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Does genrush exist?

Slan Member Posts: 357

Does genrush exist? 95 votes

LaMupfelGibberishkodiakyBlueberryMiriamG[Deleted User]MementoMori_Massacreanarchy753LanzRaptorrotasAetherBytesmusstang62MrPenguinMazoobiFreddoTaigateaHPhoenixMattie_MayhemOGHellraisingPredator 70 votes
brokedownpalaceAven_FallenSebaOutbreakciaranr1997RavenTheWraithkesLVbrubliOscarnatorGannTMhilapastaAnchorTeaThatOneDemoPlayerMrCalac123[Deleted User]XendritchFlameLickVACodeDBCookie_Des_LysM4d_Psycholog1strvzrvzrvz 23 votes
N8dogMetronix 2 votes


  • TurboTOne
    TurboTOne Member Posts: 349

    i agree with @DaddyMyers_Mori

    every therm is so Overused these Days. Doesnt mean it doesnt exist though.

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809

    It exists, but people don't use this term in correct circumstances and the misinformation spreads like crazy.

    Same goes for many other terms.

    It is pretty rare to face an absolute genrush team, but even as a killer I can acknowledge the good teamplay survivors did.

    (it sucks when games last less than 5 min tho)

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,265

    Hard to say because there is no other side objectives.

    But yeah, i think so.

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 357

    Well, you have totems and chests, which can be very important depending on the killer and his perks, but survivors seem to not care and when they rush and noed appears they rage, blaming the killer for usung It instead of saying " we should have minded secondary objectives".

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    Dead hard is the problem, a chase with survivors having a 3rd health state makes downing survivors quickly and efficiently much more difficult.

  • JohnWick1654
    JohnWick1654 Member Posts: 509
    edited June 2022

    Genrush = the killer couldn't/failed to put enough pressure on survivors so the survivors slammed all gens very quickly

    (in some cases the killer was camping and others took advantage of that)

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    I don't think it exists in public matches

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 357

    Interesting point of view. I'd like to know why you think that, if you wanna tell.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I think it does, although not as common as most people think. It does get more common as you start going against better teams though.

    I do think that the lack of meaningful objectives makes it seem like gens go way to quickly.

    Yeah you have totems, but most people ignore them completely unless they see a lit one or know if a specific hex is activated like ruin. Most survivors mains I talk to say they'd rather ignore totems and just rush gens down and risk NOED in the endgame, rather than cleanse totems throughout the match.

    This lack of actual objectives outside of gens is why most matches last 5-7 minutes. Why it feels like you're being gen rushed every match, and why gen slowdown perks are so strong and popular. If you're not running some kind of slowdown expect 3-4 gens to be gone in about 2-3 minutes. But it's not really survivor's faults as they don't really have anything else meaningful to do.

    These days you spend more time in queue than you do in matches most of the time. And just adjusting matchmaking ranges isn't going to fix that.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 864

    I played today a game where in less than 2 minutes 4 gens were completed at almost the same time... you tell me...

  • Lanz
    Lanz Member Posts: 61

    Most Killers arent able to pressure all gens at once especially if they are M1 Killers or just don't run any insta-down perks in general.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,011

    yes, but you need swf to do it, solos can't coordinate like that

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,551

    yes, but usually because killer didn't apply enough pressure. But sometimes survivors have toolboxes and just rush gens and don't heal then killer will have harder time even applying that pressure first so that's the real gen rush.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,551

    There are perks to help stop it corrupt, pain resonance, deathman switch, pop and deadlock for example.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,697

    Of course it exists, but it's not nearly as prevalent as people act like it is.

    There are most certainly teams who will crank out all gens before doing anything else (including saving other survivors off hook).

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    Yes in the same vein tunneling exist.

    You're doing the objective in the most efficient way.

    Killers don't like gens flying, survivors don't like tunneling, but both sides still do it because they want to win.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    yes, but it's not just slamming gens.

    It's prove thyself + bnp + perfectly organized swf.

  • JohnWick1654
    JohnWick1654 Member Posts: 509
    edited June 2022

    so what you're saying if Wraith walks up to a generator poeple will just ignore him? and continue doing the gen?

