Circle of healing is still a problem (unsurprisingly)
Circle of healing still has it's 3 core issues that have been plaguing the perk since release:
- An effect too strong when given to the entire team
- Stacks with medkits
- Gives invalid counterplay for the effect it grants
I'm really repeating myself but that's what the forums are all about.
So, to solve 2/3 issues it has, all it needs is to have one word added to the perk description.
"...Increases the speed at which you heal others by 50%..."
It still doesn't solve the fact that it wont have valid counterplay, but at this point I don't care I just want this perk to be fired into the sun already. The specimen that came with it can go as well, because one sentence that has never been said in human history is "oh I'm so glad I have a Mikaela on my team".
But it only takes 0.5 seconds to snuff!!!
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"Do bones" used to be good advice, the went into meme status. Now it's back to flimsy as hell counterplay.
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It needs to be just flat Self Cares for the team, that's it, no speed. That's pretty good for only 1 perk slot to give it to the entire team.
The other route is removing the Self Care component and keeping it just fast heals for the team in its radius but the issue with this variant is it's still quite abusable by SWF and they typically lean towards perk design that isn't better when on SWF.
Even in the perks current state after 2 nerfs it's still completely destroying killers that rely on hit and run play styles which are already generally the weaker killers in the first place even without considering CoH.
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Do bones
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But it can be blessed as many times as it can throughout the match and not just that one totem, if killers know you are blessing the same one over and over then the survivor can just find another one to bless, it needs the treatment undying got it can only be used so many times per match least this way survivors have to plan where and when they bless a totem. say you get 2 charges do you do one at start then the end, mid match and end of the match, not like now lets bless a totem and if it gets snuffed we can just rebless it with no real downside.
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You can use the new perk that’s coming next week if circle of healing is bothering you that much
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No because that doesn't solve the issues CoH has.
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It takes far more than that, since you have to walk to it first. Smart survivors will bless them in the furthest and hardest to access possible spots, like on top of buildings and corners away from gens. And while you walk towards a boon, there is no one else applying pressure for you, unlike what happens when only one out of 4 survivors stops to bless a totem.
Also, survivors will just bless it again. Hell, they can place two boons with the time you take to reach one.
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Circle of Healing is literally the boon effected the least by the existence of Shattered Hope as its the only boon which doesn't require the survivors to lead the killer to it to give the main effect.
So no Shattered Hope is almost completely irrelevant to Circle of Healing.
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Circle isn't even run anywhere near as much as it used to be I see self care way more often.
If run only for yourself you need to heal twice before it's really giving you value because in solo queue you can't really guarantee your teammates won't either show the killer where it is when being chased or actually use it which is where the strength of the perk lies.
Circle is still a really good perk but there really isn't any reason to nerf it any further it's in a pretty decent place.
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But yet survivors found it to hard to use items and perks to counter old undying bit of double standards here, its fine for killers to need to use a perk to counter 1 perk but survivors didn't want to bring any perks or items to counter old undying.
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The perk is fine now lol. Are you really as good as you think you are?
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It shouldn't stack with medkits
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The perk is far from fine if that was the case then undying was fine the way it was and didn't need the nerf it got but it was unfun for survivors to have to cleanse all 5 totems if unlucky to get rid of ruin, but yet CoH has no limits on how often it can be used in a match, only 1 person needs to bless a totem for the whole party to be able to use it and if put in the right spot if a killer has a nice 3 gen survivors can run away heal then come back killers don't have the time to find the totem and snuff by the time they do the last gen could pop buy hey i guess that's fair because its a survivor perk.
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Yes it does. You can destroy the boons forever!
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I don't think CoH needs any further nerfs tbh
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I would love for the devs to bring back for a weekend the old undying just to see how it compares up to CoH, is it as bad as people say or its it even the only way we will ever know is if they did a test like that.
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'Do bones' was never good advice. We just came full circle reaping what we sowed.
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This. It’s called Shattered Hope. There’s also Thrill of the Hunt, Hex Retribution, Thanophobia, Nurse’s Calling, Sloppy Butcher, Coulrophobia, Undying, Pentimento, & Overwhelming Presence. These are counters to COH and some of these combo together really well. I truly believe SH will be the best counter, especially paired with Pentimento, Plaything, & Retribution.
COH is not as popular as it once was when first introduced, and it’s been nerfed twice already. One more nerf and it’ll be useless. We have too many useless perks for both killer & survivor as it is.
Just accept it and learn to adapt. I used to HATE Pain Resonance & Ruin, but I just learned to deal with both. To this day PR carries a lot of killers, but it is what it is. This is exactly why perks make DBD interesting & gives it replay ability. Some perk builds will counter other builds, have no effect, or even handicap you and put you at a disadvantage. Just try some of the combos next week & see what works best.
