I feel like some people miss Hawkins

It was one of my favorite maps to play one because I found it extremely unique and one where a win/lose rate seemed normal for me and I feel like most people miss it. So why doesn't Behavior just make a map that's like Hawkins but isn't it's not like Netflix made a creepy lab it's a common type of please to be fair so why don't they just make a sorta new Hawkins.
I miss it for the sake of nostalgia, but after taking the goggles off I remember that fewer indoor maps = better.
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Please don't remake Hawkins, please don't. That Map wasn't exactly what you'd call a "balanced Map", with the majority of the Pallets being way too unsafe, 2 Generators the Killer had to give up due to their placements and there was too much clutter in the hallways, denying multiple Killers the ability to use their Powers
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The killer in me misses Hawkins.
The survivor in me makes me glad that it's gone.
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That map bored the crap out of me. Nostalgia might say oh no i can never revisist the creepy lab map but playing an indoor map with a load of clutter and narrow hallways was dull and uninteresting.
Good riddance to bad garbage. Entity knows rpd is already doing its damnedest to mimic a lot of hawkins crap map design. Everytime i got these kind of maps i rarely ever hitted up another game of dbd.
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It was fun to throw a hatchet through the gaps in the yellow metal fence.
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It was definitely a cool and good looking map imo. I miss it occasionally too, but it was very unbalanced and I am not sure any changes could have balanced it without reworking the entire map like how BHVR is doing with RPD.
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I miss it because I loved the aesthetic of it and it had really unique loops. Though idk if it would be best to remake the map considering it was really unbalanced.
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I totally miss hawkins. Some people don´t like indoor maps. Because some killers powers don´t go well on them. BUT stealth killers are perfect for those maps.
They could, maybe add a higher/lower chance to get a indoor map. Depending on the killer someone is playing.
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I don't trust people who miss Hawkins. The same people force RPD on people now.
Those people hate fun
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Hawkins was great map, i just hope we can get back this map and license.
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I miss Hawkins even as survivor. Sure it wasnt the most balanced map but it was fun either way.
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Hawkins was a very nice map for low tier killers like Pig. A lot of Ambush-Options for example.
I really miss it. They could instead get rid of the "The Game"-Crap.
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I miss Hawkins so much, it was one of the best maps in the game gameplay wise.
I wonder if the devs still have it's archives saved in case Netflix changes their opinions.
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It's a beautiful map but I didn't like it, so I'm glad it's gone to be fair
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i hate indoor maps but i miss hawkins it was easily the best one and the best map for sm myers
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I always enjoyed it as someone who gets bored by the "run in a circle" strats in most maps...Hawkins inspired more creative routing than any other map and it was always fun to wind up going there to see how people would chain pallets and structures together. Plus it was just fun thematically.
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I don't miss Hawkins but if map offering wasn't a thing, it can be fine.
Missing Hawkins is understandable but surely some will start to hate for its comeback.
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I loved Hawkins as both killer and survivor a lot of unique loops. though will say the majority of pallets where unsafe and worthless
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Honestly I loved it I whish it never left :( Granted I was usually in green / purple ranks back then but I still was happy to play on it both as survivor & killer.
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*sad jumpscare Myers noises*
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I miss Hawkins. I was a good map, different and fun.
Loss of content is never good, as much as I'm not a fan of RPD I'd rather see it reworked than deleted.
Lack of map choice is never good.
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I miss Hawkins so much, it had a cool atmosphere. It's where I learned to play actually.
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I miss it.
The Bring Stranger Things back to DbD petition is at 24.022 right now.
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I miss it as well. Yes, some matches went better than others for me on Hawkins, but I still enjoyed it, both as Killer and Survivor. I miss the easter eggs in there as well, so many great little touches.
Hawkins was also the map I got jumpscared by a Ghostface so bad (was breaking a hex totem and not paying attention), I actually screamed and the friends I was playing with on Discord had a bit of a...RIP headphones moment lol
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Don't miss it at all, neither as killer nor as survivor.
I don't even think it looked good. The portal room was cool, but the whole rest of the map looked like a ps2 game
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I miss playing scratched mirror Myers on it
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As a survivor, I completely miss hawkins. I loved the unsafe pallets because (and hear me out) it felt like it gave the killers a much better, easier map to catch survivors on loops and made it fairer in my opinion. As a killer I also completely miss hawkins.
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I miss Hawkins! I absolutely loved The Rift Lab and the interrogation rooms.
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I do miss being scared at the gen on the top floor, but the amount of crappy situations that can happen there makes it hard to truly miss the map.
Great atmosphere, not so great gameplay/
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Pretty much this, it would help alot of m1 "stealth" killers
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I do miss it. Was pretty unique and matches were usually exciting. Should have reworked it but that costs time and effort.
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I only liked it when I was playing a stealth killer. Any other time I hated it. Still want it back.
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Hawkins was a frustrating map for me sometimes, but I do miss it.
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Did we ever get an explanation of why it can't be reworked and called something else?