DbD Is An Amazing Game, Spoiled By It's Community.

StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

Yeah, just need to vent.

These days, I play survivor in the morning before work, and killer in the evening after I get dinner ready and finish up the chores.

Last night, killer. Decide to marathon Ghostface, as I had a metric ton of streamers on him. Well, 7.

Game 1: 2 DCs, right as I'm picking my first down up. No idea why - long chase, 2 gens done.

Game 2: Down a Nea at a gen fairly early, she suicides on hook and another person DCs.

Game 3: Strongish 3man SWF, but a decent game on The Game. Maybe things are looking up?

Game 4: Duo went completely AFK after I caught the Claudette early at a gen. Postgame: 'do u rly need to win that badly?' from the Claudette. Sigh.

Game 5: Sneak up and grab a Nancy off a gen, she insta DCs.

Game 6: Ridiculously easy game after a long wait. Gave a Nancy and a Dwight gate at the end, felt a little guilty.

Game 7, my final streamers - started decent, but after they managed to perfectly 4gen themselves with 3 alive, the Ash and the Claudette decided to play hide and seek on Haddonfield, just hiding in lockers and stealthing around (I swear, it's always an Ash that sulks). Killed the Feng, but took me almost 20 minutes to finally find the Ash. Claudette got the hatch. Accused me of being 'sweaty' in postgame - no camping, no tunneling, no slugging at all.

Fine, maybe people are just tired of Ghostfaces. Switch over to Artist. Yup, got 2 streamers left on her.

Game 8: Within a few seconds of the game starting, I start hearing a repeated loud noise notification. Head on over and it's a Meg (with No Mither, if I recall, although it might have been Unbreakable), crouched in front of a locker. Oh joy.

Yup, she'd found another of those bloody 'if I down you here, I can't pick you up' spots.

Killed everyone else but the Feng, who was actually trying to help me get the exploiting Meg out from there. Eventually had to hard slug and camp her out, letting the Feng go. Urgh. Called it a night in disgust.

This morning, day off! Survivor time! Wife's busy with work!

Got 8 streamers left on my Feng, let's put them to use.

Game 1: Really good, close game against a Blight. Promising start to the day.

Game 2: Hard slugging Hag with Knockout (thanks for giving this...wonderful gift to the world, Otz). Bled everyone out at 4 gens. Depipped, she got like 9000 BP total.

Game 3: Insidious Deathslinger (is this now a thing?), facecamped on first down with his instadown addon.

Game 4: Ghostface. Cable pulled about 3 minutes into the game after someone pallet stunned him.

Game 5: Got tunneled out of the game at 3 gens by a Pyramid Head. Meh. Getting a bit salty now.

Game 6: *Annoying* Deathslinger game, was on my butt for the entire game. They then caught a Bill and he suicided on hook before we could get to him, leading to us losing. By now I was getting rather salty. First time in recent memory that I told someone off in postgame, felt a bit bad about it.

Game 7: Load in, see a Bubba. *Groan.* Yup, another Insidious camper. Person suicided on hook, we made it to 1 gen before he caught me, hooked me, then immediately caught someone else and dropped them under me, then camped both of us. Ducky.

Game 8: Last streamers. Myers. Okay. Oh joy - he's using Tombstone, so we get 0 healing done and get a pretty easy 3 out, with sub 20k a piece. Postgame: 'genrushing cowards'.

So - that's been my DbD experience for the last few games.

I think it's time for another hiatus after the Hunt ends, because this game is really grating my cheese right now. Maybe the overhaul will help with some of this, but right now it doesn't feel like this game wants me to play it.


  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    Sometimes its just a crap week sadly. Honestly, when I see Ghostface I am freaking thrilled. I think he's fun to play with, and his new music is kick ass. I try to make a point of not DC even if I don't like the killer.... but I have noticed especially if a survivor is new then they may disconnect if they don't know how to face a certain killer.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167



    The problem isn't necessarily with the community itself, it's just the unanimous frustration on both sides that can make it, truly; unbearable.

