Where are the solo Q improvements?

We all know that solo queue is a nightmare, but when can we expect changes to reduce the gap between solo queue and SWF?
I'm not a bad survivor but randoms are unreliable and unpredictable. Not to mention killers can tunnel or camp much more easily. Somewhat disappointed we didn't get information in the anniversary stream so I hope they still have plans for it.
Borrowed time baseline would be a good start.
Stop solo's getting farmed off the hook.
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sorry.. I got a little hungry...
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The devs said that they are reluctant to give any estimates of release dates, because in the past stuff would often get delayed, and then people got extra salty and flaunted the date that things "were promised to release". On the plus-side, they normally only mention stuff, when it already got a certain percentage done and they know that it would release in the forseeable future, same reasons as above. So we will just have to wait and see, don't hold your breath, but its worked on right now.
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At least we know this summer where getting the 40 perk changes. They announced a date and we know it’s coming
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To be fair, arguably the biggest problem of solo queue is matchmaking. Obviously as solo survivor you don't have as much information compared to playing with an swf, but the inconsistent matchmaking is the biggest source of frustration I feel.
And that's something that can't be solved with balance changes, and the matchmaking sadly isn't that great.
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But then when they use "it's someting we're looking at" but providing no time frame is worse than i'd wager than not meeting an expected date.
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Very true.
I wouldn't mind solo queue if I got teammates around my skill, but most survivors I pair up with play as if it's their first game. I always end up being the last survivor remaining in the trial.
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The fact that you always end up being the last survivor can also mean you are a bad teammate...
can't tell for sure without watching the game tho
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Will they actually have the 40 perk changes ready for this years summer tho? Or are they gonna start in the summer and take however long they want it to take until people forget about the fact we were supposed to have those changes? cause that's exactly how they operate.
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The same place where the Skill based MM is. In our imagination.
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No that’s not the plan. They didn’t say 40 perk changes over the year. It’s 40 changes in one update. And we got a release date in summer. Would you rather them say it’s coming soon and be in the dark like the solo changes? Or get a actual release date so we know it’s coming
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THey aren't known for following their own rules. That's why i asked if you really think they'll have them ready for that 1 update...I highly doubt all of those 40 changes will come in just 1 update.
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If my teammates are dropping down like flies and getting themselves in awful situations, I can only do so much to help the whole team.
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How about NEVER my guy.
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Hopefully sooner rather than later. It kinda boggles my mind that there are suddenly ppl saying "Solo queue isn't THAT bad." I was genuinely under the impression that the majority of the community agreed that the hierarchy of power in DBD goes like this:
Solo Queue
But then I joined the forums and suddenly people think solo queue is in a great spot.
But, hopefully it comes soon. We need solo queue in line with swf so actual balance changes can be made to the game.
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I believe in that hierarchy too.
People who think solo queue is fine are either lucky that their teammates are good or are the only ones who survive and use their sole escape as "evidence".
Either way, solo queue is NOT fine and needs to be in line with SWF as you said.
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That's BS. If balance is broken no Matchmaking can ever fix it no matter how you change it. And it is broken for solo.
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I HAVE to run Kindred everygame as a Solo Q player. I wish the aura of Survivors is a passive game mechanic, then I can finaly use a different perk.
Keep the killer Aura to the perk itself and maybe buff it by 4 meters per tier.
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That's also a SWF buff so no, it isn't a good idea. It is even stupid for solo q because people will just rip you off the hook in the killers face more.
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I've heard the trade off would be killers would get corrupt baseline which would be a fair trade and negate swfs getting something for nothing.
And at least the person on the hook wouldn't just be insta farmed only the one getting unhooked.
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That's what people wish would happen. The dev's never said or even hinted that that would happen like they did for bt base.
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Evil Dead LAUNCHED with voice chat and the ability to ping objectives or mark items/locations.
Somehow these things have eluded DBD after 6 years.
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I know, the disconnect between the devs and the player base is so wide you could drive a cruise ship through it.
I said for months bones needs to be stompable, now they release a perk for it, something that should have been baseline.
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As far as i am concerned that perk doesn't exist.
you nerf yourself by sacrificing gen defence or chase power for the potential to snuff a boon, only for it to pop up somewhere else. As a base kit option it is a good idea, as a perk is it pathetic. It is just a way to protect whoever's baby COH is and they can now just point at the perk and not actually nerf or delete the stupid thing.
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This and when you are in a SWF you know exactly the second the KILLER is not on you and can safely do a gen until they are downed and hooked or come your way in chase.
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Yeah i won't be using it either, they could have not nerfed coh into the ground had they given killers the options to limit the lifespan of CoH
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Best feeling. Map loads up one teammates is downed in 15 seconds to an M1 killer 🤣
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I don't think it's broken. But there surely is a balance gap, no question. But I think matchmaking is at the very least just as much of a problem. The balance gap probably just seems bigger than it is because solo survivors don't have a very reliable way of getting team mates of equal skill level.
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Perhaps you need to take chase more often and body block for the others.
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Oh wow, a killer that gets looped by everyone for endless amount of time,
next game: oh wow, a killer that downs everyone in 10 seconds (except me)
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If you were to see my matches, I get chased PLENTY but the killer will leave me noticing that I am experienced.
I take a lot of protection hits AND successful sabo's with my toolboxes. Hell, I'll even trade hooks IF it's necessary.
I'm doing my part and I will help the team if I have the chance to but don't expect me to be superman and carry everyone else because if they won't do their part then so be it, I'll fight for myself.
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Hopefully in the gutter. People are completely unaware of how efficient this will make solo survivors and be a boon to swf players.
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Solo's is fine. All part of the challenge having better teammates in some games compared to in others. Rise to the occasion and carry your team if you think solo is beneath you.
Escaped 3 of my last 4 solo matches, no problems here :) only ever played solo.
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My SoloQ games are really horrible these days.
Especially against Legions.
Some improvements would be nice.
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They said nothing about this during the anniversary stream, so nothing will happen in the next year.
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Probably not. Maybe there is something in the perk reworks. They talked about also gameplay adjustments.
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isn't it more like, that killers are pushed to learn how to win against coordinated SWF teams, so an uncoordinated Solo 4-man team is pretty easy to deal with ?
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Sounds like you are stuck where i am XD
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This. Exactly this. Don’t give me 3 potatoe teammates to go up against a competitive plus competent killer, then expect me to carry. That’s NOT balance. If I get 3 potatoes, we should be vs. a potatoe killer.
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Yeah - the devs don’t give release dates because then they can announce a bunch of changes, get everyone excited to boost player numbers, and then never follow through on them.
It’s not that changes never get made. Some do (eventually), but a lot of changes that people have been asking about for years have either not been addressed yet or have just now been announced (and still not implemented yet.
I think deadlines would be a good thing for the devs - something to hold them accountable for making improvements to the game in a timely manner.
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An uncoordinated solo team is VERY easy to deal with which is why people including myself are asking for changes & QOL to make it easier for the survivor side.
*Smiles with a tear*
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Yes, exactly. Maybe the killer should just slightly less potato to even it out, but yeah, pretty much this.