P3 Reward - What Could Have Been - Game play / feature boost.

I was going to put this in feedback but with the PTB next week, I take it this time has passed, so now it can just be what could have been.

What would have been preferable (compared to an icon) and what I'd kinda hoped for was a time limited enhanced gameplay or game feature boost. An actual reward. For example (numbers arbitrary and used for example only):

  • For the next 60 trials, your prestige character gets a 1.5% haste effect.
  • For the next 3 months, your base level of bloodpoint storage is increased by 10 000 for each prestiged character up to a maxiumum of 1 500 000. Total storage will return to 1 000 000 at the end of this period.
  • For the next 3 months, each prestige character played earns a 5% bloodpoint bonus for each trial completed.
  • For the next 3 months, each presitge character played with earns a 7.5% XP bonus.

A minor but extended bit of niceness. Many possibilities. Similar to how you get the bonus in the "beta" function.

If you wanna give an icon, a token cosmetic, etc etc as well, then sure.


  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598

    tbh. i rather have that icon than your rewards

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170
    • - For the next 60 trials, your prestige character gets a 1.5% haste effect.
    • No. Highly unfair for everyone else, and people would be accused of cheating.
    • - For the next 3 months, your base level of bloodpoint storage is increased by 10 000 for each prestiged character up to a maxiumum of 1 500 000. Total storage will return to 1 000 000 at the end of this period.
    • Nearly useless, especially when you limit it for a short period of time.
    • - For the next 3 months, each prestige character played earns a 5% bloodpoint bonus for each trial completed.
    • Make it a permanent boost and we can talk.
    • - For the next 3 months, each presitge character played with earns a 7.5% XP bonus.
    • Same as above, make it a permanent boost and we can talk about it.

    The best solution imo would be in game currency, whether that be bloodpoints (like, calculate how many bloodpoints it costs to go from level 1 to level 50 and multiply it by 3 for each character), iridescent shards (idk how many) or auric cells (lol, even saying it makes me want to laugh at myself)