Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

This game is EXTREMELY survivor based, when it didn't used to be.

It’s so bs that survivors can break our hex’s and make our perks completely unusable, when they can keep using their boon perks all they want and keep blessing it over and over no matter how much it’s snuffed. Why tf do the devs do this when survivors can already heal each other, bring medkits, and find other ones in chests when theirs breaks?? I would like to think even you survivor mains would be smart enough to acknowledge how unfair that is. 

If that’s the case then nerfing hex undying is utter bs. On dark maps it’s impossible to not have it spotted as it’s glowing fire. Not to mention that the devs made this game in a way that the hex totems ALWAYS spawn in wayyyyy more obvious places on the maps then the boon totems. It's not 'chance" its deliberate and annoying. Idc what anyone says, it's the truth. Hex undying plus the hex perk already takes up 2 places anyway, tf? Survivors boon perks only take up one spot to be permanent, or have the ability to be of blessed over and over. This game keeps doing nerf after nerf to killers and it’s bs. They nerf our ability to have a 1-hit down AT THE END OF THE GAME FOR F**** sake ! When survivors can run adrenaline which instantly heals a health state at the end of the game , and can’t be turned off. Hex undying was the ONLY thing that protected us killer from j having all of our perks go "bye bye!" ... This bs makes me j want to stop playing the game which is really sad because i’ve been waiting my whole life for a game like DBD cuz i’m such a horror movie fan. Thoughts? 



  • myersmain_
    myersmain_ Member Posts: 11

    The boon perks always spawn in the most hidden, obscure places. bs.

  • myersmain_
    myersmain_ Member Posts: 11

    Not to mention survivors can also heal with lockers (Inner healing) and use the syringe to be fully healed after 16 seconds... but our ONLY way to protect our ability for a one hit down is now able to be shut off too (Hex undying). WHEN IT LITERALLY TAKES A WHOLE OTHER SPOT TO USE UNDYING,, #########???? someone can run 4 boon perks and not ONE of them can be turned off by us killers, when survivors can shut off all 4 of our hex perks. Garbageeeee

  • myersmain_
    myersmain_ Member Posts: 11

    lmao right by the generator... wow.

    and some people still say it's not survivor based... unbelievable

  • myersmain_
    myersmain_ Member Posts: 11

    didnt say that, it was survivor sided back then and still is now.

  • myersmain_
    myersmain_ Member Posts: 11

    I see what you're saying now, I think that it still was survivor sided back then despite the brand new part thingy, but not as bad as it is now. Ive played it for years, and don't remember it being this bad like it is now

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989

    Maybe it was in 2016..... and still is now??

    People who try to argue it isn't survivor sided now always pull the "what about back in ye old days" card. As if that proves anything.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,150

    Hexes and boons aren't equivalent, and thinking that they are is why this supposed hypocrisy is annoying you so much.

    Now, hexes aren't in a particularly great spot and could use a little love, that much I'll agree with, but old Undying did warrant a nerf, and boons aren't the same thing. A boon is supposed to be replaceable because the idea is that you're dragging more and more slowdown out of survivors by forcing them to reset their buffs multiple times, since snuffing takes a second and resetting takes fourteen(? I think that's the number).

    That's the goal. I'm sure people can point out multiple reasons they think boons don't reach that goal, but none of those reasons are going to be that they're replaceable- that's the core that everything else must be balanced around, not a problematic aspect getting in the way.

    Also, in general, the game isn't actually survivor sided. If everyone brings their strongest stuff and is of equal skill, it's mooooostly balanced and generally tips one way or the other based on map RNG, if it tips at all. The problem is, bringing your strongest stuff on killer means locking yourself in to one of three killers, and if you don't like how those killers play, tough luck, you're always going to be at a slight-to-extreme disadvantage when your opponents do bring their strongest tools.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    In a year it won't be. It will hopefully be more balanced.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,840

    Oh no it definitely is still.

    However, OP's title suggests that this current point in time is the most survivor sided it has ever been, inherently forcing the comparison to the older days of DBD when the game, objectively, more in the survivor's favour than it currently is.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658

    I think the devs should really undo undying. It gave survivors another objective which is to break all the totems. Survivor mains complained that they couldn’t find every totem, but really it’s because all they want to do is rush gens and bully killers during EGC.

