
So I loaded into a lobby as Steve, there was also a Feng, Nea and Elodie. As I was waiting I was just staring at the team I was gonna be playing with when I noticed something...We all have backpacks!

My outfit was the last minute babysitter which Steve has a dull gray green backpack on. Nea had on her Reckless Boarder outfit on which has a blue and black backpack on it. Feng had the new Shorefront Ensemble outfit from the rift on (at least the torso bit) which has a baby blue and pink square mini backpack on. Lastly Elodie had on the Afropunk community cosmetic on that has beautiful wine colored open backpack on the back filled with maps, a journal and a shovel.

Seeing what was inside Elodie's backpack during the match it makes me wonder...what's inside those backpacks?! You can tell they are not empty too at least not completely! Feng's might because it's a designed to be square kind but something is telling me she has a Nintendo DS inside that there.

Dwight has a parachute yes and pizzas. But also his small side back in lost in public transit...what is inside? An ipod? The chocolate croissant he didn't enjoy? Well I do know he doesnt have money in there.

Meg and her new cycle carrier bag? What's in there? Food? Her temo runner? Her everyday outfit or extra gym clothes and music?

Whats in the binder that is in Claudettes dog sitting outfit?

Jake has money in his fancy dinner outfit yes but what about hateful notes that you'll never give?

Nea your Graff-crafter outfit has more inside than just pant markers I know it! Same goes for your Harajuku and howdy cat!

Feng your demon slayer pack is cool but what's in there? Oni's head?!

Kate your valentine's purse has a thicker chain than necessary and I doubt the rose is the only thing in there!

Adam! Seoul outfit that's a fanny pack more than anything! Doubt your holding student's papers in there!

Zarina your guerrilla filmmaker and grant applicant outfits are holding more than just a camera tripod and some papers where is the extra film and notes on the truth? Also your night out in queens...that's a very small purse.

Felix your mountain scout backpack doesn't look big enough to hold all your gear like it had been before! Where's the rest of your equipment?

Elodie Seoul queen...bigger purse means more maps and such. Take note from your cave Walker outfit! More room more gear!

Mikaela open mic host I assume you've got some witch craft stuff in that pack but what about your own body butters and maybe a small journal for your stories?

...wow there is a lot of backpacks that we don't know what's inside. Now I keep thinking of leon stealing a backpack and filling it up with flash bangs. And what about killer bags?! Trapper gotta be carrying more than an extra trap in his addon bag and legion! Surely you got spray paint in your never stop slashing bag! I'll stop before I go any further.
