The Dredge blocked lockers near hooked survivors

So I've been playing a bit of Dredge lately and could instantly notice that you cant teleport to lockers than are next to hooked players, which obviously is good dont get me wrong! but recently I discovered that you can still enter the locker if you stand right infront of it, I do understand that if you linger in a locker for too long that the lockers shows it, but I feel like it shouldnt be a thing that you can enter this "blocked" locker.... SWF wont have a problem since 95% of them have comms, but what about solo queue players, they will have a few problems with it
(added a small video as proof)
Locker blocking perk incoming?
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I doubt it, I think they should just do it like the hex: plaything totems of other players, that the entity blocks those lockers when you get near them as killer, I dont think going inside of them is going to be a gamebreaking deal, but my own opinion is that it shouldnt be possible, but who knows, maybe others know more about it, if its intended or not
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I mean, a keen eye can still see that he's in there, and he has very limited vision himself. Moreover, Dredge cannot instadown by default like, say, Bubba so I'd argue that it's not nearly as effective as a bootleg camping strat.
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I mean... They never changed facecamp Bubba so why would they change this, right?😉
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That is a good way to farm the locker grab achievement
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I think it's fine.
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Like you stated, Dredge's aura is shown after a short time. It's no different if they stand in front of the hook instead. The point of lockers being blocked is to prevent the quick teleport back.
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After 8 seconds there's that big dark cloud that forms around the locker essentially shouting "THE KILLER IS HIDING HERE" so I can't see it as a major issue.