Dead hard nerf comes, sprint burst meta arrives.

Im surprised sprint burst isn’t getting nerfed alongside dead hard considering how both are very strong, while dead hard is definitely the perk that needed updating the most, the fact that sprint burst isn’t getting touched frightens me.
on the few occasions someone is running an exhaustion perk that isn’t dead hard, it’s sprint burst. Why? Because that’s also a really strong perk. It may be a bit weaker than dead hard, but if dead hard ends up gutted by the changes, people will just use sprint burst.
even if sprint burst gets nerfed, most likely, lithe, balanced landing or overcome will become much more popular and those are gonna become the new despised perks, and while they aren’t close to sprint burst and dead hard, because a lot of players relied on DH and SB, they’re gonna need new ways to help their chases and so just run them every match.
in general, i think exhaustion perks really need changes, something small like penalties could work as potential bandaid fixes, but i think exhaustion perks need updating because most of them are so strong, not running one feels like a massive downside.
I would rather face SB all game then DH. DH is way more annoying and "unfair" because you use it at loops. SB you just run and then end up in loop, where if the killer mind games you well or just Survivor do a mistake, you won't press E to get free escape card and continue the chase for the extra 40+ sec.
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Why only SB? Lithe is also good perk. I can see some people will use Head On builds too. Even Overcome can be useful on some builds. BL is pretty bad tho.
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I could not agree more, though I do think that DH is infinitely more annoying when used well. If all 4 survivors use sprint burst and just hold W, it would be unwinnable for most M1 killers. But that would require all 4 survivors to agree and not get cocky.
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I dont disagree with you but sprint burst at least has penalties like being forced to use it when running. I just don't like how exhaustion perks are basically a core mechanic instead of a group of perks at this point.
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Honestly I find lithe more annoying than SB as you can pair lithe with dance with me and have no scratch marks for that dash. Honestly sb sucks cuz you could do overcome and lucky break as well to get the kinda same effect although now your injured.
BL huh you see powerhit or whatever it's called used more than BL? It's the perk where you get a speed boost after stunning the killer with a pallet. I haven't seen that perk for months but I can at least remember a BL in the last month lol so I consider that perk the worse exhaustion perk.
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I wonder about the difference in demographic between myself and other posters, because I really don't see SB that often at all. If someone's running an exhaustion perk that isn't DH in my games, it is almost always Lithe or Balanced Landing, which makes sense to me since they provide comparable value to DH. SB isn't going to help you mid chase unless you're really on top of 99ing, and even then, that's not doable all the time-- whereas Lithe and to a lesser extent Balanced are mid-chase perks, with Sprint Burst and Overcome being more for avoiding an extended chase altogether.
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I fail to see how SB replacing DH in loadouts is a bad thing
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Just wait till you guys figure out sprint burst is a better perk than dead hard, sure dead hard is easier to manage which is why some consider it better but sprint burst being managed properly is stronger , I can get to a gen immediately and even if I end up forced off of it 9/10 times I can end up 99 mid chase and get like 4 times the distance dead hard offers without being injured, forcing a killer to either commit or accept that they just wasted all that time chasing, also using insta heals before you pop a 99 sprint burst is deadly, sprint bursts drawback of being able to get used at anytime is also what gives it the edge over dead hard when it's used by a good survivor who knows how to take advantage of that.
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SB can be annoying, but feels better than dead hard and DS. SB is a fun perk overall.
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Very much so. Something can be technically less powerful, but still be wretched anti-fun to play against.
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no i frames, no problem
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SB doesn't completely ignore killer powers so that's fine, SB can get you to a tile if you're out of position but you still have to play the tile correctly once you get there.
DH you can misplay a tile have your mistake corrected for you and then prolong a chase another 20 seconds cuz you pressed E.
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The thing about Sprint Burst is that your never out of position. You'll always be able to run to a loop before the killer hits you. Plus they can reach more loops so they'll choose tiles that are stronger. This plus the 99% sprint burst once you get close.
I'll be honest I'm surprised it also isn't getting changed. I'm not saying it's worse because it definitely is not but I do think people will quickly get annoyed at it.
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Sprint Burst is a perk for survs that want to avoid chases and have the patience to walk around the map and learn to 99 sprint Burst which is not always easy.
The only thing stopping Balanced Landing from being meta are the map designs,most of them lack hills and main buildings(Looking at you Shelter woods,Lerys) which makes the perk very situational and rarely useful while in chase.
If they add more spots for Balanced Landing to be usable it could definitely be meta,it's a fun and easy perk to use so most of the player base will run BL instead of the superior SB.
