What to do as a killer when you are drastically outmatched?

Malicius Member Posts: 15

Genuine question. When MMR puts you in a match where you aren't even close to the same level as the survivors, what are you supposed to do?

Do you continue to chase while the flashlight click, tbag, etc? Do you just finally down someone and kind of quit and camp them?

I am at a loss. I have never played a game with "MMR" where you get matches where you feel like you can do absolutely nothing to play the game. In a lot of matches, there is no point to continue trying.


  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    ... keep trying? Idk, in a game where you're hopelessly outmatched, it's just practice I guess

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    I try to find the weak link, almost all Survivor teams have one (SWF or no SWF) sometimes the MMR throws a extremely skilled Survivor with 2 normals and 1 less than average, thats the weak link, if you hook him you force at least another person to stop doing gens so you get some pressure and go after 1 of the normals, even 4people SWFs tend to have 1 person who doesnt play as much as the rest of the team and usually performs worse, he is usually around the very good looper so he can draw the aggro and loop you while the weaker link fixes gens.

    If all 4 are very very good and there arent any weak links (which is rare), I just play normal at least I can try to learn something from the experience and get some points.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,243

    Learn what you can from it. Try to pay attention to specific things the survivors are doing that you're having trouble with. Did you get value from your perks? Why/why not? What about your power? Go over your decision-making afterwards and how it related to the result. Then apply all of that to the next game

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    I strongly recommend you chase as much as you can while ignoring the more annoying ones. I have found that it's usually one or two that do this in a team and the others are just playing normally. Often the annoying ones will get in your way and give you free hits, which are definitely opportunities for you.

    That said, the reason why I say try to chase is so you can learn and get better. For that you do need to learn to control your emotions in this sort of very frustrating situation, but this is actually quite typical in many multiplayer games. Going against these folks allows you to learn how to fight against them, even if it's painful. Resigning yourself to just camping after getting one might feel good, but you'll always be helpless against them in future games. And unless you're Bubba, chances are they'll save anyway. Also no point in securing kills if you're completely outmatched, you don't want your MMR to rise or stagnate.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    To add to this - Imitate the survivors that duped you in solo queue. Did the strats that worked on you also work for you against another killer or did they have counterplay?

    Seeing is believing, but experiencing is understanding.

  • JonahsTablet
    JonahsTablet Member Posts: 762

    Look at corner until the survivors get bored, do the gens, and leave. I don't know about you guys, but I play games to have fun, I don't care if a bully squad doesn't get to have their fun with me, I'll just go do something else until they go on to bully someone else.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Oh yeah we have all been at that point one time. The answer is play as dirty as you can.

    First question is, are you outmatched by just 1 or 2 player or are they all equally good? If its just 1 or 2, leave them and try finding the easiest survivor in the group. If you find one thats easier than the rest, down them. Then tunnel them out if you can. If they get overly altruistic when you start tunneling, take advantage of it with freebie injures but dont stop tunneling.

    If all the survivors are pretty good, you gotta sniff out an opportunity. Read the game state and know your options accordingly. Is there 1 gen left with 1 or 2 hooks out of 12? There is no way you are winning normally. So stop trying to win normally.

    Are those 2 hooks on the same person? Tunnel them.

    Its not? Thats ok. Are they all injured at some point? Good opportunity to slug them all. Keep in mind where you downed them in case of unbreakable. Less risk of a reset since no bt and nobody runs soulguard.

    Everybody healthy and nobody close to being sacrificed? Prioritize focusing some one you already hooked if possible, then camp them and hope team gets altruistic. Know how to hook trade and how to win the grab game, if they make a mistake and give you a free down without managing to unhook leave the 2nd person slugged on the ground. If they coordinate the rescue well, try to go for a hook trade.

    At this point though i have to make something clear. If you keep finding yourself in the last position and you have NO:ED equipped, know that its probably the reason you keep finding yourself in that situation and consider unequipping it and focus on getting better at chases and downs.

    Its fine to play dirty and using NOED is fine as well but if you are overly relying on that one perk you will probably hate the game because game will feel impossible without it.

    TLDR, snowball and bank on survivors altruism.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Aside from “do your best”, I guess some advice would be don’t be afraid to slug for pressure. Especially if they’re swarming you trying for flashlight saves and revives they’ll often be putting themselves out of position for quick hits and you can get a lot of pressure by simply not hooking right away and smacking everybody who gets close.

    Also don’t get drawn into extended chases in strong areas, if they drop a pallet and you obviously won’t catch them soon just break the pallet and switch back to driving other people off gens. You’ll be widening the possible dead zones that way and with any luck by switching targets will catch a weaker person on their squad that you can down more easily.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Same thing I do in 99% of the matches I play nowadays....complete my tome challenge and alt tab to YouTube.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,305

    When I played killer, it would depend on who I was playing. If it was with a killer I had littler experience with and the matchmaking put me up against meanies who are obviously better than me and rather than play the game are instead choosing to annoying me (head on stun after head on stun, t-bag, and whatever else), I’d just stand in a corner and alt+tab and watch YouTube.

