Very confused and would appreciate accurate help

D2night Member Posts: 224

so I know what is going to happen with the new prestige system. I’m just confused if it’s going to be retroactive to players who haven’t prestiged at all. Meaning (I heard this somewhere but idk if it’s true) players who haven’t prestiged yet unlocked a bunch of perks and items on that character, will have their progress transferred when this system goes live and the amount of blood webs they’ve went through will automatically be transferred to levels. So if I got every perk on a character maxed it’s safe to say that I would’ve been prestige 3, so I’ll become that with this new system?

or is it not retroactive and I’ve just misunderstood/heard lies?

i know my explanation is confusing but I would really appreciate the help especially from a dev


  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    They are planning some kind of catchup system where people who didn't prestige will be given a number of prestige levels when the update hits. They mention it in the official news post

    idk how it'll work or anything but maybe it'll go by how many teachables you got on a character

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,159

    You'll be automatically prestiged under the new system but won't lose anything. Here's the blog post from the website about it.

  • D2night
    D2night Member Posts: 224

    Thank you guys!! I have been trying to find that for days and couldn’t and it was frustrating me lol. Thanks a lot for posting the link, I just read it.

    quick question though (you guys probably don’t know because we weren’t given information yet) but in the post it says “based on how many tiers of perks you’ve unlocked” but I have leveled up 1 character a lottttt, I’ve had every perk maxed for a while and was wondering if I keep upgrading will I go up in levels/prestiges even more? Like since I have every perk max it sounds like I’ll be P3 automatically but since I’ve upgraded them sooo much more than just getting every perk (like 100 - 150 of every single item) will I become like P7 instead? Or do you think it’s only counting perk tiers according to the post

    if nobody knows the answer to that question that’s fine, my main question was answered lol

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,159

    Unless someone has seen a dev confirm elsewhere they haven't given us any more info on how the catch up will work. We'll be getting more info when they are closer to releasing the rework - sometime this summer which could be as late as September.

  • D2night
    D2night Member Posts: 224

    alright cool thanks