    Any arguing against old Undying is shot down by maps that see killer belongings. Counterforce. Detective’s Hunch. Small Game. The devs nerf everything good/different until all that’s left is meta. 🥱

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,840

    And until the power disparity between solo and swf is fixed Old Undying will forever remain a fundamentally broken perk.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658
    edited May 2022

    I Solo and I never had a problem with Old Undying/Ruin. If killer mains used it too much that day I’d opt out a perk for a totem hunting perk, or bring a Rainbow Map. It’s not hard with Detective’s. One generator would reveal 3 totems minimum depending on where you were. With Counterforce totems would be removed in no time. Unfortunately devs have a bad habit of introducing counters long after they aren’t necessary due to reworks and nerfs.

    The real issue with Solo is being on a team of lemmings/potatoes. Everyone gets caught in 20 seconds. So I’m forced to run Clairvoyance so I can find the hatch. 😂

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Like boons?

    I mean, they are basically the same. Just on steroids.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,840

    And while I agree that in concept yes, they are, hexes have stronger effects than boons in general- obviously there are exceptions, such as The Third Seal being terrible and Circle Of Healing still being gamebreaking, however Shadow Step is the only boon that isn't COH that even comes close to challenging Ruin/Devour

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Why stop at Third Seal? We have plenty of weak Hex perks which require either another Hex or are simply terrible:

    • Thrill of the Hunt - which does absoluely nothing apart from being boring to survivors.
    • Haunted Grounds - losing a perk slot for a 60 second exposed status? Iron Maiden offers 30 seconds and can be used as often as survivor jump into a locker.
    • Retribution - you wont even notice its effect.
    • Blood Favor - wishes secretly to be Dissolution
    • Undying - now its just a wasted perk slot.
    • Crowd Control - the weaker bamboozle
    • Pentimento - would have been a great perk like 2 years ago.

    The only Hex perks that are not absolutely terrible are Ruin, Devour Hope and Plaything. One of them being as strong as boons and the others are okayish.

    That only CoH is meta, doesn´t mean that the other boons are weak. They are almost as strong and can certainly turn the tide of a match. Especially on indoor maps.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,840

    I stopped at Third Seal because it's easily the worst one out of all of them.

    Exponential should get no value if the killer has map knowledge and ears. Dark theory gets no value even if it's never snuffed all trial. Shadow Step is the only good one that isn't COH

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I´ve seen Exponential value on the Game. A lot of people underestimate it. But the time to get up is really strong. IF someone goes down near it.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658

    That’s probably because you aren’t camping, tunneling, and slugging accordingly when you should’ve. As killer your job isn’t to make survivors have fun. It’s to torment/bully them. I usually camp the very first person I catch to second phase, or even death. Using Corrupt to keep a good amount of gens protected. If it’s Pyramid Head I’m using better believe if you’re cursed on second phase I’ll Mini Mori you immediately off the hook. THEN I proceed to play more fair/accordingly against the other 3 survivors. Since within 1-2 chases 3 gens get done. You may as well have one dead in the same amount of time.

    If you’re trying to play “sportingly” against 4 SWFs who already intend on tbagging and bullying you then you already lost the match. If you aren’t getting paid to play DBD who cares how you play as killer. They’re mad because they got caught. Plain and simple.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    I'm completely fine with undying not being reverted. Like, ever.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    And killers needed to find survs. Now you have hundred of perks to find them

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    It was always survivor sided, it is just that without mmr, there were so many potatoes filling the "high ranks" that it was hard to tell. Even now survivors throw guaranteed 3 man escapes to help the one dude on his first hook. Lol.

    But to be honest, they have loosened mmr a lot from when it first appeared. They feed you plenty of cans now whereas before every game was difficult.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,769

    Saw someone spreading the horrible untruth that there are only 97 killer perks earlier....Can you believe that?

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Here's the core issues.

    1. Circle of Healing (and Shadowstep/Exponential, to a lesser extent) are probably too strong for something replaceable. These grant extremely powerful bonuses to the entire team, for the price of 1 slot.
    2. On some maps, a correctly sited boon can cover most of the map and be in such an awkward position that going there to check/snuff as a killer sets you behind, even taking blessing speed into account.

