Don't quite understand how is camping being adressed with upcoming changes

Street Member Posts: 37

There're no changes that prevent killer camping the hook and trading one player for another. Tunneling QoL features ? Killers waited 12 sec, or even hit through BT, what make you think 5 sec and small amount of speed boost will change the situation ?

On my humble opinion, until you stop rewarding unsportsmanlike behaviour, encourage laziness, cowardice and meanness - nothing will change. Ridiculous I've played quite a few MMO and Multiplayers PvP games, but nothing stressed me out like the manners that 80% killers of this game have. And it became much much worse with the event. More instead of cake, camping first hook, tunnelling further that person etc. And you give them bloodpoints for this. 1-4 people experience ruined, but you tap them on the shoulder. Fun thing - I'm clearly sure there are players who think it's the way to play the game, because they can't succeed otherwise so instead of get good, they get mad.

The only thing I can say for sure about perk changes - you truly hate Solo Queue. I'm sure the term is off the table, non existent.

I play both sides, used to play surv more, but amount of frustration and anger instead of joy and fun took over and now playing more killers. Don't care about most of perks changes, but: self care - why ? Perk, which favors the killer, used to gain that awful category points and avoid "very smart" teammates under hook healing and it's being nerfed. And noed...idk why is this in the game, but again, reward low skill and low self esteem players.

On the other hand Idk why I'm even trying, if it's still here after all years.


  • fengminenjoyer
    fengminenjoyer Member Posts: 62

    camping will just get worse im afraid and with the DS nerf killer swill no longer be scared of it especially with characters that can catch up quicker with survivors, devs need to understand that the solution to that aspect of survivor meta is not to change these perks but rather not encourage the killer playstyle that forces survivors to run anti camping/tunneling perks, who wants to play the game when half the matches you get camped and tunneled for no reason? so thats why these perks ar necessary the way they are, just today i got tunneled and camped at 4 gens, my teammates werent even rushing gens to justify it lol i wish devs would talk seriously about it

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    facecamping was unintended mechanics anyway, so it kinda makes sense when they ignore it's existence for balancing changes.

    Problem is the fact there is no fix for it yet.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    If the "surivors" leave the game because of this patch it means they are accepting that the game was busted for them and they can't win properly.

    Camping is quite a weak strategy against good survivors. 10 seconds more on gens is not going to make gens impossible to complete. The problem with camping is survivors standing still in front of the killer instead of doing gens.

    Punish the killer and work on gens (the only problem is the hooked one killing himself, in that case its not killer's fault tbh).

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    If it's just NOED it's more on RNG or survivor's mistake tbh, combine it with rancor NWO and now this is laughably OP.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    To be honest if you are facecamped at 5 gens the other 3 survivors can do minimum 3 gens (up to maybe more with prove+toolboxes). So its not an effective strategy if survivors work on gens.

    It is against premades that tend to be altruistic and they spin around the killer wasting time.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,215

    There is and cannot be anything to prevent camping, if a player chooses to stand somewhere, you can't stop them standing there.

    What can be done is give survivors a better chance of securing a safe hook rescue in the event of camping. That's the rationale behind the buffs to BT, basekit BT, and OtR.

    This means that a hook rescue can at worst be a hook trade, which if the killer is ignoring all other objectives to secure a hook, isn't an unreasonable scenario.

    The only problem is hook grabs. If they removed those, which they can afford to do now that killer's hit cooldowns are reduced making two smacks for a hook trade viable, then they would finally make camping 'fair'.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,293

    No, it's effective against solo players who have no in-built way of telling the killer is camping, so when the facecamp target isn't getting unhooked, they each check, wasting a ton of time crossing the map to the hook and back.

  • Souplet
    Souplet Member Posts: 345

    Its adressed in a way

    If gens take longer and survivors odnt have 3 health state anymore, there wont be 2 gens pop 1st chase then 1.5 second chase

    Thats the issue right now. Thats why killers camp and defend gens around hook. Try to play killer at a decent mmr and see gens fly, you will understand that camping and tunneling is the only way to win a game nowadays

    If gen speed problem is adressed, i think camping will be less frequent

  • tendyhands
    tendyhands Member Posts: 268

    Solo q at low mmrs, it's going to be a massacre. Enjoy having all your teammates hide and do 45 second self heals.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I mean they are already doing 32 second self heals, difference is miniscule.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,293

    Conversely, a direct buff to camping would increase its frequency.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    The problem is, there are killers on the roster that can deny unhooks to begin with. It’s not just hook grabs. Lethal killer powers have to go around hooks too.

    A 32-second self-heal is the same efficiency (actually a bit better, considering gen times are slower with more survivors on an individual gen) as a survivor healing another at base speed. The Self-Care days of DbD are over after this patch, though. As they want to kill perks just because.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,215
    edited June 2022

    One-hit-kill killers, like Bubba, can still only guarantee a hook-trade with the new basekit BT. And if they try to wait it out, you run in opposite directions instead of trying to bodyblock.

    This just gives the survivors even more time to crank out those gens.

