Can Bubba players explain their mentality?

Like...WHY. WHY are you all such yucky players? I understand we all want to win but...HOLY crap. I end every match against y'all drenched in sweat, and not one drop of it is even my own.
So please, what's the scoop? Just that it's a meme at this point to be a sweaty, tunneling facecamper as Bubba, so why not join the crowd? That it's expected you're going to be an unrelenting puppet for the Entity's sadistic voyeuristic pleasures, so might as well get the most views?
I think I have had two semi-enjoyable games against a Bubba in the last 4 or so however many years playing this game. ALWAYS toxic. Have I won some of these games? Sure. But it has never been fun and DAMN if it almost seems like that is the goal of these people; not even to care about winning, but just to ensure that everyone has an absolute MISERABLE TIME.
Also see: Hag players
I don't facecamp when I play Bubba.
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they got facecamped & didnt like it so now they do it to others so we all can share the pain.
welcome to DBD
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You are a rare breed. Literally have not seen a Bubba that has not tunneled and/or facecamped in like a year and a half. All just complete sweatlords.
So kudos to you.
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Guess ill go play nice bubba tomorrow lol
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I know this really hard for people to understand, but you don't have to justify how you play to other people.
When I play Bubba, I don't need your permission for my playstyle. If I wanna camp you, I will. If I wanna chase you, I will. Depends how I feel. But what does NOT influence is how YOU feel. Because Survivors don't give a damn about Killer fun, or Killer feelings, and never have. While they do not HAVE to, it is weird they expect that in return but give no respect of their own.
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You don't have to. The point of this post isn't to change Bubba's players mind or get him nerfed or something dumb like that. I'm not an entitled player who thinks the game balance has to cater to me. I just want to hear from Bubba players what their thoughts are on why they play like this.
No other Killer feels like they all share the same exact mentality and playstyle than Mr. Texas Chainsaw.
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Doesn't need to be justified. Just wanna know why pick this killer, play the same expected way and just make the game a horrible time? Can you not pick another killer and do the same, gotta pick the easiest killer to be lame with?
If you just like playing like a meanie, own that! And I am not judging as my Killer style is to not to hold back either. But the way Bubbas play...I don't see how that's fun for either side. That's why I'm trying to see more into the minds of these players. Cuz other killers are clearly playing to win too, but the way EVERY SINGLE Bubba goes about it is just stale as all hell.
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When I play Bubba it is because I find using the chainsaw fun. Especially if you are not injured, because then you cannot use your god damn Dead Hard. Go directly to floor, do not collect 200 dollars.
The sentence you need to stop uttering is "Not fun for both sides".
The hell its not!
It is HILARIOUS watching someone panic, drop them with the saw, hook them, then hide around a corner with Insidious and wait. Then some knucklehead comes down the stairs, and out we go with HURR HURR HURR and mow you down. My god, it is so funny I almost fall out of my chair sometimes.
Hate it if you want, but to say it is not fun for either side is just objectively wrong. It's a blast!
There are hours and hours and hours of SpookNJukes doing Basement Bubba Tuesdays you can watch to see how much fun it can be.
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You know what...if you're having fun then it is justified. Sucks for Survivors, but hey, I'm not gonna hate on that. Thanks for the insight.
PS I love SpookNJukes but purposely avoid the Bubba videos for obvious reasons.
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Well....I got bored of actually playing the game, so I decided just to facecamp.
I've been roped into have some normal op lay, but I've really just tunneled and stuff. Trying not take the game too seriously.