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No its bullshit
I have to say it over and over again so here we go
It takes 14 seconds to set up a boon. If the killer wants to snuff it :
3 seconds detour
2 seconds to snuff it
3 seconds to go back on track
8 seconds in total, meaning survivors won 32 seconds of gen time. And thatd if the boon is only 3 seconds away
"You dont see it often" no, just once per game. Every single game has at least one perosn with a boon.
And guess what, survivors dont need to bring multiples coh, one is enough since it gaves 1.5 perks to everyone
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LMFAO "Just accept it and learn to adapt." shame that theory doesn't work when its its the other way around did survivors Just accept it and learn to adapt to undying even with items and perks to help find totems, nope they complained till it got nerfed because it was unfun for them but now killers have to Just accept it and learn to adapt to it.
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Sad thing is the dev's expect you to nerf yourself to break a totem when survivors can do that basekit.
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At least the community did the typical thing they do when they saw a nerf and usage rates plummeted for literally no apparent reason other than "omg it was nerfed".
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But now Killers might realize that parrotting a phrase from an unfunny animation-series might not be the best thing to do.
Because, if "Do Bones" is valid Counterplay against NOED, it is also valid counterplay against Boons.
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Honestly - as Survivor I am happy to see less Circle of Healings. And from my point of view, they are less. Because often enough I see teammates setting up their Boons instead of doing the last Gen.
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I think a lot of people are overreacting and COH is overrated IMO. I’ve seen players throw games lighting the same damn boon over and over after the killer snuffed it out for the 4th time already, instead of helping do a gen, in a 3 genned situation. I gave a long list of perks that would help alleviate the effects of COH, but no one wants to either Sacrafice one or two perk slots for it (if it bothers you that much, it’s worth it IMO- like Lightborn to flashlights), or ppl are being stubborn and just don’t want to experiment. Take Shattered Hope for example, BHVR is dropping a new killer with THREE OF HIS OWN perks PLUS giving SH as a GENERAL killer perk that can be taught to anyone straight off the bat. You don’t need to buy Dredge or the DLC for it. There’s a reason for that. That says a lot. I think it was made specifically with COH in mind. But yet everyone here is already writing it off, and it’s not even out yet. Y’all didn’t even give it a chance. But if your favorite content creator uses it, makes it optimal, then I bet everyone will sing its praises and use it. Then you have killers like Plague and Legion, who render healing practically USELESS (especially Plague). Killers have tools. Again, they shouldn’t nerf COH any more. Who is going to use it after that? Just another useless perk to clog up our inventory? They’ll just replace it with one of the Meta perks they used to have in that slot, then you’ll really have something to complain about.
I literally gave an example of me hating Pain of Resonance and learning to adapt. I’m not even a fan of Scourge Hooks as a whole. Other players dislike other killer perks (NOED) but just accept it and cope. I believe Nurse is too strong and oppressive, but I don’t give up against her. I just deal with it and try my best to get better vs. her. She’s not fun to play against at all. At least COH can get snuffed out. With Nurse, YOU get snuffed out. 😆 Same was for pre-nerfed Spirit (they should have left her alone). But It is what it is. 🤷
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No disrespect to our community, but a lot of us are sheep. I truly believe Freddy & Spirit are still very good killers, but because they were nerfed- no one wants to use them any more. They are still viable in low-mid MMR (where the majority of our base is), yet seldom used.
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Once you trudge halfway across the map.
CoH is the only boon that benefits from being set up far from the active gens.
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I mean I barely use it anymore, takes too long and usually gets snuffed pretty quickly.
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What do you mean OP? Having to go all the way up the stairs to snuff the totem on Ironworks of Misery otherwise the survivors all have infinite self care is totally fair and balanced!
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@Leachy_Jr Also if they added "without a Medkit"
And I didn't see as many COH being used... but then again I haven't played the game in like 2 months
@KerJuice healing times need to looked at if you want to bring up anti healing Perks... Sloppy applies 25% healing slowdown (and that doesn't do much when COH is in play)
Coulrophobia only works if the Survivor is in TR of the Killer
TOTH and Undying big whoop using those won't deny Boons... yes it makes blessing a Totem take longer but once that Totem is blessed what effect do they have
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The speed was never the (only) problem. It's the range (also going through floors) and the fact that you can set up the boon an unlimited amount of times.
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should be a one time exclusive, it would be a bit more worth to travel half the map to snuff it
I mean once destroyed you can't put your hex totem again, so why not do the same for the boons
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Realistically Coh is useless you know that someone is bringing the perk in. Whenever i play survivor i either have iron will or medkit with botany knowledge ( or both). I am not going to min max the this game so that i can reduce healing time by 1.37s or run across the map to heal for 21s its simply not worth the effort.
The only reason i liked the perk at the beginning was because i could heal at 100% speed without the medkit.
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Can we please just leave COH alone if it gets nerfed any further it’s gonna be completely useless.
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I really don't have an issue with it if its only 1 sometimes even 2 but when there are too many than yeah it gets pretty irritating and unfair.