    Boons were a mistake. They simply can't be close to powerful with how impossible they can be to get rid of on certain maps, and how large their radii are.

  • Norhc
    Norhc Member Posts: 575

    when it didn't used to be

    Yes it did. Even more so. You just didn't realize it because 98% of the playerbase was bad and unexperimented.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658
    edited May 2022

    I don’t think boons were a huge mistake. They simply needed an ideal balance both sides. For example, if a killer had their totem destroyed instead of just stamping the boon out repeatedly the killer has a option to hex that blessed totem. Given that it takes maybe 5-10 seconds of their time to hex it again. So it’s now like a tug of war type of thing between both sides. If killers gain stacks on the totem that keeps switching back/forth the survivors will inevitably have to decide whether they want their boon, or to just break it. This also takes away from survivors free time since it takes longer to bless hexed totems if I can recall. I hardly boon, but I do remember blessing hexed totems taking a while.

  • BadZilla
    BadZilla Member Posts: 467

    Non sense ! I used to be a killer main but moving to soloQ survivor high mmr killers are always getting 4k's it's so easy for killer tbh it's not like the common outcome is 2kills 2 escapes but killers are getting 4 kills too much and still crying too? You're just a bad killer that's all.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Survivors need to spawn on the hook tbh

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,689

    I'm going to disagree that the game wasn't survivor based.

    In fact I would say the game was far worse in terms of favoring survivors. Before the map reworks, there were many maps that had main buildings that were practically infinites. Old ironworks and old wreteched shop were some of the worst buildings in the entire game. Old grim pantry was bad before they added an opening next to the window.

    Then there was old instant heals that granted an instant health state and could practically erase an entire chase. I've had the misfortune of downing a survivor only for their friend to instant heal them from dying to healthy.

    Totems haven't really improved much and are still often cleansed immediately due to poor spawns.

    In all honesty, the game is far better in terms of survivor vs killer bias, but it still has a ways to go before the game feels overall fair for both sides.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,083

    Do you want tips?

    These are classic new player issues that are frustrating but completely possible to deal with.

  • InvadeGames
    InvadeGames Member Posts: 458
    edited May 2022

    thats simply not true. if you can only get 1k consistently against good teams with c and d rank killers thats a skill issue with you.

    Im an average killer and while good teams make me have to sweat hard, they are absolutely beatable.

    Yes there are some things in the game that feel like utter BS but they CAN be played around.

    Either by learning better mind games, predictions, map layouts and learning how to make split decisions to try and optimise your movements or bringing perks that complement the killer/playstyle.

    Ive never played blight or nurse, and primarily play trapper, gf and wraith, 3 of the weakest killers in the game and I have no issues winning even against good teams most of the time, or at minimum close games.

    COH can be a pain in the ass but doesnt prevent you from winning games. Most survs will try to boon again which is predictable and often boon the same spot. anticipating this can allow you to gain free pressure because the booning survs are addicted to booning.

    DH can be a pain but majority of people DH into walls or use it unoptimally. I agree that in High mmr and pro level people yea you might lose. game wasnt meant for pro level play. and all these people complaining about these high mmr play are probably not high mmr.

    But complain about mmr being unfair when it comes to them just not willing to admit they need to improve their skill.

    The game, possibly the worst map for killers can still be won frequently.

    i wish people would stop acting like DBD is a political election and blaming everyone else for things they arent willing to learn to play around.

    Does that mean there arent things that can or should be adjusted? No but so many people on this forum are so utterly whiny because if there is a playstyle you dont like we just call it broken and OP.

    I HATE flashlight with an utter passion as well as body blocking. but i do my best to play around them or when i suspect in lobby such tactics will occur i adjust my loadout accordingly.

    Theres no point in looking at a valid startegy (this goes for tunneling and camping which all have multiple counterplays) and whinign because it doesnt fit your preference instead of being mature, and learning how to adjust a playstyle or build.

    and finally, lets say your complaining about going against these amazing teams. why would you WANT to beat them all the time? just means youd be playing against them even more. once mmr starts putting you with sweats, losing a few games is a GOOD thing.

