Legion is a quite garbage killer right now :(

Hi! I think that Legion isn't as weak as Freddy but in my opinion he's after him (he's (she's) one of the weakest characters).
In my opinion hitting survivors for 4 times to down them with frenzy is too much. I think that it should be 3. Also I think that his/her frenzy movement speed isn't enough, in my opinion Legion using frenzy should be a bit faster than it is right now. And last thing, 30 seconds bleed-out timer after "Deep Cut" is A LOT OF TIME, it should be 25 or 20 :) (since in chase the timer isn't running) Thank you for attention :) I hope that the Legion will get at least small buff :)


  • OakLestat
    OakLestat Member Posts: 125

    I would agree that Deep Cut should be 15 to 20 seconds max bleed out timer.

  • JanTheMan
    JanTheMan Member Posts: 495
    Yeah needs some buffs, but I think people are really overacting about the killer strength, saying the legion the worse killer and stuff. 
  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533
    Yup he needs some buffs
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    killers are always undertuned on the ptb, this should surprise no one