Killer concept: The Curse
The Curse is a killer with no body. It is undetectable and invisible, but moves at a higher speed than usual (mucho like cloaked wraith) at the beginning, and it cannot interact with anything on the map. Three rifts will appear in three different spots, and will be moving around (like the purple glyph). Once The Curse interacts with one, It will gain a corporeal form and will no longer be undetectable and invisible, and will mover at an average speed. If The Curse downs a survivor and leaves the corporeal form, It will be able to take over the survivor's body for a brief period of time, in which other survivors suffer the exposed status effect. If The Curse is stunned three times, or one if it is controlling a survivor, It will no longer have a body.
During endgame collapse, the body will be permanent and there will be no need to be uncorporeal to posess survivors.
If a rift is used, It will disappear and be replaced by another rift that will immediatly spawn somewhere. The killer can see the auras of the rifts.
Of course, the killer can return to the bodyless state whenever he wants to.
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And he still has terror radius when he controls a survivor.
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Each survivor starts the trial with a new status effect: cursed. The Curse can only take over cursed survivors. Once they are posessed, they loose the status effect, and closing rifts will make them be cursed again.
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Mary Smith was a young student. He marks were outstanding and her parents were proud of her and he brilliant future. She also has good relations with all her teachers, even the ones who were rather complicated.
But students were fueled by envy. They wished to be as brilliant as her. They wanted her life to have a flaw. Insults and agressions came from everywhere. At first they were soft, and could be forgotten once she arrived at her home, her safe spot. But soon, It would evolve. Threats, humilliations and thefts. This made her be an introvert. Her parents were a great support, and once she managed to tell them what was happening, they ran to the nearest police station. But tragedy struck fast. Both her parents died in a car accidente, and Mary was left alone and Broken. She was alone, and the world was her enemy.
But someone was with her. She was not alone. A voice whispered her some instructions. It was her father, and he was telling her how to make her enemies pay.
Mary swore revenge. She believed that the ones who insulted her were responsible for the death of her only support. So she did what her father said. Her last night alone, right before the day her aunt would take care of her, Mary went to her basement and, in the middle of a square of candles, she said the words that would doom her. Space cracked before her, and Mary was consumed by her own anger. Her lifeless body was found next morning, alongside those of the ones who disgraced her the most. And then, every month one of the students who were in her class started dying. But Mary was not there to see it. Only her rage remained, surrounded by a black mist.
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Teachable perks:
Taste for destruction: Your rage transforms you into a destructive being that will disobbey rules to find satisfaction wile calming down. Every trial you will start with 1/2/3 distinctives. Each distinctive allows you to destroy an unused pallet in the first 180 seconds of the trial. Once this time passes, the perk will deactivate and will not be able to be used again.
Late prevention: Watching generators be repaired increases your anger and your fear for failure, making your desperation take control of the situation. Every trial you will be able to damage one fully reapired generator and leave it repaired on a 75/50/25%. Once all needed generators are repaired, the perk will deactivate regardless of if you have used it or not.
Hex: Last Stand. Your inminent failure makes you call the Entity for help, and the Entity is compelled by your determination to act. When the endgame collapse activates, a random dull totem or a boon totem becomes a hex totem. While the hex totem is standing, a cycle begins in which opened exit gates alternate between being open or closed every 10/20/30 seconds. While the hex is active, totem purifications are 50% faster.