killers should be able to end game (and dc without penalty in some circumstances)

ZinoRyf Member Posts: 12

Being kept hostage in this game is one of the worst thing about this game. I feel like after survivors opens the gate and the entity timer starts, the killer should be able to concede the match and end the game instantly (leaving all survivors in the game automatically to escape, including those who are hooked or are in dying state), and not having to deal with survivors not leaving gate.

I would suggest the same thing that if the last survivor is in dying state and being kept hostage by the killer to bleed out, that survivor should have the ability to "suicide" instantly, or rather bleed out faster. But this won't be a problem when the new mori system comes into the game. (I think)

I also feel like that survivor and killer should be able to dc without penalty if there already has been a dc in the first minute of the game. Both as a survivor and a killer, I wish the game to end asap when I see a random teammate dc in the first couple of seconds because he or she got downed fast, and having to deal with 1v3 the rest of the game against a sweaty killer. Same as a killer, playing against 3 survivors is much boring and I feel the need to go easy on them or rather let them boost because their teammate was a bad sportsmanship. (Survivor should still get dc penalty if the first dc was their swf partner).