  • Cookie_Des_Lys
    Cookie_Des_Lys Member Posts: 64


    THE goal of the survivors is to repare gen for exiting. They do what they have to do. Secondary goals (like totems) are secondary, nobody should complain they did'nt do them. After if there noed, they shouldn't complain too.

    If the killer doesn't prevent the repair of gen, it goes some quickly. Camping, having 3 of 4 perks of survivors' localisation (so not enought perk for defending gens) or just not hiting gens could promote a quickly repair.

    Complaining about gen rush ou complaining about noed is for me the same problem : never being at fault.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    It's literally the only objective survivors have, it's a very silly term IMO.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,541
    edited June 2022

    I believe "Gen Rushing" does exist, however I do not think that it is "toxic". The survivors objective is to finish generators, so finishing them at fast speeds by bringing in items for it is perfectly fine for them to do so. Killers can also camp and tunnel since it leads to kills, which is the objective of killers, then can also bring in perks and items to maximize killing potential. Both sides have terms used in regards to maximized efficiency of their objectives, but again, neither of which is toxic... since ya know, it's their objectives.

    (Toxicity isnt an action, toxicity is a mindset, also it would just generally be silly to say one side completing their object is toxic.)

    (Apparently I cant type either so Ive had to edit this several times.)

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Publix matches don't have the amount of coordination needed to "gen-rush" , not even a 4man SWF.

    The only place you'll ever see a true "gen-rush" is in comp

  • Ssajbambusa
    Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496

    Yes, but is rarer than you think.

  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    Yeah, I think it happens all the time. The killer gets a short game with no fun. I get it tho, objectives to survivor or whatever. I try to get a gen or two down and then I'll go look for bones or chests, etc. Also depends on how many hooks are going.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Of course it exists. It's just "3 people on 3 gens while the good player on your team runs the killer around for the entire game." It's the optimal way for survivors to play.

    Much like how Tunneling is the optimal way for killers to play.

    The difference is that survivors have Borrowed Time and Decisive Strike to help defend against tunneling. The only thing killers have against Genrushing is Corrupt Intervention (which doesn't stop it, it jut slows it down slightly at the beginning of the match.

  • Thanatos38
    Thanatos38 Member Posts: 37

    That's exactly why I do 1-2 gens then begin my search for totems.

  • RavenTheWraith
    RavenTheWraith Member Posts: 38

    lmaooo yeah - A friend of mine keeps screaming 'ugh he's tunneling' ...

    dude. you just did 25% on a gen and fully healed up. how?

  • Oscarnator
    Oscarnator Member Posts: 304

    That’s like if a killer downs people too fast and gets a 4K in the first 5 minutes would be “kill rushing”. It’s literally their objective. No one calls a P3 nurse with double range addons a “kill rusher” and it would dumb to.

  • Belleby
    Belleby Member Posts: 1

    It is the primary objective of survivors to repair generators so they can escape. It is the job of the killer to interfere, and it is on everyone involved to adapt to the challenges presented to them. If a coordinated team manages to finish all the generators in a very short time it can be frustrating, but nothing unsportsmanlike has necessarily occurred. Playing against such a team can be not very fun, but it really seems more of a matter of application of skill and knowledge of the game, as well as differences in how people want to play, rather than any sort of inherently unfair strategy. I understand it can feel discouraging or interfere with the power fantasy of playing killer, but no one is owed the other team playing worse.

    That being said, I do think the devs making changes to keep generators from being done so quickly is a healthy adjustment for the sake of keeping the game more fun! I just don’t believe that survivors doing the very best they can (short of hacking and exploits, of course) to complete their primary objective is unfair or poor sportsmanship in any case. In my opinion, “genrushing” is indistinguishable from just playing the game very well.

    All that being said, am I gonna groan a little when I play against a team of extremely meta builds and super good toolkits with brand new parts and additional charge addons? Sure, but it’s a question of fun rather than fairness. Ultimately, like all matches it’s an opportunity to sharpen my game knowledge and efficiency as best I can, and it feels great to successfully counter a team that’s that well-prepared when the stars align. :)

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,266

    Killers who focus getting downs and kills are generally refered to as " tunneler" and "camper" tho.