How Am I Supposed to Win As Survivor?

When I get teammates like these people.
I can't even enjoy the game with my friends anymore because our random is always throwing the match or brand new to the game. Every Killer we get plays extremely hard with maximum slowdown. We literally can't win a 3v1.
It's such ######### and I'm so tired of having 10 bad games and one decent game.
The MMR Hell. If you didn't survive, was it really a skilled play? gives you a bunch of potatoes as teammates who have no idea how to play the game, which in turn means you can't really ever escape because you need your teammates to be at least quasi-competent (they don't need to be super good but "not miss a basic skill check" good, which should take about 30 minutes of gameplay to get to...). But you keep getting potato teammates because you're "not skilled" in the eyes of BHVR and potato teammates get you killed which means you're "not skilled" in the eyes of BHVR which gets you potato teammates which...
It's amazing how damn bad some people can be at this game
Also also because more people need to go watch this guys stuff...
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if you can’t win a 3v1 as a swfs it’s likely a skill issue
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That's one of the big problems with the MMR.
With the old system even if you "lost" as long as you played well you were still moving up in rank thus increasing the quality of your teammates on average.
Now with MMR it's completely irrelevant if you played well if you still die because of teammates like that. Not only are you not getting better teammates but since you died it's now going to drop your MMR and give you even worse teammates than that. It's essentially going to lock you into a downward spiral.
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I hope this is a troll reply and you aren't fr
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I give up on solo teams. SWF is only way to having fun as survivor.
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I'm gonna choose to interpret that as sarcasm
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Yeah, like what do I do here? I'm playing with my friend but these Bill's made it a 3v1.
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I started play as SWF. I never thought i will have good games as survivor.
My win rate was around 3/10 usually as solo. Now it is like 6-7/10
Old matchmaking was not great but it was better for survivors. You can not have fun as solo on current DbD, even one solo can ruin games.
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It's not an MMR issue. You can be an elite survivor above the softcap and still have multiple games in a row with teammates throwing games. Or not even throwing games, but teammates well outside of you and the killer's skill range.
People say they don't want this game to be competitive, or they don't want matchmaking to be competitive. I am asking, genuinely: how fun are you actually having being forced into games with players who aren't even trying to win? One game, fine. How about at least half of your games on any given night?
Let's just imagine that someone knew their MMR couldn't functionally increase any further for matchmaking purposes. Are the devs really saying their time investment means nothing, and their skill means nothing? Sorry about your luck, but these are the teammates you get unless you want to play in a 4 man SWF every time you play survivor? No other game does this. It's not right that players who want to be optimal and essentially play at Masters/GM are forced into playing with Silver/Gold teammates and there's literally no other game mode for solos. Even if you aren't elite, some players still want to play to win.
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Solo Q is a ######### rollercoaster with no breaks or safety straps. It's almost impossible to hard carry a bad solo Q team who can't even do gens. In some games, I just sit back and wish I could clone my character to be chased, repair gens, and open/99 doors all by myself, but it's just not possible, unfortunately. In some trials, that feels about the only way anything would actually get done.
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I feel this in my soul. I've played with so many people that will say things like "I'm going to waste my time doing nothing but totems because I know it annoys you." Like man, if you're playing a game, at least play along and try to win. Don't throw just because you can.
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I tried to play survivor yesterday and just gave up. Once you get low enough the survivor role is deleted from the game. You can't win if the other survivors don't do gens, and killers can only get so bad while survivors can easily be worse then the newest killer player in the game.
It is a perpetual spiral of losing that you can't break out of without SWF. Solo players should have a different way of scoring mmr tbh.
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I was kind of surprised the Solo Q improvements weren't mentioned in the anniversary
Sorry to hear that your games haven't been going so well.
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As Solo Q you have to think for your own escape mostly. However, if you insist on team work to get out… You have to be FULLY responsible for your team as they’re lacking. This is because I noticed as a solo survivor if you’re too good at chases the killer will leave you for the easy prey. They get you later when the pallets are all gone.
1.) Be the support. Either the medic, or the flashlight savior. If survivors keep getting hurt/caught you have to tend to them until the others finish the objective. If all you do is gens as solo you’ll lose.
2.) Run Clairvoyance. Cleanse a totem. The moment the team fails you abandon them, and hide. Use that power, and find the hatch. You will escape most of the time. I know I always did using this perk as solo Q.
