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I just mori'd someone with BPS?

Wampirita Member Posts: 807

I just had the weirdest... something?? happen to my game and I don't really know what to think, but i find it hilarious enough to share with you.

So bloodhunt, everyone farming their points, so i run BPS on my BP printing machine, aka Doctor.

But then there's a lobby with a cute Feng rocking the name "MoriMeDaddy", so I took mori just for her.

Offerings were just a fog bottle, an escape cake, some flowers and my mori.

Mori time came and... eh???

I figured out that it just didn't register change of offering or something, but no, it gets better.

I got BOTH mori and BPS value.

No survivors had BPS, and it wasn't a wrong amount of points, cuz I just used them up on Trickster.

Also In the end screen I was as Trickster?? And survivors were completely different (i didn't kill everyone in my Doctor game, that's what caught me off guard)

It may be a bug, but what a cool bug tho xD 2 offerings at once
