Killers You Actively Avoid Playing (Or Forget That They Exist)?

Now that I'm sort of addicted to changing my killer after every match, I've realized that some just get...lost in the shuffle. Or ignored for other reasons.
Plague - I have no idea why, because I love playing as her. But I seldom go 'oh, know what I feel like next? Some Plague!'.
Onryo - Now that people know how to handle her, she's become - in my opinion - among the weakest killers in the game. Her big problem is lacking a 'pivot point' - something you can potentially do to snowball. Honestly, I'd prefer to play on Pig.
Oni and Billy - The only two killers left that I'm not at least somewhat confident on. Both put me off for different reasons, but I'll likely never love playing Billy. Oni...I'll start learning soon.
Clown - I don't mind his mechanics, I just loathe his visual and audio design. He's more 'murder hobo' than 'scary clown'.
Bubba - He's...often rather sad to play if you actively avoid camping like I do, and his audio is awful. He sounds more like a pig than Pig.
They are just extremely boring to play, and play against.
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Hag, i both forget they exist and would never want to play against or as them.
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Nurse is the absolute worst for me. It's a combination of stressful and disorienting. I feel like I'm fighting the game to get anywhere and staring at the ground after every blink is just horrible.
I can't stand playing Twins. I dislike slugging to begin with and having to walk across the map to pick people up drives me nuts. Everything feels so slow.
I dislike Huntress because I can't aim for beans. Never been good at any precision ranged playstyle on any videogame; spray and pay is the best I can do. She's a great killer, but she's just not for me.
Spirit's not my cup of tea because lacking visuals is pretty disorienting.
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Oni and Billy - I'm bad getting one hit downs with them and they just feel very clunky to use imo.
Trickster - He's not good in chases and his knives are extremely hard to aim because they just go all over the place. It's a shame too because I really like his visual design and chase music.
Clown - His gameplay is very meh and just isn't fun to use.
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Hag. I refuse to play her. Even when I did a challenge a few months back involving playing every killer I skipped over her, I didn't care enough to play her.
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Yeah, I know why people don't enjoy playing her (or against her), but I rather enjoy both. She was my first main, and I just love her versatile she is.
The only reason I sometimes don't enjoy playing against her is because other Hags love to put traps around the hook, and survivors seldom know how to counter it. If people know what they are doing, I enjoy facing her - it's so different.
Nurse grew on me, but I have to avoid playing her too much - as it feels like she makes me worse on other killers.
Twins...yeah, I don't mind playing them, but they are so clunky.
Huntress...I enjoy playing, but she's so crazily overplayed that it definitely puts me off.
Spirit is another killer that really grew on me the better I got with her. So much of what I hoped Onryo would be is already a Spirit thing.
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Trapper, Wraith and hag.
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Spirit and hag due to me not caring enough to played them.
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Onryo: she is just weak so I dropped her pretty quickly I never got to even mori someone with her ability.
Hillbilly: because of no mobility at all.
Spirit: I avoid her sometimes because she only has 110% movement speed so she is kinda weak that way.
Doctor: I forget he exist and he is also boring.
Demogorgon and Hag: I have so many killers so some of them I barely play and kind of forget them.
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All of them. I found it very tedious and boring to chase a survivor through the a strong loop only to be led to another strong loop. Yes, I know, I am bad at this game, but nonetheless, it was boring. I had the most fun with Trapper since he could shut down some loops, but he was tedious to play since you had to travel the world to get his power.
Survivor(Solo Queue) is much more enjoyable for me.
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Any soley m1 based killer. With how the current meta is just to waste as much time as possible you cant afford to go after x survivor, get dh'd for distance then go onto someone else that's gonna do the same thing.
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The Artist. Boring power IMO and I can't stand any of her audio. Super grating.
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Nurse is the only killer I refuse to play. I can't stand staring at her feet half the match.
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Are you sure you belong on the internet? XD
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Artist, Hag and Trickster.
Artist - Boring power. And her voice is kinda cringe...
Hag - Her power is alright actually. She has good add-ons. But i don't know why but i just can not enjoy with her. Probably because i don't like slow-start killers.
Trickster - Worse version of Huntress. Bunny is better than him.
Play with re-charge add-ons. You will like her more.
