Nurse Power discussion

Prex91 Member Posts: 764
edited June 2022 in Polls

We all know that nurse, in good hands, is probably the best killer on dbd. Statistics aside, cause the extreme difficult of the character (you must be very precise or you will be punish with fatigue and cooldown), her power is by most condidered the strongest in the game. That's cause she can almost ignore entirely the looping mechanic (survivor can only jukes her or make distance), and also traverse the map fast ignoring walls, floors and obstacles. Dbd has many antiloop killers and high mobility ones, but nurse seems to be the only one totally ignoring tiles (even if she was nerf ed).So the pull: should nurse, for the sake of dbd, be reworked?

Nurse Power discussion 47 votes

No. Extreme power but need skill, cause fatigue and cooldown. She is fun to play and fun to vs.
GibberishOnryosTapeRentals[Deleted User]RaptorrotasBloodartistmusstang62FFirebranddReverseVelocityThr_ustViktor1853DredgenWar237INoLuvMewishisMetronixFridayNightPizza 15 votes
Yes. Too much power, maybe she needs to obtain it during the match, for like a minute or like tiers (like oni, Mayers, plague)
Aven_FallenFunchalMrPenguinFobboShoobyDoritoHeadQwQwPSPFeelsBadManAurelleBennett_They1ThemPlsfix369BothSidesEnjoyerHitariChiky 15 votes
Maybe. She is almost fine, maybe another addons nerf.
IcewhisperValik[Deleted User]leviivelHeaderTheArbiterThatOneDemoPlayerjakubr21sizzlingmario4[Deleted User]FokusXernotonAtomicman69Slanalunsatliffqnyun 17 votes


  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949
    Maybe. She is almost fine, maybe another addons nerf.

    I think some small changes are in order. Just enough to allow some of the game's core mechanics to be changed for the better, benefitting all killers, without breaking her completely.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,649
    Maybe. She is almost fine, maybe another addons nerf.

    Remove the range addons and she's fine

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546
    edited June 2022
    Yes. Too much power, maybe she needs to obtain it during the match, for like a minute or like tiers (like oni, Mayers, plague)

    Addons nerfs would be nice and bring her close to fine, but she needs more, maybe a longer blink cooldown. Keep in mind, Nurse is the only killer who fundamentally breaks the laws of Dbd gameplay. Unless her power is reworked or given some absurd limitation, she will always be top tier. Although I will say that I don't care much for the having get her power first mechanic. I'd like something else instead.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071
    No. Extreme power but need skill, cause fatigue and cooldown. She is fun to play and fun to vs.

    Nurse is literally my favorite Killer to play against.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Really you? Huge fan. Same idea, however that will help with some builds, but her game breaking basic power will remain the same. Sure that will increase the cealing to use her, she will be even be a more élite killer.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531
    Yes. Too much power, maybe she needs to obtain it during the match, for like a minute or like tiers (like oni, Mayers, plague)

    She's a buggy, broken mess that needs a rework. She's nothing but a reminder from DbD's bygone era.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656
    Yes. Too much power, maybe she needs to obtain it during the match, for like a minute or like tiers (like oni, Mayers, plague)

    She needs a complete Rework.

    It is not really understandable how people can be fine with Nurse in the game, when she is clearly a concept from a time where the Devs did not really care about balance at all. Insta-Heals, old BNPs (which completed a full Gen), No-Hook Moris, REAL Infinites, no Exhaustion-Mechanic, DS on pickup are all things which were from this time and all have been nerfed. Except for Nurse, she is allowed to stay in this game while clearly being broken.

    And I mean, an Add On-Nerf would help a bit, but it would not really change much. Nurse is a Killer who does not even need Add Ons in the first place, her power would still be broken. And meanwhile it would not be worth to put any points in her, because all her Add Ons would be quite bad if we remove Range and Recharge.

    And I would rather have a strong Killer who is not broken with decent Add Ons than a broken Killer with Joke-Add Ons.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,223
    Maybe. She is almost fine, maybe another addons nerf.

    Nerf her good addons (and do something with her really bad addons too) and make blink attacks special attacks. She doesn't need a major rework.

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566
    Yes. Too much power, maybe she needs to obtain it during the match, for like a minute or like tiers (like oni, Mayers, plague)

    Nurse was not fun to master neither to fight against, just rework her so everyone could play Nurse not just some Hardcore Elitist players.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
    Maybe. She is almost fine, maybe another addons nerf.

    Her Add-Ons need a couple nerfs, mainly range and 3rd Blink

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294
    Maybe. She is almost fine, maybe another addons nerf.

    It's all or nothing - either a major overhaul that turns her into a different killer - or basically no change at all.

    She's precariously balanced, any subtle change would either make her useless or too powerful.

    If she needs a change, she needs to be completely changed. But saving such a controversial choice - I think the only thing she can get is a slight change to her range addons.

  • Bloodartist
    Bloodartist Member Posts: 129
    No. Extreme power but need skill, cause fatigue and cooldown. She is fun to play and fun to vs.

    Skill should never be a balancing mechanic. That doesn't mean games shouldnt have high skill requiring characters that feel rewarding; just that skill requirement should be never used as an argument for balance.

    ps. In my opinion nurse is useless and should receive a buff. I fear a rework would take away her uniqueness and thus I dont want that to happen. Especially since I have no faith in Behaviour anymore. Its only going to get worse.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464
    No. Extreme power but need skill, cause fatigue and cooldown. She is fun to play and fun to vs.

    Nurse is hard enough to play, like most killers in the game (killers should be easier).

  • Hitari
    Hitari Member Posts: 51
    Yes. Too much power, maybe she needs to obtain it during the match, for like a minute or like tiers (like oni, Mayers, plague)

    nurse is not the hardest killer to play, she ignores core game mechanics like vaults and pallets. she recovers from mess-ups easier than any other killer. didnt blink right? blink again in a few seconds. ate a DS? no problemo, distance is not something you fear as nurse.

    she is whats wrong with the game at the moment

  • alunsa
    alunsa Member Posts: 61
    Maybe. She is almost fine, maybe another addons nerf.

    Playing against base nurse already can feel challenging on its own, but her addons can just feel like too much. I think players who have the skill to play nurse well, could probably still play her at that same level with a bit of a nerf on the addons.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 895
    Yes. Too much power, maybe she needs to obtain it during the match, for like a minute or like tiers (like oni, Mayers, plague)

    I play her with no addons, and she's broken. It's really challenging to play her good, but it's definitely broken. The idea that she could gain her power throigh the match is pretry cool tbh