    If it was when I was playing Trapper, I’ll just go trap up the basement and the routes surrounding it and wait for them to get stuck. Then they’re never leaving it.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Uninstall? Really we all should try to escape, but the entity already has you.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    There is no one answer fits all, there are a fair bit of variables in the game to consider.

    There are a multitude of factors that you need to consider:

    1. Know when to drop chase. Try to acknowledge when you got enough out of a chase whether it is a couple of good pallets, them going to an unfavourable area, etc.

    2. I identify the weak link, if there is a person clicky clicky chase me, that they are usually not the best choice to go for. If they follow you around just see it as a positive, as they aren't working on gens.

    3. Assume they will try and save, don't be to greedy and consider the options. If you know they want to flashlight save, pallet save etc. Don't instantly pick up, what angle do you look towards whe picking up, consider looking first in a different direction and the 180 into the one you want, etc. Slugging is pressure.

    4. Consider where you hook people, basement, middle of a 3 gen, etc. Try making it an advantage to you. Yeah this is proxy camp, but reality is that it is effective. If the hook isn't strategic, you should be moving away from it and trying to get a down somewhere else... if they insta save, you can still tunnel them naturally.

    5. Don't expect to be able to 12 hook, as much as people hate it. Tunnel, ping pong between the same survivors and actually killing them is just good play. Don't stare yourself blind at it, good survivors when outclassing you can make you lose the game if to focused on it.

    6. Adapt to the situation as much as you can, ignore any idea of "but the fun of the survivors" you are playing for your fun and if you start playing for their fun... you will lose. They are not playing for your fun, so who will do so if you aren't either.

    7. Try your best, try to learn from the experience and don't worry to much about it afterwards. It was a hard game, you might lose and that is alright. If you do this, then eventually you will learn how to play and sometimes you will win.

    As a killer you need to realize, there is a time and place to camp, tunnel, slug, chase, defend gens, etc. Learning when to do what is what makes you better, while learning you will also lose.

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854


  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I'd say know when to drop bad chases. Either find the survivor you can catch (or are most likely to catch) or accept you will lose a lot of gens and just commit to a chase.

    If you down that survivor then you have two options.

    1. Continue to chase learning what you can, this will probably result in pretty quick loss but you may get some value out of it, or...
    2. Accept that chasing is less efficient in this scenario and switch it up to hook defence, (AKA camping).

    Now a lot of people will accuse you of being angry or malicious or trash or whatever but ignore them they are just bad gamers. <- this is very important.

    When chasing is not, or no longer, viable or valuable (i.e outmatched or in the EGC). Camping becomes your primary tactic.

    While it can be uneventful gameplay, you'll either...

    -secure a kill for points, not very interactive but it is what it is.

    -get some good interactive gameplay around the hook that involves hook trading giving you more points, or fail completely and everyone escapes, either is fine its all gameplay.

    -grossly tilt your opponent into making big mistakes netting you a extra downs/kills. This last one is just a caveat of player perception of camping, good players won't get tilted or fall for this, bad players will get tilted and likely fall for it almost every time that's kinda why it works. Again it is what it is just gameplay.

    Some other tips that helped me are,

    if you don't want to wait out the egc then just chase players out, if you find yourself getting tilted by BM at the gate don't go to there and use the EGC to farm up points, break stuff/spam your power etc.

    switch it up if you are getting flashlight saved etc then start slugging and just keep downing and slugging you'll farm up a bunch of points and then hooks don't matter.

    ignore the flashlight clicky BM guy he wants you to chase him don't take the bait. If they follow you around doing that then, great you don't need to chase them they are chasing themselves for you. Take the free pressure. Maybe act like you are going to chase them then just stop so they keep following you around and not helping their team, its a gift. Manipulating your opponent's ego is a big part of PVP.

    There are lots of vids about how to run LT walls etc most survivors just do the same thing over and over, if you learn those patterns you'll catch them out as most either won't or can't change up what they do.

    Eliminating a player early is your best bet, tunnel if you have to its fine its all just gameplay.

    Don't give up, in the current game state losing 3 gens in the first chase is very common, should be expected at this point. Its not over till everyone is dead, I've had plenty of games turn into 4k's at 1 gen left. NOED can help with this its a very strong perk.

    A 4 escape loss isn't a bad thing because its so easy to inflate your MMR and wind up out matched. Switch it up to farm up some points and let them all go to get your MMR back down, this isn't smurfing this is doing the MMR's job for it because its trash at evaluating player skill itself.

    Keep playing, FAIL stands for "first attempt in learning" many people don't know this and beat themselves and others down for it turning into sore losers and bad gamers over time. Don't be that person there is enough of them in DBD already.

    Lastly remember, none of it matters its only a game.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    If they're consistently rude, I simply refuse to play with them. You can pick who you engage with and who you don't in the game.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    If you don't want to play the match you can always go basement and wait there until they leave.

    I do that when doors are already opened and they are there waiting to tbag until last second. Just go basement and watch some twitch/youtube in the meantime.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    See if you can draw a penalty and then get a few points while on the powerplay, then you can attempt to take the lead in OT.