    The state of the gameplay leaves it in almost a flawed state. The unpredictability of the game is gone due to the meta washing down everyone's throats. And while sometimes you can just be unlucky it can be incredibly frustrating to want to progress. Because ultimately, most people who find success obtain the skills they have by playing along with the meta. Until they were comfortable leaning off of it.

    Stagnant; lack of evolution

    I am hoping that these perk changes set us in the right direction. The current meta may be 'healthy', but it's like eating the same meal for five years. It gets dull. There's nothing to 'spice up the meta' with the latest character's perks. Most of them are situational at best. And that's not a bad thing. But some of them are too situational, which makes them borderline unusable. The tomes are a band-aid fix to a problem that still maintains itself and continues to pile like dirty laundry.

    I want the game to evolve more. Gen-rushing is always going to be a problem because it's a matter of "survivor's doing their objective' but the lack of expansion on what to do makes optimization of one build that much easier since there's only one route you're taking, the most fun is the most efficient way-- so why bother with the scenery?

    bad feedback (This may be biased. do feel free to correct me.)

    Like all things, the 'unhealthy state' of the game cannot just be fixed on the lonesome side of the balancing team. To do that, they need feedback. But with multiple sides calling for nerfs, and group polarization consistently occurring, it explains this. To quote simply psychology,

    Group polarization is the tendency for groups to show a shift towards the extremes of decision-making when compared to decisions made by individuals.

    If this sounds familiar, it happens in political discussions, in the game content discussions. And since the game has divided itself neatly into two separate teams, receiving feedback from either is impossible due to in no particular order: Lack of proper reasoning, inability to experience both sides, lack of understanding or empathy. When trying to compile feedback, it is impossible to do so in a sea of arguments; which is why change can be so hard to do.

    Granted, this doesn't mean some of the game topics are not without nuance. But like many online communities, you can expect those sections to be flooded with "get good" "you're just bad" or other replies that don't really address the problem at hand. When you have two, very extreme varying opinions on each side, it's hard to find a middle ground.

    HOWEVER, things get better.

    The best thing you can do is, leave your honest feedback. Explain why something bothers you. When feedback becomes constructive, it becomes useful to gather, especially in terms of QoL improvements. There could be an entirely separate discussion on how the developers use feedback (if, they use it at all), but that's another conversation for another day.

    However, there's a whole other set of problems. But do know, play the games you enjoy, and play them without care. The endgame chat has always been a cesspool of toxicity. Don't bother with it. And if you truly aren't having fun, don't be shy to put down DBD and play something else.

    I hope you have a better time in the fog. I hope the changes prove invaluable, but then again; we'll just have to wait and see.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    This is definitely one of the more toxic game communities I’ve seen. Doesn’t help that a lot of people here on the forums complain about everything under the sun, but I think it’s just because it is human nature to be competitive- and Dbd is one of the worst games for that.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Yeah it feels more grim than usual atm. People dcing after getting downed pretty much every game (are the penalties off? It really feels like they're off) and the last two survivors taking the game hostage out of spite if there are still multiple gens left seems to be happening more and more often 🙄

    (fyi killers- if you're searching for the last two survivors and they haven't touched a gen in a good while, go to the basement. 9/10 times they'll be in there climbing in and out of lockers)

  • BenOfMilam
    BenOfMilam Member Posts: 911

    Based thread.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,779


    I turned chat off and stopped caring about the game.

    Everyone's a bot to me, now.

    If I finish a tome challenge early in a match or get bored, I'll throw YouTube on.

    The results of matches no longer mean anything to me.

    The fun of others no longer matters to me.

    The accumulation of Rift Tiers is absolute.

    The Tome is all now. Tome. TOME.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    I think a lot of it comes down to the bizarre positions of the devs themselves - who, on one hand, pride themselves on being ultra-progressive, but on the other hand will literally defend trash talking and nastiness as an integral part of online gaming. This is how you get a community that is both shaved-bear levels of touchy and BM as all hell.

