Should survivors have unique abilities like killers do?

Chiky Member Posts: 615

I've been thinking this lately, and at some point, each survivor becomes basically just a skin, especially when they can just use perks from everyone and the same items... Should each survivor have either a permanent perk just for them, or a unique ability, or unique object?

Should survivors have unique abilities like killers do? 32 votes

Permanent unteachable perk
RavenTheWraithUndershotduygu 3 votes
Permanent perk, but can be teached
Annso_x 1 vote
Unique ability in addition to the objects they could have
HannonChiky 2 votes
Unique ability that replaces the object slot
ElleGreenhatchetChuggerTHESALMON 3 votes
Unique object only they can use
Chaellooo 1 vote
They should have something unique, but not like these options (comment below)
TeabaggingGhostfacesteponmeadirisBothSidesEnjoyerqnyun 4 votes
No, they should keep being just skins
rhaAven_FallenDeadeyeHellraisingPredatorbjorksnasArchAbhorCheeseAntonAdjathaDoritoHeadAnchorTeaViktor1853N8dogGazgemauch[Deleted User]sizzlingmario4DredgenWar237XendritchJonathanByers 18 votes


  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546
    No, they should keep being just skins

    It'd be cool if they had different animations that reflected their lore/personality that did not effect gameplay.

  • entertainment720
    entertainment720 Member Posts: 246

    One of my favorite things about DbD is playing whichever characters whose stories, personalities, and aesthetics make me feel connected.

  • JonathanByers
    JonathanByers Member Posts: 167
    No, they should keep being just skins

    It would just be dumb if someone like David had an ability or perk to punch and stun the killer.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    Permanent perk, but can be teached

    I picked the "permanent perk but can be teached" bc it seems like the most viable option (assuming it's not a fourth perk), but it would imply killers know one of your perks and the possible playstyles or popular builds around it from the start.

    And honestly it'd be fun but it's too late to implement tbh. It would lead to ppl only playing op characters (bc obviously if they have differences some will be better than others) and others complaining that the survivor they've played for years is now worse than others. I feel like disparities between survivors would have been fine if they were implemented from the start, but yeah ppl wouldn't like it if their mains were made dirty now.

    Also there's already differences in sizes & loudness, I very rarely play Meg bc i don't have iron will on her and she's very loud for eg.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 615
    Unique ability in addition to the objects they could have

    but you already have meta perks that it's the same thing...

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,407
    No, they should keep being just skins


    Meta-Survivors would mean that you will see the same Survivors all the time. And what about players who mained a certain Survivor, but when they introduce unique abilities, this Survivor has one of the weakest? The player would be forced to either switch their Main or play with a weaker Survivor. And often enough they have a lot of Outfits for their Main Survivor.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108
    They should have something unique, but not like these options (comment below)

    They should have their teachable perks be slightly stronger on them, tier 4, if you will

    Killers should get the same treatment

  • ElleGreen
    ElleGreen Member Posts: 1,063
    Unique ability that replaces the object slot

    Yes survivors are becoming super boring... The cosmetics are usually super awful. The only cool thing are the licensed survivors. Evil Dead has the right Idea!!!

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 615
    Unique ability in addition to the objects they could have

    oh, this idea sounds really good tbh :o