Really wish they acknowledged Freddy Krueger

After the many nerfs and meta changes, Freddy Krueger is now nowhere near the terrifying broken monster that he was believed to be. Why has he still not gotten any sort of Add on overhaul? Many of his add ons are either just too situational or just not bring any value at all. His add ons seriously need to be looked at because he has arguably the worst add ons in the game.


  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    I hope they make him more viable again as well.

    It was very depressing going against slow down Freddy all the time, but now I actually miss it..

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,162
    edited June 2022

    I don't miss it. Freddy is boring enough to go against as it is without it turning into five gens at Freddy's again.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    He needs another full rework at this point. He feels nothing like Freddy Krueger and he's incredibly boring to play. The dream world is more of an afterthought than a threat and doesn't feel at all like you've fallen into Krueger's nightmare world. He has the worst addons of any killer in the game. Half the time I forget he exists.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602

    I get the sense that his license is tough to work with, but I definitely agree that he needs a ton of love. Super boring gameplay on both ends and doesn't feel like Freddy at all

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    freddys got 0 cosmetics and a killer power that puts people to sleep. He's in a terrible spot, I can't help but feel bad for him even though he used to be Sweaty Freddy.

    Elm Street fans don't deserve it

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    He really has been kinda forgotten.

  • Leguś
    Leguś Member Posts: 186

    You forgot one thing:

    His add-ons aren't transformative like Shape's but they also don't stack at all.

    Cry me a river Executioner and Nemesis mains. THIS is bad add-on set.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Yeah, but at least their acknowledging the fact they removed Maurice right 💀

  • Leguś
    Leguś Member Posts: 186

    Let me pharse it that way:

    If you bring Blue/Green Dress combo, it's the same as taking Blue Dress with Wool Shirt.

    Only regression part stacks. The Aura-Reading does not.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    I'm sure they could buff Freddy just a bit, at least his addons, without him turning into a snore fest again. They just really need to make sure not to overbuff him.

  • Leguś
    Leguś Member Posts: 186

    Hot take: Slowdown add-ons could've stayed if trigger condition was different.

    Aka just make it so it only works when Nightmare hits a Survivor and they fall Asleep.

    Basically, Thanatophobia but add-on.

  • Leguś
    Leguś Member Posts: 186

    When "stacked":

    2 Blindness add-ons. Unicorn Block will override.

    2 Hemorrhage add-ons. Z-Block will override.

    3 Dream Pallet add-ons. Strongest one will override.

    3 Skill Check add-ons. Strongest one will override.

    Kid's Drawing. Doesn't work with Dream Pallets at all.

    Sound add-ons. The fact you can kinda hear sounds better already in Dream World, due to overlapping sound filter in it, make them less useful?

    Black Box. Why is it an Ultra-Rare?

    Class Photo is fine arguably. Pill Bottle is gimmicky and at least interesting. Nancy's Sketch/Masterpiece have miniscule effects but they are at least consistent. I don't like Red Paint Brush but it's generally his best add-on (4-man spawn at the start do weaken it a bit).

    So uh... Yeah... This.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Because there's new DLC to sell.