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No, I really won't.
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Nurse is the only killer I do not bother with unless I have a daily. I played her enough for her achievements but for now I will ignore her.
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Hag: I find her playstyle to be very boring and against flashlights and SFWs on com she isn't even that super strong to begin with.
Plague: ######### her red vomit, the single most annoying feature of the game (yes, even playing against a lobby full of DH is more fun than aiming that #########)
I actually like playing the twins but with the healing and anti-slugging meta + recent nerf to switching back to Charlotte, I have played them less often.
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Well, as a Roadhog one trick, I feel the pig noises are a plus. But I respect your bad opinion.
I guess I avoid Oni because that poor guy still has yet to be purchased. I bought Kate and Yun Jin before I bought him. In all fairness, one was after they gave us Bubba shards and the other was discounted... But you have to admit, buying a survivor over a killer is probably the biggest disrespect imaginable. And as I approach 9k again... These are for Dredge.
Sorry, Oni. Its not you, its me.
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I refuse to play Ghostface tbh, I feel like Micheal is more fun and better overall.
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Bubba. Bubba is a reason I don't like going to play as Survivor, I do not want to inflict that same frustration on the people I play against. I will tunnel, I will camp, I will trash talk, I will not play Bubba. He is annoying, he is boring, he is infuriating, he is stupid. I hate Bubba
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I especially hate playing with Hillbilly and Leatherface. Oni doesn't amuse me either. Twins and Artist are abominably slow. Freddy is annoying because of the dream world. And I brain myself with Spirit when I use his power.
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Nurse and Billy if I had blight he would be in the same category to because I don't do so good with the movements powers in the game
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There's nothing unique about him, he's just a weaker Demogorgon
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Bit unrelated but, have you seen the texas chainsaw massacre before? Bubba sounds like a pig half the time.
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I could have written the part about hag myself! She was the first killer I really tried to learn and I love strategy (trapper as well). Like you, I hate the rare occasion on which I go against a hag though. Most hags just play so unfun and don't tap her potential at all. I would even argue that proxicamping hooks isn't the most efficient way of playing her but it seems to work against my solo teammates every single time so it probably is... 🙄 I do suspect that i play killer at higher MMR than survivor though and I'm sure that feeds into my experience.
To answer the question, I don't particularly care for playing Bubba or Freddy. Just never really feel like playing them. Just trying to get the steam achievement for Bubba now and then I'll probably let him collect dust in a corner. 😉
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Probably these three.
Hag ~ I do not enjoy her playstyle. I do not enjoy playing against her. I do not like being 110%.
Nurse ~ She makes me physically ill to play. Motion sickness sucks.
Artist ~ I just sort of forget she's there. Never see her but she hasn't quite reached Twins-level of obscurity.
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Nurse, Blight and most of all Billy. At a smaller rate Oni.
I don't enjoy playing Nurse at all.
I hate Blight with almost every fiber of my body so I avoid him every way I can.
I absolutely don't want to play Billy ever for any reason, he feels clunky ashell and the downsides around him don't make me want to give it a try for "insta downs and high speed". When they gave us 2 tomes with missions for him I felt personally attacked.
I love Oni's loadout and his power is strangely satisfying to use when in demon dash imo but I just don't have enough control at all to go against any squad that is slightly average and has a decent notion of his limits and looping.
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Under all circumstances, I avoid playing Hag and Twins.
Doesn't mean I don't do well with them, but they're so miserable to play as.
When me and a friend played Killer randomizer and we got one of those, I almost threw up. (Mentally not literally)
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Gosh i cant wait to see how they fix them, knowing BHVR there gonna give victor a 20 seconds cooldown on a successful down, oh and nerf toy sword again
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Deathslinger 100%
I avoid playing him at all costs becuase he just sucks to play as and against IMO
He is just in such a terrible spot atm
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Nurse: hard to use and boring.
Hillbilly: hard to use and mediocre.
Huntress: too hard to use correctly.
Blight: ugly and hard to use.
Hag: boring.
Freddy: I refuse to use freddy since they became that killer so boring, bring back the pre-rework one please!
Deathslinger: I simply don't like him.
Spirit: I have problems tracking survivor sounds, maybe my headphones are not good enough.