    I think it comes down to the bloody archives this time around, some of which are pretty fiddly on the survivor end. So people queue up, and when they realize they're not getting it done that game just cable pull.

    The DC penalty system as a whole needs a look, because it's about as effective as a fart in a hurricane.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Yup. And it's not like repeated strobing and noxious stimulation could possibly cause anyone actual issues...

  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,579

    This game and community is such a mess that I can't help but enjoy what happens here :)

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    I disagree. This game isn't that great and though the community is definitely not that good, the game itself is not what I would call amazing. It can be given in maybe by the end of the year if all those things that bhvr said they would do in the anniversary stream actually happen.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,749

    You don't have to look at post game chat. I've kept it closed for 90%+ of my matches in the past few months, and the few I've opened I've regretted it. I'd enjoy an option to just remove the chat entirely, and this setting would require a restart to even change. There's a difference between being able to just unhide and see it instantly and straight up not having the chat there at all.

    Either way, there are ways to handle most things survs can do. I for one have stopped bothering with the "slug for 4k". I don't need it, I already have all challenges I need and Iri 1 for now. I just find hatch, close it, and if gates are close I patrol them. If not I tab out. My favorite moment in DbD is when the survs actually just leave through the gates or hatch when they have the chance and don't drag it out.

    Which is also why I'd like a surr option once gens are done at the very least. Just so much less time wasted.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    There's only so much you can do against salty losers that dc, or afk. The game at least has a dc penalty, though there really should be some punishment for people that afk too often.

    However, I think this does illustrate the biggest problems of DBD. I would argue an amazing game, for me, would make sure these very unfun and crappy strategies were not as rewarding. Tunneling, camping, and even mass slugging, should be weaker.

    And for the other side, it would be nice if killer couldn't be so stressful, with how fast gens can be repaired.

    If these issues were addressed, DBD could be an amazing game for me personally as well.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    Pretty sure it stopped the bleeding timer, so killers could actually hold the game hostage for the downed survivor. So not the same.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,139

    For wacky fun like having someones feet to be sticking out of a locker yes. Actually trying to play..... never. I still remember when I think it was shroud who uninstalled live on stream.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I enjoy playing both sides - when everyone is actually trying to win, and not just cable pulling or going AFK the second it looks like it might be a challenging game, and also not just being a deliberate prat.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    They are saying the opposite in that post. Trash talk is what is toxic, and they suspended me for calling survivors rodents, I think? So they are technically consistent about it. Lol.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    In DBD, the community is the game and we all need to realize that so one side isn't drowned out by the other. And I get it. We all have our moments of frustration after a bad match. We're all human. I do think a lot of things in this game are taken too seriously. As a survivor main, getting a match where the killer doesn't camp, tunnel or slug is always way more fun than matches where those things do happen, even if I don't escape. DBD's future is entirely dependent on its community in my opinion.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Forums are very, very different.

    I got banned for literally saying 'don't be a jerk'. Yes, I'm still rather salty about that.

    My understanding is that the forums have a much higher standard for discourse, while the game is more of a wild west approach.

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 745

    I guess you haven't gone through the Overwatch community. It was the first thing that ruined the game. After that, it was ActiBlizz...

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Overwatch is a bit rough around the edges, but has improved a lot since release. It's also a game with native VOIP - and even then, it's seldom as routinely unpleasant as DbD is. The developers have also actually done a fair bit to fight toxicity.

    The only communities I can think of that rival DbD for toxicity are Smite, UT2004 and the original DOTA map. Maybe pre-Tribunal LoL.

    There's a bit more to survivor than that...and 'being chased' is an enormously, nearly infinitely complex part of the game on it's own.

    When it comes to 'messing with the killer', there's a right way and a wrong way to go about it.

    If you're bodyblocking or baiting them, that's fine.

    If you're spamming flashlight macros, that's toxic as all hell.

    The former - okay, chase is on. If you teabag a bit, I'll give you a nodding once I down your cocky butt, but otherwise no issue.

    The latter - yeah, you're getting camped and tunneled out.