What are peoples opinions on things like chest defender bubba or victor fishing twins?

Just had an arguement with a guy in the endgame chat about how he was going to report me cause I wasn't playing the game normally. I just don't find playing the game normally to be any fun nowadays. I used to do dumb ######### like this and got fun reactions out of people now its just people being salty or silent
I find it mildly annoying (I'm here to play DBD, not whatever weird meme game you're playing) but I don't really care all that much. Like...I'm not going to chastise anyone for doing it or whatnot, I'm just likely going to plow through the gens as fast as I can and go to my next game.
Although I do have to ask...what's Victor Fishing Twins? Is that the one where you have Charlotte have Insidious and the add on that makes them exposed if you kick Victor and then hide right by him so when he gets kicked, you smack them down right away?
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Being AFK is a reportable offense and doing it too often might result in a Ban. Chest-Defender Bubba is nothing else than being AFK.
Dont really know what the Victor-Stuff is.
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*waits for Basement Bubba's Big Banwave*
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Boring, stupid.
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You touch my chest, I put you to rest.
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Guess the Victor fishing thing is leaving him in area until he procs killer instinct and then pouncing? Which is fine, i did it all the time when i mained Twins, I would have Blood Favour and and just park Victor on the game map, And mainly use charlotte utilizing the the killer instinct procs and silencing cloth. Ironically people hated that playstyle though.
I've never come across a chest defending bubba tbh, only the staring contest one's.
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It's a little annoying, especially if I brought something good that match, but I find it much more entertaining than pure AFKs or stuff like boxblocker pig or Basement Bubba. If it happens only rarely, and it does, it makes for a good laugh.
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What is victor fishing?
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Same. It's much more entartaining than pure AFK so I accept it. Recently we got Wtaith who deffinetely did kick-25-gen archive in a farming mode. They brought overcharge, and I got the rules - everytime one of us miss the hard skillcheck, that person gets shaming nodding and hit from killer. It was fun. Much funnier than those farming scams who get their archive with survs' help (why not, I feel how sometimes it's hard to get it normally) but doesn't bother to hook everyone (or hit at least) to let survs farm altruism as a thanking.
I really wanna play this game. I really don't want to loose pip with afk memes and waste addons for nothing (sometimes it's last pip I need to get iri 1, I don't get it bc of AFK, and then I get unfortuanately bad games with -1, so no other feelings except salt). It's good tense-breaker after some hard games, yes, and I won't report this because I like fun and unusual things, but sometimes it's just not at right time. Just like big purple medkit with Gel Dressings and anti-haemorrhagic against Plague.
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Setting victor up with the iri addon that exposes survivors after kicking him then coming out of insidious for the insta down.
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I don't run into those sorts of play styles enough for them to bother me at all
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I like that kinda stuff for a change of pace. - Tho it kinda requires everyone to be on the same page and agree that the rules have been slightly adjusted for that match. But if it were to happen too frequently I'd probably get annoyed at some point.
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That kind of sounds funny. I might try that.
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We had a Myers once that took us to Haddonfield, and then never left his own house.
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As long as the killer's gimmick doesn't involve taking me hostage, I don't care. If you want to play weird, play weird.
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Okay, but what if my weird playstyle involves taking you hostage? Which statement is true, the first or the second?
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As long as you don't take my hostage, go ahead and play weird.
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People not liking these meme playstyles is whats wrong with the community.
Sorry your little genrush game got changed,... but its a game, and we can play how we want.
I watch ttv vids of me doing chest bubba and they absolutely LOVE IT, they come down to basement and wont touch chest and their viewers enjoy it too.
Fun and smiles, I like having fun. Hoarder Franklins is my fave build
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Play how you want. You start a game to have fun, YOU. Not for Survivors. Stop always taking their complaints into consideration.
I really like playing Myers Scratched Mirror on Lery or RPD. Some Survivors thank me for being cool in the game, others insult me for being scared or bored.
I do not care. I play how I want.
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Basement protector is just another way to play. Try not to do it every game just to be safe.
Btw I do basement trapper with Franklin's so I can trap items.
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This sounds kind of funny. I probably wouldn't mind this one. If you've got a pretty unique meme build that makes the match fun, that's one thing.
People who AFK to "lower their MMR" or basement bubbas are just annoying. AFK people are boring and are just wasting your time. If their goal is to just lose, they could play and just not kill anyone and we'd all get a lot of bloodpoints and practice. But, the reason why they're AFKing to try and lower their MMR is because they want to bully people and they don't want to feel like they lost so if they try to chase anyone and it gets mildly difficult after 10 seconds they'll personally throw a fit.
Basement defender is just annoying. It's, again, boring after the first time it's happened to you.
The bigger issue is that these meme builds aren't exactly uncommon. If it was just one match where someone does something creative and it's scary/funny (like the Victor fishing thing sounds funny), then I'd be ok with it. But basement defender isn't uncommon and it's not interactive. It's just a fancy name for facecamping someone in the basement.
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I don’t know a single player banned for AFK.
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Miserable people in this game: Why do killers play so sweaty? This is a casual game, have fun and chillax!
Also Miserable people in this game: Chest Protect Bubbas need to be banned!!! PLay the game normal or dont play at all!
PS Ill be Victor fishing tonight. I have a new build for it.
edit: I run these builds after hitting Iri Red 1, hit it last night so time to meme for the next 2 weeks till reset LOL we dont do this to lower MMR, we do it because we tired of 4king to hit Iri 1. Now its time to have fun
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It takes a lot of Reports to get banned for being AFK. And not everyone reports.
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Maybe you should play something else if you don't find playing the game fun.
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It was funny at first but the gimmick got real old, really fast.
Its just annoying in my opinion. I’ll still play through the game, but without the shock or surprise of it, it’s just… really boring.
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Lol basement bubba isnt bannable
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I've never seen it, either.
It is, AFAIK, a temporary ban, anyway.
Fun fact (gleamed from off-topic forum post with dev response....someone can correct me if I'm wrong) - If you DO get banned for this, somehow, you're NOT going to get any concrete reason or the ability to review the 'evidence.'
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It's an amusing change of pace.
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I feel like you do you. If the killer is not interested in the normal gameplay, well, all I can and have to do is finish those gens and move on to the next. Might be "boring", frutrating when you're trying to go for some specific challenges as well, but at the end of the day is not something that has any overwhelming weight at all considering how simple it is to just finish the match and leave.
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IN my opinion, the "hoarder" tome challenge is literally made for Chest Protect Bubba.
Thats how I did it, put on Hoarder, waited for a chest notification to proc came un-insidious and went after the Meg. Chainsawed her on top the chest.
There is no such thing as "normal" game play. All play styles and builds that use perks are allowed.
I saw threads of people complaining that the hoarder tome was too difficult to get with Twins, I was like, duh, its a Bubba tome bruh I got it first try as Bubba
One of my favorite builds ever is Franklins Wraith. I have gotten 4k just camping items and never going to a gen. Normal playstyle is boring after 3k hours
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Its the MO of the entitled gamer.
There is one right way to play DBD and anyone who doesn't do that is toxic/malicious/purposefully ruining people's fun etc. etc.
I often find chases bland and repetitive, unless you are having dynamic chases that mix things up most people just run 4 times around the same rock then drop the pallet and rinse/repeat.
Its really mind numbing, often more so than playing around a hook/basement trying to out play a hook defending killer.
That's just me though and I switch my game up accordingly to how things are playing out.
A lot of people can't do that because they are stuck in the mindset that there is one way to play and only that one way and its only fun for everyone all the time.
Its exhausting trying to interact with people like that and fun killing.