Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Faster way to derank?

Most will come here ready to go full keyboard warrior of git gud! just hold your horses

I just got the game a few weeks ago, and recently hit rank 4 killer. Damn fun game. But the progressions for ranks is too fast. I only have Trapper and Leatherface past level 20. Every game im facing people with the most optimized perks and items, 4 man SWF who get insta gen rushing done and I can barely even have time to hook someone.

I don't have the perks needed to actually face these people, so is there a way to go back down in ranks? I want to try out new killers, enjoy some fun builds, without having to try my ass off every single game, min maxing to the core. Ive taken to doing Insidious Basement Leatherdaddy to even get a 3k.

I want to go back to having fun, like was trying out Freddy and Pig and they are so fun! I love Freddie's theme and the looks, but I CAN NOT play him without having perks from a bunch of other killers and his Pink add ons.


  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    AFKing is probably the best way without risking your account. A faster method is DCing, but thats puts you under risk of the system banning you.

    Or you could just pick any killer and tunnel one Survivor. Dont smack them, just chase. I did this for a daily on Huntress, because I hate playing her.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited November 2018
    This is exactly the problem with the game. You rank up too fast.

    Getting it a few weeks ago you probably only have maybe 30 hours or something. You'll very often see people with 1500-2500 hours on the game. It's insane. What chance do you have?

    And then there's the grinding. You need to unlock all the perks, then hope they turn up in your bloodweb. Most of the easily loopable killers I have don't have any anti-loop perks. So it feels like a chore to play them, taking stun after stun and decisive after decisive without enduring. I can't help it though because I've got 13 killers I need to unlock perks for.

    Then theres the fact that the killers I got to rank 1 with I'm bored of, plus they aren't that great. Found new killers I want to use but again now I need to spend millions of points grinding them some good perks but only the trash appears in my bloodwebs.

    So this month I've been trying to not rank up too fast. Just so I can have fun with weak killerd with no good perks because I paid for people like Pig and Freddy so why not?

    Just go afk. Takes forever but do it when you're off making a sandwich or something. Don't 4k, go easy on survivors, and maybe slip in the odd DC here and there.
  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    It's more simple than that I think: if you don't have the perks or other goodies you'd need for high ranks, just keep playing with whatever you have. You'll derank quite easily. And if you don't derank, that means you're a good player, so you belong to higher ranks.

    The only acceptable way to derank is playing either perkless or running only farming perks, like Distressing.

    And please don't DC. That's an absolutely ######### thing to do. You shouldn't recommend that @The_Crusader .
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited November 2018

    If you don't mind wasting time, open up lobbies with the Nightmare and then just go AFK.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited November 2018
    It's more simple than that I think: if you don't have the perks or other goodies you'd need for high ranks, just keep playing with whatever you have. You'll derank quite easily. And if you don't derank, that means you're a good player, so you belong to higher ranks.

    The only acceptable way to derank is playing either perkless or running only farming perks, like Distressing.

    And please don't DC. That's an absolutely [BAD WORD] thing to do. You shouldn't recommend that @The_Crusader .
    I read on here that a few prolific streamers do it to de-rank and the devs don't bat an eye.

    Regardless I wouldn't recommend it constantly. Just maybe the odd one - and there will be plenty of games where only 3 survivors or less spawn in so thats a good time because hes actually doing the survivors a big favour as nobody wants to play with a 3 man team. Or if a survivor disconnects in the first 30 seconds.

    As a survivor I'd love it if the killer disconnected on me when I was a man down from the start. Rather than those that go hard and tunnel everyone vs a 3 man team.
  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946
    Just take doctor and walk around in treatment mode. It will be a long game, you get around 20k BP for doing nothing then walk around and derank on top of it. Just chill and watch something on your 2nd monitor.
  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    @Cymer said:
    Just take doctor and walk around in treatment mode. It will be a long game, you get around 20k BP for doing nothing then walk around and derank on top of it. Just chill and watch something on your 2nd monitor.

    This. Although you want to derank quickly, you might as well get BP in the process and doc is most likely the surest way. Otherwise DC'n is the quickest way but you risk being banned.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    You'll get more bps and faster if you run a farm build, like distressing + bbq, and try to play at the rank you are instead of afking. This way you'll be able to spend those bps on other killers and get their teachables to get better builds.
    Not dodging those survivor groups will make you get better as a killer as well.
    If you got them use these addons:
    The beast's mark + Carburettor tuning guide
    The beast's mark + Knife scratches
  • PapaAndrei
    PapaAndrei Member Posts: 72

    @Vietfox said:
    You'll get more bps and faster if you run a farm build, like distressing + bbq, and try to play at the rank you are instead of afking. This way you'll be able to spend those bps on other killers and get their teachables to get better builds.
    Not dodging those survivor groups will make you get better as a killer as well.
    If you got them use these addons:
    The beast's mark + Carburettor tuning guide
    The beast's mark + Knife scratches

    Honestly, beating them isn't the issue. I can play good ole leatherdaddy get a guarenteed 3-4k each game unless on Haddonfield or Sorrow Pit.
    Its just, I wanna play other ones, and learn them also, and level them up while learning em. Im levelling Nurse right now, cause I have zero intention of playing her (too boring, and noisy), but I want her perks.
    I just think it would be nice if we could have a lower rank que for if we want to play a Killer/survivor that isn't leveled up much. Like chill 4 man swf that im lvl 4 Wraith with one perk, don't need to call me trash and teabag flashlight spam every second.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @PapaAndrei said:
    Most will come here ready to go full keyboard warrior of git gud! just hold your horses

    I just got the game a few weeks ago, and recently hit rank 4 killer. Damn fun game. But the progressions for ranks is too fast. I only have Trapper and Leatherface past level 20. Every game im facing people with the most optimized perks and items, 4 man SWF who get insta gen rushing done and I can barely even have time to hook someone.

    I don't have the perks needed to actually face these people, so is there a way to go back down in ranks? I want to try out new killers, enjoy some fun builds, without having to try my ass off every single game, min maxing to the core. Ive taken to doing Insidious Basement Leatherdaddy to even get a 3k.

    I want to go back to having fun, like was trying out Freddy and Pig and they are so fun! I love Freddie's theme and the looks, but I CAN NOT play him without having perks from a bunch of other killers and his Pink add ons.

    DCing is without doubt the fastest way to derank, however it might get you banned if you pass the "certain rate".

    I recommend going afk while doing other stuff, for example if you wanna watch a movie, go ahead and start a few games of DBD in the background.
    If you have freddy, alwasy take him as your afk deranking killer. He cant be bullied in his dreamworld by the survivors, so they will leave faster and you derank more time-efficiently

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Play Freddy or the Legion (when he gets released.)

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    you want practice as the new killers AND you want to derank in the process. 

    my advice would be to just start playing those killers at the higher ranks. 

    without perks and addons you likely won't be doing too great which will assist in depipping,  plus you'll be getting in good practice against potentially skilled players, and you'll still be getting some bloodpoints for your trouble.