Dailies giving 60,000 points?

So.. I noticed tonight that my dailies were giving me double the usual ammount, but I didn't notice any news pertaining to this.. what gives? Is it part of the anniversary bonuses that people voted on, week #2? If so, can I get a heads up as to what other "bonuses" are given out this week? Pretty sure last week it was announced loud and clear, but this week I see nothing (might have just missed it though)
Was it the Mors Ambitio daily? The one that wants you to mori people with X killer always gives 60k.
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No, it was a bunch of regular killer power dailies, the ones that usually give 30k points, now giving 60.
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Weird. Now that you mention it, I have a Doctor daily for 30k and then Artist and Nurse for 60k. The Doctor one is older, so it might well be double daily rewards.
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Exactly, but I don't see anything in the announcements or patch notes about this. So that's why I'm asking.
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Also can confirm I got a open a gate daily and it was 60000
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I'm also getting double rift fragments, but don't see it mentioned anywhere.
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Why would you complain about this?
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It also appears to be that double rift shards is on no notice? weird
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I don't think they're complaining. Just confused.
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Since the update daily is 60-120k instead of 30-60k and I see no problems here
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Yknow, when nothing is clearly announced and you start getting twice as much reward for the same effort, your first reaction should not be to raise awareness so that we can all go back to earning ######### all.
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You won't see me complaining. I only got about a dozen survivors left to P3 so I need all the BP I can get.
Hopefully this is a permanent change and part of BHVR's effort to reduce the grind. The rift grind is much better now, the bloodweb grind is getting fixed, now we just need the bloodpoint grind itself addressed and the game will be in such a good place. Hoping next they uncap the bloodpoints earned throughout a game. I don't think we need the 32k cap anymore and they should uncap the amount of bloodpoints we can keep or at least raise it above 1 million.
Yay for more BP.
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Mine are also all 60k, no matter which one.
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There we go. Guess it started a day early.
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I just had a 120k Huntress mori.
It was an extra bonus because there was a Mikaela to mori.