Calm spirit “buff”

D2night Member Posts: 224

calm spirit should not have a 30% speed reduction. This isn’t a buff, this is a huge nerf and you’ll be hurting your team by running this perk. Good luck cleansing a hex/noed let alone wasting extra time cleansing dull totems. Please get rid of the 30% speed reduction, even without it this perk still isn’t OP


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,437

    Yeah honestly such a weird change. I think they were trying to buff the perk but they actually nerfed it.

    It's a niche perk already. Just give it all those new silent effects and remove the slower action speed negative, totally unnecessary.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Who is cleansing totems when killer is around lol. Usually survivors are waiting and they are cleansing after killer leaves. The addition effect is not good but yet, they nerfed perk for it. Even without penalty, this perk will not be meta. With penalty? Imposible.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,615

    My question is whether you have the option to do it silently but slowly or can still do it normally without being silent. If you have the option then it’s ok. If it’s forced then that sucks and it’s a nerf.

  • socalfusions
    socalfusions Member Posts: 123

    Yeah such a out of touch ninja nerf that they state as a buff, no one was ever going to run it even without the speed reduction it was still complete dog #########, who cares if you cleanse it silently lmao you just stop cleansing or buffing it if they get that close and if it's a hex they will almost always visually check anyways.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,219
    edited June 2022

    Extremely strange choice. Didn't they catch that unnecessary downsides to perks make them useless? Like the restriction to old Windows of Opportunity. Just remove the weird reduction in time, it's not like the 12 seconds to open a chest need to be longer.

    If they wanted something more interesting, how about any bird disturbed by the killer within 32 meters of your character gives a notification, like a reverse Spies?

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 5,667

    Calm Spirit would still be a pretty unwanted perk even if they hadn't thrown in that nasty penalty. It has new applications, sure, but you very rarely open a chest or do a totem next to the killer - booning in particular is completely pointless, because the finished boon will immediately give itself (and yourself) away. The only time I can see this coming in clutch is getting rid of a Devour Hope or NOED that the killer is camping... but in those cases, the 30% speed reduction is probably going to kill you anyway.

    It definitely shouldn't be a thing.