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They all have caveats though. Sprint Burst means you can't run (yes I know 99ing it but that's hard to do and do gens at the same time), lithe immediately takes effect after a vault, a common thing done in chase, and balanced landing can't even be used on a lot of maps
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That's fine
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yea but if your on a gen sb is a 100 percent get out of jail card just run vigil and you'll be 99ing it in no time.
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I still love that people are ardently defending an 80% usage perk as 'weak' compared to alternatives. I guess old ruin was actually trash by that logic and overcharge is still sleeper OP.
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I am bit worried too that Sprint Burst isn't getting looked at. Or just exhaustion perks in general. I feel like it will just be the new meta perk, with DH nerfed.
But I guess a new meta is better than nothing. Hopefully they will keep their promise and keep chaning perks in the future as well.
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SB is fine. More than fine.
It's a perk that has play, counterplay and best of all - risk analysis and decision making. I wish survivors had more perks like this.
Bring on the SB/Lithe meta. SB is a strong perk, sure - but it's at least something you can counter.
BL is godly on some maps (anything with an accessible main structure with at least 2 floors) and useless on others.
I run Lithe - it's a damned fine perk in it's own right.
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It won't be looked at until the forums start to cry about it.
When DH was still prominent and 90% of the people who used it resulted in being exhausted on the ground, nobody said peep. If people switch to SB and it becomes a more popular perk it will be the same thing that is happening to DH right now. People being annoyed by it because they see it in every match.
It's a vicious cycle with this community. Complain about whatever annoys you. Even though literally each exhaustion perk has scenarios attached to them which would be considered annoying.
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Is anyone really saying that DH is weak? The premise of this topic is that if DH gets nerfed hard enough, people will swap to the next strongest exhaustion perk SB.
And honestly it's not like SB is that much weaker than DH, both excel at different things. DH is great when you are on a strong tile as it lets you greed the tile to waste more time. However, the perk doesn't do much when you're in a dead zone as dodging a swing in a dead zone won't save you from being downed shortly afterwards. SB however is great when you are in a dead zone as it allows you to get distance to a usable tile. Some killers have powers that can easily play around it compared to DH, but it's going to be just as annoying for M1 killers to deal with all SB as it is with DH.
Also I would argue that old ruin wasn't that good for it's usage as much as at the time there was simply not much for passive slowdown. Ruin was the only passive slowdown option and it worked with pop. Old ruin honestly didn't do much against experienced survivors whereas it could be an auto win against inexperienced survivors. I'm pretty sure if ruin was never changed, it's usage would not be as high as it was then because killers have gotten so many good passive slowdown options to replace ruin. If anything the ruin changes made ruin both a stronger and better perk.
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That's because games evolve. I know that there was a time where DH was definitely not complained about a lot. There were other, more unbalanced problems in this game that got more attention.
But as time has gone on, DBD has become more and more balanced, with more and more frustrations being addressed. I know some people like to claim this game is in a particularly bad spot, but that's generally just exaggeration. The game's balance has improved.
DH sticks out as particularly frustrating to deal with, because with the game being more balanced, it clearly sticks out as being too strong.
If meta perks receive nerfs, so they are at a more reasonable level, then that might mean that Sprint Burst will stick out as being too strong, in comparison to the other perks. The trick is to find a good balance for all perks, so they can still be effective but not too much, and no perk should be clearly better than every other perk.
The same concern can be voiced about Dead Man's Switch as well. And perhaps Sloppy Butcher, and other exhaustion perks. Of course I am not expecting the game to have a very varied meta after this one perk update. Simply changing up the meta will probably be enough for many people. But I do hope that the devs will be able to continuously improve the game's perk meta to become more and more varied, with survivors and killers not being tied up to certain perks if they want a chance to win in any match.
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Something that is quite concerning about Sprint Burst becoming meta is that it is a perk that pairs so well with Prove Thyself (another really strong perk which isn't getting changed).
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90%...there's hyperbole and then there's being Cable News.
Yes, sometimes DH would jank out. But it was still incredibly popular.
Ex perks can be strong, but they don't amount to a third health state that can eat killer powers. You can't SB over a trap. You can't Lithe through a Slinger shot. You can't bypass Nemmy's pallet break with Balanced Landing.
The core issue with DH is that, if used properly, can be anything from 'lol, I have a free health state' and 'lol, I just DH'd to that pallet and now you've lost Bloodlust and the chase will take another minute'.
SB is a strong perk, but it's strong in the right way in that it comes with a sacrifice in sustained speed and can actually be played around. The only counterplay to DH is mindgames that don't often work.
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That has nothing to do with my post tho. At no point am I saying that DH isn't strong or that SB is as strong as DH, just that DH and SB excel at different things.