    Its all in your mindset.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,338

    I think that both sides could disagree with this one statement. A rare feat.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    hexes like that have easily won me games, because survivors didnt really have a reason to go there for a long time in the game. Let alone that survivors tend to look for the hidden totems first, which have set spawns, while totems out in the open could be anywhere and could take an entire tour of the map, only to find the totem 12 meters from your original starting point(if only you ran the opposite way).

    Let alone that boons are much more audible and their effects dont work map-wide either.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    thrill of the hunt: slows down blessing speed significantly, especially on hex totems(up to 48 seconds, thats a huge timesink)

    haunted grounds is meant to protect other totems, let alone that its a bait perk and exposes ALL survivors for 60 seconds. It's basically a 1 minute NOED. Where Iron Maiden exposes one survivor on the map randomly and informs literally everyone else that Iron Maiden is being used.

    Retribution, you do notice its effect, especially when ran together with Haunted Grounds. Very tasty combo.

    Blood Favor, better than Dissolution as it removes the ability to drop pallets entirely, can even be combined with Dissolution to easily get rid of pallets.

    Undying, okay-ish for info, amazing because it literally tanks the hit for a more powerful totem without reducing that totems power(Ruin and Devour are most common, but triggering Haunted Grounds twice in the same match? Especially if you have Retribution too? Very tasty indeed)

    Crowd Control, stronger bamboozle, especially on mobility killers. The only time Bamboozle might be stronger is Shack because you can double vault and hit a survivor before they realize you double vaulted.

    Pentimento, still a strong perk, combine with Thrill of the Hunt, Plaything and Thanatophobia for maximum chaos.

    As for other boons being weak? Well, they are. None of them really turn the tide of a match. Dark Theory only really works if you face a killer with absolutely 0 mindgames and no anti-loop(bloodlust alone counters Dark Theory super fast, and that's vanilla). Shadowstep only really works well on indoor maps. Exponential literally does not see use unless you decide to slug all 4 survivors without snuffing boons first, which is your own undoing as you could have started hooking after slugging 2 survivors(crawling to the boon is so unviable, that if you can pull it off, you deserved the self-pickup).

    And CoH isnt even that strong. Just slap on Sloppy Butcher and 99% of your issues melt away.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Thank you for confirming what i said right before the list: We have plenty of weak Hex perks which require either another Hex or are simply terrible.

    • thrill: is just annoying and does absolutely nothing apart from that
    • hg: lies in the survivors hands when its triggered. Could be when the survivors are already injured. Useless on its own.
    • retribution: again, useless on its own.
    • bf: weaker as dissolution, because it can be cleansed.
    • undying: again, useless on its own.
    • cc: weaker bamboozle. Because bamboozle cant be cleansed + it gives a vault speed bonus.
    • pentimento: useless on its own. Especially in boon meta where survivors don´t cleanse totems. You could play a whole match without the chance to ever use it and even if, you would have to go to a part of the map where you can´t pressure. The penalty doesn´t make up for the time wasted in going there.

    Boons are stronger than hexes. For the simple reason, that they can be relight. If a hex gets cleansed within the first 60 seconds of a match, then its gone for good. Not so for boons. Even more, as stated above, the overwhelming majortiy of hex perks require another hex perk to work. Imagine survivors had to equip SG, Detectives Hunch or another totem perk to use boons. They would be considered far weaker.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,176
    edited May 2022

    Don't forget that most hex perks also have additional prerequisites before the effect is even active, like even devour, if you don't get far enough away from a hook and they still manage a save rescue thanks to their perks, you are left with nothing. And before that you had to even find, chase and hook survivor successful without getting denied somewhere along the way.

  • Chusan
    Chusan Member Posts: 137

    all this survivor mains think that this is 1v1 instead of 1v4 :(

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    "For the simple reason, that they can be relight."

    BBQ is stronger than Ruin for the simple reason that you can hook survivors more than once - Tsulan probably.

    Calling boons stronger because they can be relit is assuming their power is significant enough the moment it's active. Here's my entire counter argument:

    CoH: worse than self-care. Self-care can be used anywhere anytime, and can be used to bait a killer to chase you if you heal up to 99%, then jump a window, fully heal and waste a lot of the killer's time. Healing together? Botany Knowledge is better, can be used anywhere, anytime.

