is that it kind of nerfs DS a bunch as well in the process, which might be fine after they do the perk rework. It sounds like they're changing a bunch with the meta perks and how the base game works, so I think it's just hard to determine what should be done with the mori rework.

    I do like their current change because I don't have to worry about the last survivor DSing me at least.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 520

    I don't think even removing DS would make a problem with my suggestion. Because if the killer manage to hook every survivor twice. at this point he deserve to Mori me.

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    I mean, I guess. I still think it kind of takes away from giving the survivors a chance to DS or flashlight save if the killer decides to go for the unhooked survivor right after that 9th hook. I've had many games that came down to a 3 v 1 where we just need one more gen left, so losing that third survivor because the killer knows they can kill them off without worrying about DS could take away some time for us to finish the last gen and escape. I feel like it would only come into play and be negative for the very close games, but other than that (normal game where it was likely the killer would have won) the change wouldn't be terrible. It would give the option to mori, which sometimes isn't always ideal anyway (challenge, adepts, more points).

    I just think making the mori almost basekit can be dangerous in some situations, but given that they're trying to adjust the base game and working on a bunch of stuff, hopefully it would balance out properly. I love seeing the mori animations, so I'm excited to see what they do.