3.) Run Plunderers and Appraisal. Find a key, and get out. Use the rituals to spawn the hatch somewhere purposely. The killer will likely close it, and walk off to check the exits. Not knowing you can find a key somewhere, and open it. You usually find a purple/red key this way. If you start the trial with a key the killer is aware. They will either slap it out your hands, stand on hatch, or worse. A survivor finds where you left it.
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Xeah but that was also the flaw of the old system. If you didn't outright suck, you managed to reach red ranks with enough time and dedication to playtime each month.
And we ended up with the hotpot of all skillevels in red and that was such a mess that in the end matchmaking was irrelevant and everyone got matched with everybody to ward of queue times.
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"you managed to reach red ranks with enough time and dedication to playtime each month."
Which in general means you were better. More play time usually makes people better at games. Yeah there are exceptions and it's not always true but in general in the old system a rank 1 played significantly better than a rank 10.
"And we ended up with the hotpot of all skillevels in red and that was such a mess that in the end matchmaking was irrelevant"
Well that was more an issue because of the change they made where people didn't derank enough. That was an entirely separate problem from what we're talking about.
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I only play solo Q and it actually surprises me how inefficient some people play. It's not even like I'm asking for a comp team, just a team that doesn't just stand or crouch doing nothing. Also I feel like all the survivors shouldn't be dead if you have a 3 man unless said 3 man isn't that good or isn't really trying to win. Unless, you know, blight or nurse.
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There are 2 things that called my attention on this post:
-You said it's you and one random, so one of those people wasting time is your friend right? Then you can tell them to move and blame on them too not just the random, who might have just followed the joke.
-You are using no perks, but it can be either memeing like them or just tryharding for the achievement, either way you have also put yourself and the team in a higher risk of loss by doing so.
I get there are many many many insufferable survivor matches for similar situations you try to show but this isn't the best example.
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The only winning move is not to play.
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No, my friend was the one doing gens in the clip. Those were two randoms, my statement was meant to be taken in a general sense.
Achievement. They didn't know I had no perks. But because I'm going for an achievement, they're allowed to literally throw the game? I don't see the connection.
How is two Survivors who only sat around a ######### fire barrel crouching up and down for the whole match NOT a good example of how insufferable Survivor is???
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I'm aware it isn't really related to MMR, hence why I made no mention of it.
Solo Q sucks and it always has.
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Hatch doesn't raise your mmr.
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Thank you for this, it was a good watch.
It's funny how many people complain about killer camping and such yet this stuff doesn't annoy me anywhere near as much as survivors just not using (un)common sense. If you try something and fail, fine, but when you are just not doing anything productive and crouch walking around the map when you KNOW where the killer is, that is incredibly infuriating.
Being support would work great if people actually wanted to be healed. Honestly, I chase survivors sometimes to try and heal them quickly because I've got perks to do it and they are basically like 'Nah, I'm gunna keep making loud noises and give away my position instead and go down instantly thanks'. I stopped running support perks because of this. The rest of the advice is alright but still frustrating and not enjoyable in my subjective opinion.
Well the best solo q survivor gets are bots. Hopefully they'll be at least passable for playing a good chunk of the game and some progression can still be made against them. I'm not betting on it though.
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The last games as solo survivor for me were very good. Maybe it was just a streak of luck, but i ended up mostly with survivors that are not gen allergics and dont suicide all the time. Yes, it still happens, but at the moments its more like 10% instead of 50% of games. If i am really lucky, this is just mmr working for me.
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Nah, the old system had a massive flaw, same as even if you "lost" you still ranked up slowly so did the bad players, bad people who played a lot ended up in Iridiscent anyway by virtue of playing a lot, granted a bad player with 2000 hours is better than a bad player with 10 because at least the experience gives them insight about some stuff but you could be rank 1 and paired with 3 rank1 potatoes.
I dont know what they did to the MMR but after the "tweaks" to sort the queues my teammates have been worse than average and my matches as Killer much easier because there is at least one potato always which gets hooked in less than 25 seconds and allows me to pressure the rest for free.
I suppose they had to sacrifice someone to shorten the queues and since Solos have been getting the short end of the stick since the game released it was only natural for us to get thrown under the bus again.
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Looks like your teammates didnt gave 2 shits about you sweating and just memeing for fun
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Woof. Yeah.
A few thoughts though.
- That killer isn't running 'maximum slowdown'. Dying Light is a terrible, off meta pick.
- SWFs are difficult for SBMM to account for. You'll get 2 scenarios - one where your 3man gets a very good killer and a solid 4th to boot, or one where it finds you a killer slightly lower MMR than your group and gives you a potato to carry (I have a feeling that I'm often that potato).
