Love it when survivors DC first down

Was playing in a 3 man swf last night for a few hours. Within the first 10 games we had 4 survivors either dc first down or kill themselves immediately. How we got any escapes in these games I have no idea.
Btw this isn't a post to say "oh we're so good" I'm just showing how quickly people left even though there were plenty of cakes being used and they had pretty good builds.
The last one was a Clown with Corrupt, Pain Res, No Way Out and Shattered Hope. Brought a cake and had the 2 extra bottles + longer duration. The 2k for Nea was literally for standing still below the hook.
I don't understand why events bring out the worst in people lol
The worst feeling is having someone DC on their first down and almost bringing the game back anyway, just so you can see that the game was completely winnable if it wasn't for someone's refusal to play Dead by Daylight.
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3-man swf doesn't treat their solo-teammate as equal. I wish there was option to opt-out 3-man swf groups as survivor
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Don't treat them as an equal? Of all things this post talks about you take that from it? Ok mate 👍
Like that Doctor game was the perfect example. Look at that build and we got 2 out somehow. That game could've been a 4 out if they just didn't decide to give up after failing a head-on.
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I would very much welcome this.