    Bubba hooks and camps survivor A. 2-3 gens get done. You go for the hook save and Bubba watches you revving his chainsaw until you get the unhook. The unhooked survivor sprints off with a deepwound and you repeat the process, getting another 2-3 gens repaired. Repeat a third time and you can guarantee 3 survivors escape.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Dude what. I want to go against the Bubbas you face. ROFL.

    In what version of DbD is camping Bubba allowing an unhook, and/or an unhooked survivor to escape with endurance? His chainsaw eats through all of it.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited June 2022

    If killers could not use their power near hook, survs would rush every hook forcing killer into a no win situation the way they do anytime devs test something like this. They did it to OG Freddy when he could not stop unhooks

    Sorry not gonna happen

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,215
    edited June 2022

    It shouldn't do. And if it does, you've very badly misplayed.

    The first hit of the chainsaw will send you sprinting away from him. You shouldn't get hit by the 2nd swing.

    Hell I've gone against camping bubbas without any hook trade at all. I've miraculously dodged the chainsaw myself, while the survivor I unhooked got hit with BT and sprinted away with a deepwound.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    I've seen, and experienced, and committed, a Bubba sweep that procs the endurance speed boost and caught up to them near the end.

    It's very possible, and not that hard to pull off.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,215

    Well if the 7% speed boost from the new BT and basekit BT stack with the post-hit speed boost, this should stop that from happening.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Bubba is fast, man.

    7% won't mean much to him. A solid sweep will still, in all likelihood, catch up.

    If I can pull it off, no way anyone's getting away from an experienced Bubba.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,952

    There will never be a change that prevents the Killer from defending a hook, its literally part of the game.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Never say never. Though it was years ago, there was a time hook stages were shorter, and survivors could literally not unhook their teammates due to facecamping. Just too bad devs don’t play their own game, or these issues wouldn’t have been able to go on this long.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    They want you to

    1. Not be able use power near hook
    2. Hooks to be like pyramid head cages so you have zero chance of defending hooks.

    Won't be happy until all killers are like OG Freddy, powerless at hooks, just watch them unhoook and run off

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,952

    Sorry mate, its clear the Developers understand the importance of Killer freedom and agency.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,215
    edited June 2022

    Sweeping Bubba is 5.27m/s

    On hit sprint is 6m/s for 2 seconds, which covers 12 meters.

    With stacked 14% increases that would become 6.56m/s. In 2 seconds you would cover 13.12 meters.

    If Bubba is just catching up for the 2nd sweep, then that could be enough distance.

    If not, I'd say they just need to rework Bubba's chainsaw. Maybe he goes into an automatic tantrum after scoring 2 hits across any number of survivors. If you're on your own and out positioned then he can get that double sweep off, but at a hook save where he hits both survivors first, then he can't carry on for that 2nd sweep.

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    With all of the ways to get endurance for free hits and body blocking now it's going to be harder to camp. A killer will be hard pressed to find a hook that wouldn't be affected by a potential boon totem nearby and Boon Exponential will stop slugging.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    If survivors leave it means they view the game as not being fair and would be justified leaving. Survivor players, 4/5s of the player base, have asked for face-camping and tunneling at gen 5 to be fixed since the inception of the game. There's no justifying it being in the game and every reason for it not to be in the game.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Why, though? If it is an effecitve strategy while gens are flying, it doesnt become worse with longer gen times, does it? So the most effecitve way might still be camping, and thus more than enough killer will still do it. But that can easily push the balance in the opposite direction.

  • Souplet
    Souplet Member Posts: 345

    Camping isnt fun for killers either. Its sure more fun when it leads to a 4k but camping on its own is boring.

    On the other end, chases are so frustrating right now that many of iillers would rather camp than chase cos they feel like they wont have fun by chasing and ending the game at 2 hooks

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    Camping is already a 50/50 and even bubba got his revving nerfed, stop complaining, behavior did their best, satisfy with it and dont try to ruin even more the fun of killers, let the minority of playerbase have a good time once in their life, survivors have always the braindead crutches and maps, let killers relax a bit

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Lol, revving nerfed. Yes, he can no longer indefinitely hold the rev.. in exchange for being able to go like six times further in his chainsaw dash with it. I'm so happy BHVR balanced Bubba with his buff ('rework').

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    He can dash, still need addons to perform well in chase weak

  • VideoGameMage
    VideoGameMage Member Posts: 358

    I was hoping for basekit changes for survivor that tackled camping similar to kindred or kinship. Oh well.

  • Mozic
    Mozic Member Posts: 601

    What I read into how they talked about camping during the stream today - the issue they see with camping seems to be with getting away after being unhooked, not the danger involved for your teammates in coming in for the unhook. Viewed in that context, a haste effect + endurance to make even more distance if struck makes a lot more sense as an anti-camping (and anti-tunneling) measure.

  • Yffriium
    Yffriium Member Posts: 140

    They are not doing anything about camping this patch. But that doesn't mean they won't address it later.

    Oftentimes, BHVR will purposefully swing the pendulum too far to one side in order to acquire less messy data from matches. They then use this data to figure out by exactly how much to swing the pendulum back to the precise middle.

    My hope is that the insidious issue of camping will be easier to address once some of these balance changes go through. But who knows, maybe camping will stay with us well into the 7th year of DBD.