- Sometimes, even a good player will make a bad call. Sometimes they'll just get outplayed.
It's hard to tell what happened in video 1. Video two...yeah. Sometimes you'll miss a skill check, the killer will pop up nearby and it's better to just run like hell than trying to greed the heal.
Under RBMM, it was all crazily volatile. I wasn't playing survivor at all back then, but I do know that in one match I could be facing a team with something like 9000 hours combined, and the next one I'd be facing a bunch of randos, then I'd be facing two crazy good players and two people with sub 100 hours. I know I got to red ranks in my first month of playing, as it was super easy to safety pip as a killer and then occasionally luck out and rank up.
Ranks were silly.
MMR...doesn't quite work like that. If you're a better player than your MMR suggests, you'll escape more on average because you'll be facing much worse killers.
99% of the time, 'MMR hell' is an urban legend.
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Its pain out here 😔
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MMR just doesn't work properly as survivor at the highest MMR. Randoms 90% of the time are awful, have little game sense and are very poor in chases. When they go for an unhook save when the killer is camping, you already know 10 seconds in advance that they will get pulled off because they don't even fake it. In my experience I don't always face the best killers either, so that's inconsistent too.
To give you some advice, stop waiting for the developers to fix the matchmaking system and try to play with other good players in a SWF. I know it's rare but if you have a good survivor teammate send them a friend request and keep doing that until you consistently have other good players to play with.
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This is basically why I haven’t played the game in like half a year. Solo queue is just pure pain 4/5 matches since most killers are sweaty after fighting 4 mans while the solo squad doesn’t know what gens are
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Monday was horrendous when I was playing survivor. Sweaty huntress when a survivor disconnects 1 minute into the game, and she fakes that she’s gonna let me escape and instead I get moried. I went up against a nurse that only got 2 hooks which were on me as she really only went for me. Then a new unhooks me and doesn’t take a hit and the nurse just goes for me as I didn’t have bt and I had taken ds off. So I died putting up the most points. I had a sprit game where she would hit everyone on the hook for no real reason but to be toxic. I had a bubba game where he got a weird hit with his saw but ok. Then he start to camp with 1 gen left in a 3v1. I killed myself on the hook I’m not wasting my time. It was a streamer too. If it was any other killer I wouldn’t have stayed but it’s a bubba and I’m not getting off. I had a bunch of other bad games with a lot of bad teammates. The last one was an artist who tried to tunnel me off the hook with all the gens done. Luckily my teammates 99ed the gate and I dsed her. That was the only game I escaped that day. Also a lot of legions it was so freaking annoying. This was all solo que too
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"same as even if you "lost" you still ranked up slowly so did the bad players"
Wrong. "Generally speaking" if they were still ranking up there were at least doing a descent amount.
"bad people who played a lot ended up in Iridiscent anyway by virtue of playing a lot"
That was not a result of bad players still pipping, that was a result of the terrible reduction in rank reset they made which piled everyone up at Iridescent. You used to reset a bunch so the bad player occasionally pipping generally speaking didn't get them to Iri whereas after the change the rank reset barely moved you so even those occasional pips when they were bad still got them to Iri. You're essentially conflating two separate issues.
"I suppose they had to sacrifice someone to shorten the queues and since Solos have been getting the short end of the stick since the game released it was only natural for us to get thrown under the bus again."
While obviously solo queue is always going to be worse than SWF people are vastly over exaggerating it. You're not always getting the short end of the stick. Even in solo queue I am still the power role in this game, by far.
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What do you mean, you can´t enjoy the match? This clip has hilarious!
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Solo Q is to have a whole different mentality. It isn’t about MMR. It’s about escaping the trial by any means. You play way the game was meant to be played. No comms to coordinate ridiculous/unrealistic plays that stall until objectives are done. The only issue with Solo Q imo is when 3 survivors were already together. Players spectate you after they die, and will tell their surviving teammate to kite killers directly toward you. Hoping their buddy will be spared. They’ll sit on the ground going “Nah nah nah boo boo! I got you caught too!”. I solo all the time, and THAT is the most annoying thing about solo Q. I can always abandon a potato/lemming.
If you want “high MMR” find a SWF to play with… Hope you love the constant stink of sweat. Spirit/Blight mains with Pain Switch, or angry Nurse mains with Agi Star Struck Fright. Ruin/Undying. That’s all you will see. 🥱
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The softcap is pretty irrelevant, Peanits confirmed in a reply when they had their big MMR blog post that the number of people who are over the softcap is extremely small. And similarly when they recently posted charts of perk usage by MMR, the upper end at the soft cap appeared to be less than 1% of players. Only a tiny fraction of the playerbase is actually over the softcap.
