Rework in practice: Killers Slowdown perk meta untouched, Survivors forever lost unique perks

Piruluk Member Posts: 995

I think the devs missed the mark with the rework, because killers has lot of gen slowdown perk, so it doesnt really matter if they nerf half of them if others buffed and killers continue to receive new meta slowdowns in every update.

But what about survivors?

I guess DS will be replaced by off the record. However is there anything to replace Spine Chill? Not at all, as solo, you have no idea when a killer comes now, you are forced to stop playing or just play with friends who can call out the killer movement all the time....

What will replace Iron Will? Again nothing, with the gutting of the perk there is no more killer juking and the stealth gameplay ceases to exist after you got hit.

What will replace Self Care? Again nothing, in SoloQ survivors will just self care essentially throwing the game. The reason was used because in SOLOQ you cant really on others to heal you. Guess again, you need to play in SWF to have reliable healing.

What you can see that all of the destroyed perks was used for a reason, lacking tools for SOLOQ.

DbD started as a party game, survival horror game 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1

However now recently dbd tries to be competitive, yet SOLOQ absolutely lacking any information, they are forced to takes perks to just to have the same information than SWF(swf gets it free).

DbD devs instead of fixing the imbalance, decided to buff killers(like buffing knockout which worthless against SWF but useless vs SWF), and to offer SOLOQ players for free win to killers.

Perks that SWF gets for free all the time:

Bond, Kindred, Spine Chill(without vault bonus), Windows of opportunity, they know when teammates get chased, they know when killer leaves the survivor.

If a bad player plays in SWF he is suddenly lot better, if a good SOLOQ players plays in SWF he also lot better suddenly. Is the player skill? NO, its all about the free perks.

Anyway staying on topic, what will happen after the rework?

SOLOQ players leaving the game or playing in SWF.

Losing lot of players.

SWF still lot stronger than a killer, since more player playing in SWF after rework, killers also complaining, so further nerf on survivors, further player loss on both side.

Another thing survivors will continue to receive useless gimmick perk, while killer getting 3 slowdown perk with every release.


  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,574

    "while killer getting 3 slowdown perk with every release."

    The Dredge:

    • Dissolution -> Chase Perk
    • Darkness Revealed -> Info Perk (Aura)
    • Septic Touch -> Debuff Perk
    • => 0/3 gen slowdown

    Yep, 3 gen slowdown perks with every release!

  • graveyard_7777
    graveyard_7777 Member Posts: 269

    I don't see a problem with these changes and I play both killer and survivor

  • Khelendrose2020
    Khelendrose2020 Member Posts: 207

    Ruin just got destroyed.

    Pop got nerfed, especially when you realize what "current progress" means compared to the old Pop.

    Scourge got a major nerf, but that nerf hits Dead Man's Switch even harder than it does SRP.

    Corrupt got hammered pretty good.

    Thanataphobia is now just what it was originally, and it was never used back then.

    The slow down perks were heavily reigned in. I'll be shocked if you see Ruin used at all in its new form.

    When was the last slowdown perk introduced? SRP? There are not any new ones for quite some time, so your rant about 3 new ones with every killer is seriously off.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    "Killers Slowdown perk meta untouched"

    ummm, did you read what they did Ruin?

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,574

    About the "killer slowdown perk meta unchanged", lets look at the top gen defense perks:

    Ruin will get it's regression halved, so it will be just like normally kicking a gen. And thats on Tier 3, the others are even slower! And it will disable when one survivor is dead. Thats a pretty hefty nerf. Expect killers to remove it from their loadout,

    Pop will only remove 20%, and only of the current progress, not overall. A slight nerf, but I guess it will remain one of the goto regression perks

    Tinkerer will only work once per gen. Thats some significant nerf, albeit justified.

    Corrupt will disable when one survivor is downed. Justified nerf.

    Synergy of Pain Res and DMS will be removed. Furthermore you won't know which gen is affected anymore. Likely no more being picked so often.

    So the top gen regression / defense perks will all receive significant nerfs. So stating the slowdown meta remains unchanged is objectively wrong.

  • Sandt21
    Sandt21 Member Posts: 761

    The fact that spine chill, a perk that completely negates the power of any stealth killer, was left untouched for so long was problematic to say the least. It needed to get curbed

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    However is there anything to replace Spine Chill? Not at all


    What will replace Iron Will?

    Off The Record (if the buff is an addition and not an entire rework).

    What will replace Self Care?

    Pharmacy/Inner Healing/Boon: Circle Of Healing/a Med-Kit.

    All I'm seeing are pointless complaints

  • Cameragosha
    Cameragosha Member Posts: 630
    edited June 2022

    Survivor still have circle of healing and off the record.

    And now dead hard get buffed.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,221

    "What will replace Spine Chill"

    Dark Sense, Alert, Object of Obsession, Stake Out/Diversion/Distortion. None of them are as strong as Spine Chill because they shouldn't be; that perk was too strong. Also, you by no means need Spine Chill to play solo queue, what are you talking about? It's nice, certainly, but it's not a requirement.

    "What will replace Iron Will"

    Off the Record, Lucky Break, Shadow Step, any number of stealth perks that I'm forgetting. See again: Complete silence is too strong, and not required for stealth play.

    "What will replace Self-Care"

    This one I don't get at all. Self-Care isn't even the best self healing perk now and there are clearly a thousand alternatives. A good medkit alone will give you more value than Self-Care overall, especially if paired with perks like Botany or Built to Last, and then you've got Inner Healing, Circle of Healing, Renewal, Pharmacy... Like for real, solo queue is not lacking in options for healing themselves, on top of the fact that you do still get healed in solo, you just can't rely on it.

    Not to mention that solo players now have the peace of mind to know that an idiot random teammate farming them won't lead to immediate tunnelling, and they'll have both endurance and haste to get to a loop. That's just a benefit to solo queue players no matter how you slice it, even if it's only a minor buff.