This event I mean,
I don't know about you,
but looping killer, holding M1,
chasing sruvivors, mindgames,
- too boring
spending all game running around as killer on an open map to find the invitation,
and than don't find it,
- Now that's a lot of fun!!!!!
Iv spent about 30mins slugged in today's games....
For whatever reason killers have been letting me bleed out instead of hooking me, I dont even do any form of BM so...
Edit: cant speak on invitations though, I got mine pretty fast as survivor on the first day
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on the firt day it was easy, and lot of lobbies were farm lobbies
but you know... some people will get all the cosmetics really fast and than start playing for Grades or fun or something..
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Well I avoid farming, I just play to play but I'm not one to try be mean to the other side but events definitely do bring out the worst in some people.
Iv had survivors BM me and throw games or DC early on and iv had killers just be toxic... honestly it's justthe DBD community
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really? if I didn't find out that I could just get Wraith and speed demon the map 500 times and find the invitation than I'd probably play Bubba and facecamp someone out of spite,
is that the game design's fault or some individual's fault?
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I gave the event a few hours and decided I'm not logging in for the rest of it. Half the games were people trying to farm, and the other half was one side trying and the other side not trying. I just want to play the game normally and apparently I can't do that for the duration of the event. Single queue for everything is really old.
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I'm almost the same, except I enjoyed the farming, though I didn't get why killers refused to kill me despite me pointing at the hook,
anyways first day is gone and 90% of the games is a onesided win, and it's usually killer,
ofc I logged off,
it's funny because usually the game is supposed to be more fun during an event, but instead you get the opposite in most of your games...
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Hey don't worry at least if you find it you find it if we don't get the gens done and find it then we still don't get it. Trust it is no easier finding as survivor.
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This is by far the coolest event idea and worst executed event at the same time.