meta shift ?

so we all know a dead hard change is coming real soon which granted the perk definitely needs but i wanna to discuss some things that will happen because of the nerf an id like to hear everyone opinion so with deadhard being changed i think we’d see a overcome, sprint burst meta. sprint burst is basically on deadhard level when it comes to exhaust perks but my main reason i say this as such is because of how dead hard allows survivors to be greedy an with the new meta i think i’d shift to a distance stealth meta with perks like lucky break an i honestly think this will just be a worse situation of holding W which has me really worried for m1 killers because it would simply being just pre throwing pallets which has me worried i also was wondering if nurses range add ons an recharge add ons an blights alchemist ring would finally be touched because like dead hard or not vsing those killers with those specific add ons can feel like there’s nothing you can do without it how do you guys think dead hard nerf will hurt m1 killers an benefit people playing anti loop killers more ?


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Sprint Burst and Overcome are not on DH's level. It's not even close either.

    The meta that develops depends on what they do to the other perks.

  • kaskader
    kaskader Member Posts: 283

    MMM dull ''there is nothing you can do argument again'' how lovely

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417
    edited May 2022

    So you're worried about a hold w meta becoming stronger and are at the same time vouching for nerfing add-ons that allow killers to catch up to survivors faster? You do realize holding w can be effective against Nurse too with how big some maps are unless you use those addons right?

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Sprint Burst is DH level, but killers will only understand that after DH is gone, and start the same outcry as now. Its a given.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Well yes indeed. These nerfs will indeed (hopefully) benefit all anti loop killers. Specially those like nurse, blight, twins, huntress that dont really care about sprint burst and will slap that juicy survivor ass regardless.

    Thats not all though, killers like Sadako, Dredge, Wraith, Demopuppy that can travel the map quickly but dont really have great chasing potential will also benefit immensely from Dead Hard nerfs. Probably way more than above mentioned killers.

    Not to mention obvious stuff like you cant use Sprint Burst to avoid Trappers Traps or Deathslingers hook or w/e. It would benefit a great many killers immensely. Lets not forget, DH is specially brutal for m1 killers.

    But i think you guys are overestimating how much they will nerf Dead Hard. I dont expect to see it gone, not at all. I actually expect to see it not changed much.

    IMO it needs the same treatment Coup de Grace got and needs a token system slapped on that basically says gain 1 token if you repaired the equivelant of 70% generator. Imo thats what it deserves, but its not what its going to get.

    Anyway, something is coming at least which is better than the no shits the devs gave before, which is nice.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,026

    Anyone who still thinks Sprint Burst is better or as good as Dead Hard hasn't played through DBD yet.

  • MaxFiGuy
    MaxFiGuy Member Posts: 56

    Sprint Burst is not at the level of Dead Hard. Dead hard is an on-demand dodge or an on-demand boost of distance. The other perks that give mobility to survivors have much more drawbacks. Sprint Burst is not as controllable as Dead Hard. Yes, you can manage your exhaustion to hold it, but it is not held in the same way Dead Hard is. Balanced Landing can only be triggered in very specific locations on maps. Lithe requires a fast vault. Adrenaline and Hope require 5 generators to be completed. Dark Theory requires a blessed totem. Fixated/Self-Aware is limited to only walking. Urban Evasion is limited to only crouched movement. Dead Hard requires the survivor to be injured, but most of the time a survivor doesn't need to use Dead Hard unless they are injured. There are killers and perks that have insta-down abilities, but the basic single health state attack is common in all killers. Sprint Burst is good, but Dead Hard allows survivors to use pallets and vault locations too efficiently in most maps. Just as a note, I am excited for the whole meta to change with ALL perks. There are about 100 perks for each role and there are heaps of perks with very little value. When was the last time you saw Lightweight or Coulrophobia? There are some perks like Visionary and Deja Vu for new survivors who don't know generator locations yet (I used Deja Vu all the time when I was new). Lightborn is great for newer killers that don't know how to avoid getting blinded. I'm not saying nerfing meta perks and boosting non-meta perks is the only answer. We know some perks are just temporary solutions that are planned for the long term, but changes core gameplay mechanics can incentivize players to not feel that they have to use the meta perks.

    Sorry for the rant. I was no uber-good DBD player, so Dead Hard wasn't as much as a pain to me as it is to other killers. I also never ran it as survivor since my ping is trash and I was just bad at pressing E, I guess.

    I guess my whole point was to add my take of debunking Sprint Burst and Dead Hard being at the same level. Both are very good perks, but Dead Hard definitely works better with high-skilled loopers.

  • TurboTOne
    TurboTOne Member Posts: 347

    Its not. Sprintburst can help you in a chase at the beginning. While Deadhard can extend the chase after it should have been over.

    At least when it comes to frustration Deadhard is worse. And making this Game less frustrating is the best they can do.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    You can also use SB in chase to get out of a deadzone/used up loop if youre smart enough with your micromanagement. It always have been the more versatile perk, and killer will see that soon.