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Going 4 deep is the only way to guarantee good players. Without a weak link, victory is likely.
That being said, solo queue is the dbd experience as envisioned originally and gives me the most satisfaction. I focus on heals and saves when the team is being destroyed and gens when they are holding their own.
Many times, even if I die I make plenty of bp and pip. If you consider yourself dead already then the frustration is much less frequent.
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I honestly have way more fun as solo when I play with my friends I can yell at them and that makes me more stressed that my friends are playing bad which puts me in a bad mood in solos its ay what am I gonna do yell at them.
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The problem isn't really solo queue though its MMR.
If well matched then MMR does a pretty good job of having similarly experienced survivors together.
The problem lies in that with kill/escape being the only metric that matters (rather than overall contribution like the old system) if you do lose a few games, you just start nose diving into bad gamer levels and it just keeps spiraling downward as you keep getting mismatched with potatoes.
Solo queue was a much better experience under the old match making system under the new one its a bit of a crap shoot.
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Right, but I guess I disagree with the notion that it shouldn't really be considered because the number is so small. Those players still exist, and they probably don't have a ton of fun with the current matchmaking. Survivors certainly don't seem to have fun against my Nurse. It's a cynical way to develop a game IMO. "At a certain point, X amount of players will get so good that they stop having fun or ruin other people's fun."
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Some Bills just aren't Bill enough for this game.
Hit me up if you need a REAL Bill to homie down when you need it.
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Whenever I'm in a 3-man SWF, our random is bound to mess up hard and if it's a sweaty killer, they'll capitalize on the random's mistake.
We just had Felix kill himself first hook when 5 gens were left because all 3 of us were working on different gens and we were facing a sweaty blight.
It's nowhere near a skill issue.
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Those players likely get far more mismatches due to being outliers in general versus being so far above the softcap that their MMR is misleading. Very high MMR players are the ones most likely not to have opponents in their acceptable range and then getting whatever spot if available. If anything the softcap would reduce the net gap of potential mismatches by keeping some of them at around that 1700 mark versus being backfilled onto totally random groups.
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God I hate it when they try to start killing themselves when you are trying to finish a hook. Like, bruh, you can hang for a minute. If we finish the gen, we have a better chance as escaping as a whole team. I only let myself die if say they literally leave me until my second hook, then I'm hasta luega.
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Dead On Arrival. Survivors are not able to win in the current state of the game. Survivors have had one nerf too many.
There is no hope in the match unless the killer makes a lot of mistakes.
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I just want to say thank you for accepting my Steam friend request.
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I want to get to a level where i don't need to sweat. You don't understand just how bad these survivors are. This is practically a 1v1 that is going on because the game couldn't find a suitable killer (there are none) and just shoves some 2k hour Nurse main against some sub 100 hour survivors.
The game would be way easier if i had higher mmr because the other 3 would actually do generators. Pre sbmm, i was sometimes lucky to get 2 gens done before the game was over. Hell, it was sometimes a struggle to do enough to gain a pip because the game was so fast. Now? I seem to be the only one doing them.
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This!! Idk if they were testing some things on Monday, but I had the same experience.
Also wasn't it going to be a thing that survivors who DC or kill themselves on hooks a lot will get paired more and more with others that do the same?
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Dont twist my words.
First you said here it was you and 2 friends by maths one of the barrel ones has to be one of them at least
secondly I didn't say they can throw the game, but that you helped making it harder with 4 less perks on the team for an achievement that rewards nothing and isn't really required, condition to be played in multiple matches, but things like this don't happen multiple matches in a row.
Finally for a "better example" I woud show more footage over than ten seconds lost, that's what I meant. There are worse situations like teammates pre dropping pallets when they shouldn't, farming, griefing, constant skillchecks failed, using specific killer resources for themselves and not letting the rest, constant self cares at the corners. Again I know you attached other clips in another comment bt my point is that barrel worship isn't the worst to complain with.
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My statement about me and my friends being unable to enjoy the game was meant to be taken in a general sense.
I do not exclusively play with 3 people. Sometimes, people have lives and they can't play DBD. That was one of those times.
Me having no perks and running a Blight for a gen really hurt the team, ig. Apparently, we would've won according to you, if only I had 4 meta perks.
If you want me to post VODs just say that. Things like what you describe happen so often that it's not worth recording.