    Dark Theory? Spinechill saves you more time and creates more distance through 1 single vault than Dark Theory does over a chase of 30 seconds. Let alone that Spinechill can be used map-wide, where Dark Theory only applies on a small portion of the map AND if the boon is lit. It's literally never worth placing Dark Theory on its own. It's worth playing Undying on its own. The info from Undying alone is 1000000000000x more useful than the 2% haste effect that Dark Theory gives. But wait, you might add, running Blood Pact would mean you can run at 109% right? NOPE. Haste doesnt stack. So if Blood Pact is active, Dark Theory doesnt even do #########.

    Exponential: Unbreakable is better. Unbreakable has the boosted self-recovery anywhere anytime and can pick yourself up without any requirements. For exponential to work, you need to: 1. place the boon 2. be in range of the boon(crawling is slow as #########) 3. not be picked up. Relighting Exponential doesnt do ######### if the killer doesnt down you within range.

    Shadowstep: its best effect is removing scratchmarks. There are some addons that matter for the aura blocking, but perk-wise, the only perk affected is Nurses Calling. Holding W rather than Shift+W is more effective at removing scratchmarks.

    The only boon in this list that is somewhat dangerous is CoH as it has the potential to save time. The rest tends to lose time. Losing time is always a bad thing.

    So how are they stronger than:

    Thrill: "does nothing" except buy you a lot more time. Survivors doing totems means survivors are not doing gens. survivors doing totems twice as long means survivors are barely working on gens. Loses survivors time for working on totems.

    HG: Instadowns literally divide a chase in 2. If a survivor is already injured when the exposed status effect is activated, and you dont use that effect to your interest, its not Haunted Grounds being useless, its YOU not using it. HG has the potential to end games, that alone makes it extremely useful.

    Retribution: Yes and no, survivors are oblivious when blessing totems too, meaning you can catch them off-guard. Thats a free hit. Free hits make perks worth running. Are there better perks than it? Sure, but that doesnt make Retribution useless.

    Blood Favour: You're objectively wrong. Dissolution has massive downsides: there needs to be a terror radius. So if a survivor is oblivious, or you are undetectable, Dissolution has no effect. Blood Favour has an effect everytime a survivor loses a health state. It's also an effect that causes survivors to stop doing gens and look for totems. Dissolution can be very powerful, but survivors arent gonna let go of gens when its active. In fact, they will very likely keep sitting on gens.

    Undying: Gives tons of info. Also makes survivors scared of NOED if there is no other hex active, so they waste a lot of time searching and cleansing every single totem. Again, time wasted not doing gens.

    CC: Literally forces a survivor to keep changing their loops to something else, makes survivors search for the totem, meaning they are going to let go of gens. It also means that only 1 survivor can go through the window for a shortcut as long as the totem is active. Bamboozle only blocks a window AFTER you were physically there. The increased vaultspeed only really matters on loops with very little vision on the killer, like Killershack(or myers), any other time, and the vaultspeed doesnt really matter. While CC never requires you to vault as long as its active.

    Pentimento: yeah, on its own, right now, its not amazing, but it has amazing synergy with things like Plaything or just normal Undying(again, solo undying makes people think you're trying to run NOED Undying, cleansing a lot of totems, if not all) and in the next update will literally gain a perk to destroy boons so you can place pentimento in the same moment.

    Then here's the real kicker: a hex often forces a survivor to cleanse a totem, thats 1 survivor not working on gens. Meaning for the duration of them looking for the totem, cleansing the totem and running back to a gen, it's as if you killed 1 survivor. If a totem gets removed within the first 60 seconds, and you are chasing a survivor, thats at best 2 gens being worked at. So having a hex, ANY hex, will often give survivors the idea you're planning something else. And if you're not running very obvious perks, they will cleanse that hex to try and prevent a combo you're trying.

    Where with Boons, the less they are relit, the more powerful their effects are. Survivors relighting the same boon 7 times in a single match, is survivors effectively destroying 7 dull totems. If they used Exponential 2 times on that boon, total waste. If they used CoH and healed 10 times, total waste. If they replaced Dark Theory or Shadowstep 7 times, they lose the game. Relighting boons is not a good thing. 14 seconds is 95% of a heal. So setting up CoH for a single heal and then having it snuffed is so much wasted time.