What's the best Tracking Perk to replace BBQ and Chili in most Killer Build?

BBQ and Chili will be Niche this upcoming patch imo for Killer who are not mobile enough. So what do you guys think will be the perk to replace BBQ and Chili for Tracking? I think Thrilling Tremors would be a Safe Bet.
There's always floods of rage
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Thrilling Tremors was always a better tracking perk. People just used BBQ over TT for the bloodpoints.
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darkness revealed is awesome
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I was thinking that too, but then I remembered it's only on scourge hooks.
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No, it's not. You have quite a long cooldown, resulting that if you are doing well and have fast chases, this perk works only like 50-60% of the time you pick up someone. Also it is more easier to play around it, since once people notice you run this, all they need to do is wait 16 sec after you down someone and let the gen go. So then you think "Aha, no one is prob there" and then they will finish the gen anyway.
BBQ is not just for gens and helps with gens too and it is bit harder to counter than TT imo.
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I say Darkness Revealed as well. Short cooldown.
Very informative: Where survivors are. Where they aren't.
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Leprose Lichen
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Well, that depends on ur killer and ur play style as well. For instance If im playing Slug Sadako, no hook perks would work very well.
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Honestly think they should remove the scourge hook requirement. It isn't that much anyways so locking it behind specific hooks is a bit... eh.
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So then you mean "BBQ and Chilli has always been niche for killers who are not mobile enough"
Wdym "this upcoming patch" it's literally gonna be the same perk minus the bloodpoints LMAO
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Me personally will go for Discordance or Thrilling, based on which killer I play
I feel that Prove thyself will be super common after the change, so Discordance may be even more useful
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I wonder how heartily Doctor mains laugh at all this "tracking perk" ordeal...
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Nah. It’s too good an effect to just exist without strings attached. It would be same if u could bless every single totem in the map instead of one at a time.
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BBQ and Chili has a 50% Pick Rate because it had the BPs Bonus part. Now that it's gone, I don't see Lower Tier Killer picking this Up?
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This one knows.
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Best I can do for you is a 40 second cooldown.
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That could work. Wouldn’t be busted on nurse so I guess its fine. Dont u agree?
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After the midchapter patch Prove Thyself will become a more common perk than it's already is,it's not getting nerfed.
I suggest you use Discordance and punish the silly Prove thyself enjoyers,having pressure on 2 survivors at the start of the match is always good.
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Yea but we were talking strictly info wise which is the best perk after the patch. I'd still rock BBQ anyway tbh, I always used it for the info. Knowing where to go in general (even on low mobility killers) is huge. You don't need mobility to use BBQ effectively.
I would never say thrilling tremors is better because tremors is limited to knowing if people are on gens, BBQ let's you know where people are no matter what.
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As for Deerstalker, I use it as Huntress to down somebody, run after their buddy and hit them to make sure I get an injury in with a hatchet. Then go back and pick em up. It works pretty well so I don't have to spend time searching .xD
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I cannot condone using TT with the cooldown that it has. I'd rather just use BBQ.
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I'm excited to not have to use BBQ. Will likely never use it again after this patch. As far as what tracking perks I will use, probably very killer dependent. We'll see.
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It'll probably vary more by Killer. Thrilling works with Nightmare and Onryô since they can go straight to any unblocked gen, but as noted above is less useful on Killers who can down quickly. They could get more benefit from Infectious Fright. Lethal Pursuer for those Killers who most need early game pressure or otherwise rely on survivor auras. Darkness Revealed for Killers who utilize the lockers, etc. I've always been fond of Spies From the Shadows myself.
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Thrilling is one of those dual purpose perks, that does two things less effectively than any perks that do one of those things on it's own.
Thrilling gives info as to which gens are currently being repaired, and it has slowdown in that it blocks gens not being repaired for 30 seconds. It's a decent secondary slowdown perk that combos well with gen-kicking perks like Pop and Overcharge, or maybe even Pain Res (the gen that's not blocked will tend to be the one that gets hit by the regression)
If you have other forms of info, or the killer is strong enough to find and down survivors quickly anyway like Legion or Doctor, then Thrilling's info as limited as it is, is well worth it as it is.
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The only change to BBQ is the removal of the bp bonus. Other than that it's the same perk and can be used to the same effectiveness.
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On a tangent also don’t forget the buff to Lethal Pursuer, that new 2 second increase to all auras could be useful if you really like getting aura info.
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Scourge hook flood of rage
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Depends on the killer. BBQ is still strong on high-mobility and teleport killers, especially as those same killers tend to use Lethal Pursuer.
BBQ nerf is good for making more kilkers think about what perk is best for their build, rather than BBQ for BP.
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I don't see a reason to change perks. Outside of infectious fright, which is probably the best info perk in the game, BBQ is right after it for info. Floods is okay, but it's tied to scourge hooks which are wildly inconsistent, mixed with the fact that if someone just got unhooked I already know where 2 people are, and might already be in chase or pressuring the other 2. So it's kinda meh. Thrilling is okay but it's information and slowddown are both mediocre and on quite a bit of a cooldown. Bitter murmur is good but can only activate up to a maximum of 5 times in a match.
BBQ however is consistent with constant information, can be activated 10+ times per match, and the only cooldown being how fast you personally are able to down someone. It's still one of the best aura reading and information perks, the bp was just a bonus.
Also I main doctor and love BBQ on him lol. Pair it with his blast range addons and iron maiden, then once you hook someone you'll either see them from BBq, or they'll be in your terror radius so you can just blast, if that doesn't hit then you'll know they're in a locker so you just wait for iron maiden to go off. 0% chance of hiding
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Thrilling Tremors can be really good. Spies from the Shadows also a really under rated tracking perk that's really good to find someone. Still using BBQ on certain killers though that can use the range like Dredge, Demo, Artist.