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Didn't the devs confirm there's gonna be a massive overhaul coming to all meta perks over the next few months? Am I the only one who thinks complaining about the current meta is pointless when we don't even know how the game is gonna look like soon?
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The massive overhaul will be like adding 5 seconds of exhaustion to Dead Hard and reducing healing time by another 1 second on CoH while Pain Resonance, Corrupt, Ruin get gutted to uselessness
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All the nerf did was basically kill the perk for soloq. I maybe see COH once or twice in 10 matches. Everyone is running Self Care again now...
The only ones still getting value out of it are SWF's who are already strong.
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No because it's still broken.
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For real though, how many Hex builds do you see (or use, for that matter) these days? Hexes once were a fun mechanic, but now they are literally bottom of the barrel killer perks.
You have to commit your entire build to Hexes, if you want to make them work, and even then its like a coin toss if you get any use out of your Hexes beyond the first minute. The only one that comes to mind that still somewhat works are Hex: Plaything and Hex: Pentimento, both hexes that break from the normal hex formula and have their own rules. But bog standart hexes get blessed or cleansed so fast that its barely worth the disappointment.
So the nusiance that was old Hex: Undying (I wasnt around that time, so I never experienced it) basically killed off the entire Hex playstyle. I remember watching survivor guide videos were you got told to tap the first gen you see in order to check for Ruin. Jeez, I dont know when was the last time that I actually felt Ruins bite. And when I use it, it goes poof within a minute.
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And soon you'll need a perk to do that. Which should have been baseline upon release. Not this band aid the devs are throwing at it.
If my doing bones permanently removed it like yours then you'd be able to parrot that, but as of whenever that patch is i'll need a perk to do so.
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Old Hex: undying was if someone cleansed your say ruin it would just transfer it over to another dull totem and keep doing that till there are no more totems left, sometimes survivors got lucky and got rid of undying first so when you cleansed ruin it wouldn't transfer to another totem other times survivors got unlucky and had to cleanse all 5 totems. Which it turn allowed the killers to focus more on chases and hooking survivors and not have to worry to much about gens.
Due to it being no fun for survivors having to sometimes do all 5 totems and lose a lot on gen regression, they nerfed it so the first one is always undying the next is ruin, there was also the aura reading when someone near a dull totem. But now survivors get boon totems that killers can put it out i.e 10 times and they can still put it back up.
Hope that helps with the difference with old undying and the new undying.
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Of course the nerf didn´t change how strong CoH was. All the people that claimed, that its dead now, simply read nerf and didn´t even consider that it was just a 2 second nerf. This just showed that the devs don´t really know what the issue with this perk is.
Which btw. doesn´t give me confidence for the upcoming rework of the meta perks.
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I've never seen an entire team use it, even when I'm in a four man SWF.
I see players waste 2-3 minutes running from totem to totem so then can boon and heal. Careful, if they nerf it, survivors might actually do gens.
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It's always been moot. Both arguments have always been true - players can cleanse and NOED rewards bad killers. I personally hate the boons. Most of my solo queue teammates will not play injured, period. So much time is wasted and it benefits the killers.
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The ones who are saying "do bones" are missing some crucial point.
When a survivor do bones, it's forever.
When a killer do bones, it's only temporary unless he wastes one perk slot. And the killer has always been the one fighting against time. Boons were supposed to be a third objective for survivors, not for killers.
My fix when I play killer is to tunnel the life out any survivor I see using a boon.
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You are right about that. However some of us tend to go against high MMR survivors (except late at night) and using these killers is just not an option.
I've never liked Freddy after his changes and I now Spirit has less information as a chaser than the one being chased. Why? Because apparently having to guess what the killer is doing and mind-gaming was too much.
I don't think I've versed a Spirit for a long time now. Too bad, it used to be fun and exciting to drop her during a chase.
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The problem with circle of healing and the thing and makes it an issue is not the speed at which people can heal.
This is the main reason why nerf the healing speed isn't helping because that's not its main problem you would have to nerf the healing speed so hard into the ground that there's no point in using the Perk for it to actually impact it.
The problem is it gives incredibly easy access to healing for all the survivors regardless of what their build is. All you need is one person with the perk.
This is a massive hit to any killer who runs on a hit and run playstyle.
With a medkit the amount of healing you could do is limited.
With perks inner strength ( I refuse to call it by its new name), Second Wind or solidarity the healing you get from these are conditional
Self care only affects the person who brings it and eats up a perk slot
Circle of healing negates all of this.
It's unlimited you can heal as many times you as you want and even if it gets destroyed you can just replace it.
As long as you're in range you don't have to do anything specific meaning it's not anywhere near as conditional as the other healing perks.
And it affects all the survivors not just the person who has it it meaning you can have a completely chase orientated build and still benefit you can have a gen jockey build and still benefit without sacrificing a perk slot.
To be fair I can't tell you what the right thing to do about it is because that perk is probably a nightmare to balance probably not as bad as old mettle of man but still.
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It’s really not though