If you already owned a perk in the shrine of secrets (or teachable LV 40) would you lose the...

If you already owned a perk in the shrine of secrets (or teachable LV 40) would you lose the ability to get them on other people
my friend doesn't buy chapters because he doesn't want to spend money and bought all of the perks from he shrine, will he lose the ability to get them in the bloodweb or would they be on T1 already
Additionally Would the shrine of secrets price be changed or would you buy the perk 3 times for the 2k shard per tier
From their update:
Shrine of Secrets
Unlike before, where The Shrine of Secrets would offer teachable perks that then needed to be found in Bloodwebs, the Shrine will now allow you to purchase perks directly. Purchasing a perk through the Shrine of Secrets will make the Tier 1 version of it immediately available on all Killers or Survivors, much like prestige. Subsequent Tiers of that perk will also begin appearing in Bloodwebs.
You may also purchase a perk again to increase its Tier. This works seamlessly with the prestige system, as purchasing a perk you’ve already unlocked through prestige will instead increase its Tier.
So the way I read this is, it'll be less annoying because you can buy whatever perk you're missing whenever (not just when it's in the shrine). I could be reading that wrong though.
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I think it's restricted to just perks currently in the shrine
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Ah! Got it. That's too bad as I was hoping you could just, you know, buy the base versions of the perk you needed.
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Also came here to find this out.
I have bought quite a few perks from Shrine and have not unlocked them on all my char's blood webs.
When the new patch hits will my characters that do not own the perks be unable to obtain them without re-buying them or prestiging the other characters?
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Perks previously bought from the shrine will automatically be unlocked at tier 1 on every character (of the appropriate role, of course.) Tiers 2 and 3 can be unlocked in the bloodweb as normal.
As far as previously acquired teachables, I think I remember reading that they will also automatically appear at tier 1 on all characters but I need to see if I can find the post. Either way, if you got a perk as a teachable it will still appear in bloodwebs.
Found it: