Billy really doesn't need perks.
For the past couple of matches, I've only been playing with BBQ and have still been able to 2-4k every game, and it's made me realize something: Billy does not need perks at all, just like Hag. They both have really good basekits, and while it's nice to run some slowdown on them, all you really need is an info perk or two to win with them. This is imo the main advantage Billy has over all other killers, Nurse and Blight need perks/add-ons to instadown, but Billy just does that basekit, Spirit/Nurse need to bring special add-ons to get good mobility, but Billy just does that basekit, the only problem with utilizing both these abilities is overheat, but if you bring the Air filter and Muffler add-ons then you can play him like it's 2016.
Billy is like Astra from Valorant: people that try to learn them are masochists but I respect the hell out of them. So I don’t think for most people perkless Billy will be a fun time.
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Eh... I see your point, but I think Hag does better perkless than Billy does. Billy without Bamboozle is kind of rough because so many tiles render his power totally impotent.
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I don't think bamboozle is that important on Billy, once you learn how to properly perform 90/90+ degree curves then TL tiles can become pretty unsafe.
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Billy is pretty fun for me, I get that some people feel like they want their time to be rewarded, but when you start curving and hitting people long range while undetectable, they become really afraid of you and start to respect your power a lot.
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Being punished for using your own power is not "a good basekit",i must say.
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Ehhh... against people that know how to play against billy you 100% need perks. Cause back revving can only get you so far unless you're one of the few curve billys left.
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That's why you learn how to curve, learn all of the aspects of his kit and you can absolutely destroy the enemy team with time.
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With time when its your enemy. Someone pre drops and your curve abilities get dropped to 0 cause most pallets are just safe after they've been dropped.
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I mean instadowns are nice but nurse, spirit, blight are all just more constant and consistent even without perks / addons. Billy is heavy on window rng, when I play him and get lerys and when I play against him I get a spawn of shelter woods with 5 Pallet Gyms (single pallet no window tile) you wouldn't guess that having a single window on the map against billy gave him a huge advantage nurse, spirit, and blight all don't really mind windows way too much
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I don't see this working against Survivors that know how to use Windows effectively
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I'd say Billy has the highest skill cap in the game. Learning him takes dedication. I know this because I've tried it, and while it's fun it takes so much game knowledge. Learning to position yourself right, judging the distance between yourself and a survivor, the curve window, how to curve around loops, I could go on. Perkless would probably be best to improve with no help, but I can't imagine doing all of that with no helping perks.
Definitely agree though. He's still super good he just demands a bunch of time to be good. Which I think is a positive thing. Just not for me and other people.
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I just wish they would revert Billy without the instasaw, that growl he lets out still never has settled right for me and the overheat mechanic all together was just a bad move by BHVR but now I don't play him very often. because that growling is just annoying and I can't handle it for more than a few matches, Props to any Billy mains out there who still put up with that #########.
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How many hours as killer? I bet you are a survivor main with a very low mmr as killer if you say this.
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i would gladly see some of your matches... i hate being the one that broke your dream, but very probably you were aganist people who didn't even know what a loop is (playing without perks is IMPOSSIBLE unless aganist potatoes who will stay crouched most of the time without doing nothing).
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Alright, gimme a second.
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I thought the exact same thing when I started playing him, and up until recently I would agree with you, however, when I started running overheat add-ons and really started to master curving, that's when I started to change my mind. Billy is a snowball killer, and only Oni and maybe Plague are better at it than him, you could be the greatest Swf in the world, but if you make mistake and two people go down, then he could end the game in seconds. I've ended countless amounts of games with him at 4 gens, and I've done it without slowdown at high mmr, of course not everyone has no-lifed this hard with Billy, but if you do, you'll begin to understand why some people have stuck with him.
Here's my stats on my Xbox account.
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I have seen comp billys get absolutely dunked on since good survivors can counter curving pretty concistently, that being said the average player will prob get caught by curves.
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No offense intended, but you do not need perks on any killer if you are at a level where you 3 to 4k them consistently. In fact, you could afk for 30 seconds and still do it. Lol.
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That's where you're right but few survivors know how to play well. Many quit playing him after the addon rework that the new generation of survivors rarely go against him.
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When I talk about the game, I talk about your average match, of course Billy is not too effective against people who know how to play against him, but it's so rare to find people who know how to deal with him.
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This is true, however billy is a killer that you can absolutely destroy if you are good at dbd, even if the billy olayer is as good as you, hence why I personally do not consider him to be a very powerfull killer, as personally I do not measure characters in videogmaes based on my oponent playing badly, that said if you have fun as billy go for it, also using only bbq is cringe pls equip shadowborn.
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Ok now come back once you have more than 500 MMR.
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I mean...yeah. Technically speaking no killer needs Perks to get a 2 to 4k if your good enough.