And I disagree that SB can be played around as a killer. If you are playing an M1 killer like Freddy, Ghostface, or Myers, you have no tools to deal with a survivor running from a deadzone to a safe tile unlike already strong killers like Huntress, Blight, or Nurse who have the mobility or range to deal with it. And the killers that can deal with SB the best are also the same killers that deal with DH the best, so it's not like nerfing DH is suddenly going to make weaker killers more usable if SB becomes more popular. So I imagine they'll still be complaints about exhaustion perks after DH nerf.
Now granted fearmonger can deal with SB, but having certain killers feel pressured to run a specific perk is not really a great solution either. Same reason why devs are looking at base changes to the game while adjusting multiple slowdown perks.
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As I've already mentioned before every exhaustion perk has "annoyance" attached to it, the thing is the majority of the reason DH is popular is because people like to engage in chases. Because holding M1 on a generator is boring af. Most other perks do not allow that for people because that is not how they work. There is a fun aspect to DH which is that you feel like you are in danger and you have to calculate when to use and when not to. With some situations being outright baited by the killer's own ability.
I have gotten away from Bubba's power with SB and even Lithe because unlike DH, those perks give me the distance needed to get to a safe zone. I have also been able to work on a generator without any worry in the world that a Ghostface just stalked and exposed me because I know I can finish the gen in his face and leave to go to another safe zone. Those are just as annoying.
People choosing not to see the "annoyance" in each one is on them. It's there. Something being more popular does not change that. Which is why I say that once more people start using SB the crying will just switch to that.
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As a Michael Myers main, I understand exactly what you are talking about. This is why I brought up the point above.
Part of the people who choose to play with DH isn't because they aren't good at running anything else. They just like riskier playstyles it is part of the fun in the game. So when I have someone who understands that the next time they go around they don't have to worry because they can simply dash with Dead Hard to give them that distance. I am going to assume that they also understand that they are not when they have SB and that instead they get to keep 2 health states instead of one while getting to a "safe" zone. Which is what I think people will see a lot more of.
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Preemptive complaining! We made it guys!
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And all that requires game sense and some map knowledge you don't need to get free DH distance exactly when you need it in a chase. The best part of DH getting nerfed is that while SB may be stronger at times, most mediocre survs that can easily extend chases with DH will never utilize SB to its full potential. So they'll run other exhaustion perks too.
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Most mediocre survivors aren't why dead hard needed nerfed lol those sort of survivors would've dead harded into a wall or not lasted any longer in that chase. It takes both perks to be run by a good player to really see their strength.
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By mediocre I mean dead average in chase, but know basic predropping and looping, and are able to DH for distance. Maybe you mindgame them a few times, but DH robs you of that and massively extends chase. It's super painful when strong survivors use it too. Like wow, finally got you, but who am I kidding. You were expecting an alch ring blight, that's why you're using DH right? And then they get to a god pallet, and ypu may as well drop chase.
Either way, if SB really is stronger at high level we'd see it used more in top MMR, but it remains around 13% usage if I remember correctly.
Something people forget too is that if you ever catch multiple survs, that's multiple SBs spent. That isn't the case with DH.
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I would much prefer survivors having a distance advantage at the start of the chase than a free health state that also gives you distance
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Sprint Burst has always been better than Dead Hard and it's fine.
It actually requires some skill to be used properly.
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I’d take Sprint Burst over DH all day long. At least with SB the survivor doesn’t get to “press E to outplay” after making a mistake and get to a pallet or window safely when you would have otherwise downed them
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SB is very good and I believe it will get the Exhaustion throne after DH gets changed but the problem with SB is it never blunders, unlike DH or other Exhaustion perks.
DH is one of those perks with a ton of potential for insanely game winning plays, squeezing one more loop to reach the pallet, throw it and then chaining towards another loop is something only DH can achieve and SB will never be able to do, on the other hand, you will never use SB on the middle of nowhere and end up downed 2 seconds later because the Killer didnt fall for it, SB is more stable, it will always give you the same value while DH disparity allows for great stuff but also for massive disasters.
People only remember the times DH forced them to extend a chase 40 seconds, never when it achieved nothing and Ive seen enough streamers throw a huge rant when DH gives value 2 times in a match but when DH fails 4 times? all fine and dandy "look chat, these noobs hehe stupid survmains!".
The fact that SB is the only Exhaustion perk which never fails is what I believe will make people go bonkers and exclaim it has 0 counterplay and after that we all know what happens...
On this forum thats like "Hey we blinked, we totally aced it, we rock!!" the hard thing would be people not preemptive complaining.