whats wrong with pyramid head

basically what this is the killer's power feels terrible to use. pyramid head is holding the blade in the idle animation longer, and i don't mean the cooldown after hitting someone or canceling the power after usage. i mean when you are trying to use the power and there's a startup animation, yes that startup animation is much longer and seems wrong compared to the release speed. it's a big nerf and makes him feel trash to play, like deathslinger's nerf, but the thing is i have not seen this nerf documented so maybe it's a bug or i missed something?
A nerf? No. It's hardly the best feeling in the world but the time it takes to enter Rights of Judgement is still 1 second, and has been since Patch 4.3.0. This has never been changed since, even though the animation manages to change every other update.
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Twins, PH, Deathslinger
They just got nerfs that make them sluggish, because animation wasn't changed, just slowed. (different for Twins)
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BHVR likes to nerf/balance killers by making them clunky and/or awkward to play as. It sucks. I don't use great swords in Elden Ring because the slow animation drives me nuts, I don't care how strong the weapon is. But at least there it's just a weapon, and there are a ridiculous number to choose from. It's awful in DbD because we're talking entire killers, each with unique powers, and I can't use some of them because they're just not fun. What an absolute waste.
The controls should feel good to use. If BHVR wants to balance with clunkiness and awkward controls, attach that stuff to add-ons, let players have choices. Instead, we get Trickster with recoil and no dead zone settings for controllers, what the hell do they expect console players to do? I used to play PH a bit before they messed so much with his controls, but I can't stand him anymore, I'm constantly getting thrown off and even disoriented when I try to use his power.
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Yea, i understand what you mean, pyramid head feeling sluggish, they basically just slowed his animation rather than changed it, if i recall correctly it was to make it so pyramid head couldn't as effectively zone players by placing his blade down in the case of them vaulting or performing some animation (pallet dropping) and quickly pulling his blade up for a m1.
they should really just change the animation, so he doesnt feel slow and sluggish.
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They nerfed his zoning potential let's be honest PH was busted on release and unfun for the survivor side.
Pyramid man needs some love tho I understand what you mean by sluggish/clunky he can sometimes feels awkward to play but you get used to it very quickly.
I hope he get an complete add-on pass very soon,his add-ons are hot garbage and most of them do nothing...
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His shockwave attack comes out faster than a survivor can turn to dodge it if the survivor is right in the center of the attack.
If you are a good enough Pyramid Head you can guarantee hits with it every time especially if you only use it when survivors are locked in an animation like vaulting.
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Trying to do the "cage 2 survivors" daily rn since THREE games. I am happy when I can even get ONE down before all gens pop. He is HORRIBLE to play. His m2 is clunky af to use, way to slow so every survivor can just easily dodge it. The cooldown from going from m2 to an m1 is also way too long so if they fake a window, they have enough time to still vault it and not get hit if you let go of the m2. He is just REALLY bad.
I never see him when I play survivor either and when I do once a week, its either a 3 or 4 man escape in soloq.