Why doesn’t BHVR remove trash items and offerings?

Having to spend at least half of your BP on murky reagents, key addons and salt pouches is so damn frustrating. This is a change that would take the devs a minimal amount of time to implement and it would be universally popular. These items add nothing to the game other than increased player frustration for having to spend so many BP on them.
I feel like BHVR keeps ignoring “quick wins” like this - things that are easy to implement and would be universally popular. My theory is that BHVR really don’t want to reduce the grind because it will take less time for people to max out all their characters and they would more quickly get bored with the game. This is understandable from a business perspective. But why not at least get rid of items and add-ons that nobody uses? Keep the bloodwebs the same (so players still have to spend the same amount of BP), but at give us items and add-ons that are actually worthwhile to use in the game. There’s no downside for BHVR and it only improves the game for the players.
If there was an option to just discard some offerings i would do that.
Better would be if you could sell items and stuff for some BPs.
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You reduce clutter, then you make other add-ons or offering more common as there's nothing else to take up slots. Even if you also reduce the number of slots, not buying the clutter means you are still buying more of the "good stuff".
That's for both Survivor and Killer.
This change will make Killers running constant green, purple, or iri add-ons FAR more common! Although Survivors will also have access to more higher tier items or add-ons, it's a safe bet you don't want to deal with constant Iri Head Huntresses, Tombstone Shapes, or what else that is often seen as unfun or unfair.
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It’s to increase the grind. Wait til you realize you spent 3000 on an offering that ‘at best’ returns 4000 points.
Those are the good ones. Or 4000 cost for 6000 return. 5000 for 8000, maybe.
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Mostly this. Sadly enough the grind is part of the game and what keeps a lot of people playing - because i want to max out things...
More and more games do this.
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Even as crappy as they are BP offerings are one of the best which says a lot about offerings overall.
They better than an offering that increases your chances to kobe from "I may wanna throw the game" to "I will throw the game" or changes the fog from nonexistant to nonexistant and lets not forget about shack has guaranteed basement or send me to Midwich as Survivor or to The Game as Killer.
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They're all components of the "BP economy". If they removed all trash from the bloodwebs and replaced them with actually useful stuff, then they'd have to increase the prices of everything, probably double it at least, in order to maintain some semblance of scarcity for the rarer stuff. But then this would make it cost even more to acquire perks. So they also then have to shrink bloodwebs down to about half their size.
You just have to accept that a bloodweb will cost about 30-50k BP to complete which gets you 2 perks plus whatever items and offerings the RNG gods allow. That's how it's balanced.
It would be nicer if the brown and yellow BP offerings simply awarded a higher bonus, so that using the stuff you buy is actually feasible.
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To increase the grind. Maybe 0.01% of the playerbase wants more luck and fog offerings, broken keys, moldy oaks, etc. The devs know this.