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Decrease the BP boosts, but keep them in the game

Firellius Member Posts: 4,621
edited June 2022 in General Discussions

In regards to both WGLF and BBQ & Chili, I get your reasoning for removing the blood point bonus on both perks. After all, you plan to reduce the grind, and so you reason they're no longer necessary.

However, there's a second side to these effects that you appear to have overlooked and that make me want you to keep them in.

And that is FUN.

Both of these perks are big reward boosters. As grindy as the game is, doubling your BP gain off of fully stacking these perks is pretty fun. On one hand because it adds a secondary mission that can underpin your enjoyment of a particular trial. You got killed as a survivor? Eh, I still got my four WGLF stacks, so I'm happy! You got a 4E? Well, I hooked all of them, so I still get a big BP boost off BBQ & Chili!

These perks have successfully split the game into fragments that make it possible to win while losing, adding a little bit of extra positivity into the trials. The BP boost is a juicy little bonus on top, as it makes the funny red triangle number at the post-match screen go up, and big number makes the happy chemicals go!

In addition, these perks can offer a slight incentive for changing up your playstyle and pushing for more interactivity across the board through their little mini-missions.

So instead of outright removing the BP boost, I would suggest simply reducing their impact a bit, maybe cutting the 'per stack' boost by half, from 25% to 12.5%. I'd also go so far as to suggest that there should be other perks introduced that have similar 'mini-missions' for bonus BP gain, by focusing on various other aspects of gameplay. (Non-stacking with each other, of course)


  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    I really wish the devs would keep the BP bonuses for those perks, but they have already made up their minds for us and have told us that we don’t want to use a perk slot for extra BP

  • Zexbunny
    Zexbunny Member Posts: 211

    Just make them basekit. Maybe add a few ways to earn a bonus on survivor. The grind reduction is effectively cut in half because they removed the mechanic that halved the grind.

  • Shooby
    Shooby Member Posts: 226

    Why don't we keep emblem grades the same for pips, but increase caps to 10,000? Can't tell you how much BP I would earn if Boldness wasn't capped at 8,000. Benefits both roles too.

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    I'm glad the BP Bonuses are gone.

    It lifts this weight off of my shoulders from feeling "obligated" to bring BBQ because otherwise I'm missing out on 2x BP. I'm glad its gone. I can run builds without it and not have this nagging feeling like I'm missing out clawing at the back of my mind.

    Besides, there is pretty much always going to be a Killer role incentive Bonus active every evening so we'll still be getting Bonus Bp, but it will be a flat bonus that doesn't depend on how many people you hook.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    They should just make the BP bonus basekit to a lesser extent (maybe 12.5% per stack up to 4.) As killer, you get a boost for hooking different survivors. As survivor, you get a boost for doing one of each: a safe unhook, completing a generator, lasting 30s in chase, and cleansing or blessing a totem.

    Or something like that. But I agree that having an extra objective players could chase for bloodpoints was a good thing and removing it lowers satisfaction in games that otherwise aren't going well.