Barbecue and Chili no longer has its Chili

Just a thought. With the Bloodpoint removal soon, the perk no longer has chili to go with it.


  • TheSpectre
    TheSpectre Member Posts: 52

    I won't use it anymore. The BP was the reason and now there are better perks. This aura vision, which can be dudged is useless. Thanks BHVR!

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    with distortion getting buffed to infinite use BBQ dead bros

  • Gamall
    Gamall Member Posts: 487

    IMHO bbq is still good especially on killers with high mobility. Running it on dredge with devour hope is insane, I had a lot of value

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,483

    We will now deal with camping. Let's make gens longer and make sure people stop using BBQ. Okay..

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910
  • Tryharder
    Tryharder Member Posts: 173

    Idk what they was thinking, bbq the only perk that give killer a reason not to camp and tunnel. The only reason I don’t chase survivors I already hooked because I’m trying to get stacks. I even let them live and let them farm if they want if I have 3 or more stacks.

    Now with this change I don’t know what to do, now killers are going to do dumb rituals like mori people with the pig or level up with Myers or nemesis which probably gonna force killer to throw games or camp and tunnel for the mori just for a little 60bp at most.

    If that the case get rid of all them or rework all the stupid bp perks that are capped like thrill of the hunt, Distressing, We’ll make it and all the dumb bp addons, party bottle, speed limiter, never sleep pills, etc.

    as a casual killer bbq was my only goal and win condition tbh, I now have no reasons to use this perk. Now I probably just gonna get as many hooks as I can even if I tunnel or camp or if the survivors on death hook.

  • Taingaran
    Taingaran Member Posts: 288

    I wish add-ons for bp were infinite. After all, these add-ons usually have flaws. And when the killer takes these add-ons, in most cases he complicates his game.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,688

    High mobility Killers will still use BBQ. But you wont see it on every Killer anymore.

  • Tryharder
    Tryharder Member Posts: 173

    There are way better aura perks lol, the new dredge locker perk, they buff lethal pursuer, scourge hook floods of rage, nurses calling, im all ears, hex retribution all last longer and not easily to counter. also almost every killer have aura reading addons. Bbq can be countered by being close to the killer, locker, hiding your aura behind a gen.

    Yes bbq can see people from far away but the only high mobility killer to really use it is nurse. Blight can’t just rush through all the walls and debris lying around. You think a blight or billy can just zoom across a map like lerrys? You will never see bbq again lol, bbq is not even that good on high mobility killer. You rather want gen info, bbq is only good on huntress and artist that can hit people from across the map. If it not a survivor sided map of course

  • Tryharder
    Tryharder Member Posts: 173

    Right lol, the bp addon are not even worth it with the bp cap, only good bp addon is legion because he gets a speed boost for every feral slash to kinda offset the penalty.

    But addons like speed limiter is just a waste, with the bp cap anything can get you max bp if the game goes long enough. Why run speed limiter when you can run all gen regression perks to make the game go long enough to get max bp cap.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Easily the change I hate the most in the mid-chapter. If they didn't want people to choose BBQ for the BP then make the mechanic base kit. I get the new changes will make the game less grindy but without BBQ for people who ran it every game the game is actually more grindy, as long as you aren't getting the BP bonus from the role incentive.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    I'll admit I hate this change but I kinda feel that they ruined Ruin even worse.

    What's truly annoying is that WGLF lost it's BP bonus but got a buff while BBQ lost it's BP bonus and got nothing. Hmm, which side do the devs favour?

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    You're reading too much into that. BBQ without the bloodpoints bonus is a decent aura reading perk. Doesn't fit all killers, counterable, but fairly reliable information when you're ready to find a new chase or pressure a gen. WGLF without the bloodpoint bonus is one of the most niche healing perks imaginable - double heal speed only on dying survivors, who the killer usually picks up immediately, who will have already recovered some amount of progress by the time you reach them if the killer doesn't and often take less than a second to pick up anyway. Does WGLF have clutch uses, yes, would anyone run it for the odd chance it'll happen in any given match, no.

    I wouldn't complain if BBQ got a buff to replace what it lost, but of the two, it's clear to me which perk needed it more.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Given that Killers got 7 meta perks nerfed while Survivors got 5 nerfed and one buffed (BT).

    Killers got 10 non-meta perks buffed but Survivors got 16 non-meta perks buffed.

    Hardly an equitable "balance" move across the board.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Because killers have a wider meta in general? I don't get the BT buff, and they seemingly forgot Guardian existed, but when you look at the actual nerfs applied, only Ruin is no longer viable on the killer side, while on the survivor side, Iron Will, Spine Chill, Decisive Strike, and Self-Care got nerfed into the ground.

    Plus killers got an array of basekit buffs (longer gens, less cooldown, faster kicking, immediate 2.5% gen regression, survivors get less distance on hit) while survivors only got one buff (5s of BT, which is incredibly easy to wait out and too short to effectively bodyblock with.)

    You can't honestly claim that this is a survivor-sided update.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,837

    it’s funny cause a lot of people call it BBQ.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Iron Will just got changed to no longer be a "100% success" which no other perk has ever been, so hardly nerfed to the ground. Crouch or get behind a wall & you're still silent.

    Spine Chill has been updated since the initial description to assist those who've used it as an aid for the hard of hearing etc so no longer a nerf.

    DS had a minor nerf I'll agree but again hardly nerfed to the ground. It's brokenly OP if allowed in the EGC and the reversion to the original 3-second stun is long overdue - it only went to 5 because Enduring affected it incorrectly, the Enduring bug got fixed yonks ago but the buff on stun time never got reverted as it should have. It also brings the stun duration in line with pallet stuns etc for more consistency.

    Self-Care did indeed get a nerf but be honest, why would anyone take Self-Care when CoH gives all the benefits plus vastly faster healing for the entire survivor team? Why on earth did CoH not get touched when it's the most oppressive perk after Dead Hard - especially if you add the new Botany Knowledge to it which brings the healing speed to ludicrous levels.

    Please note that the survivor basekit BT also now includes haste, which means that you get longer distance from the BT.

    The killer basekit changes are more extensive than survivors but the devs specifically stated that kill rates are lower than they want so to call this killer sided when overall killers still got fewer buffs and more nerfs (especially meta nerfs) is questionable at best - but to be honest I think we're going to have to just agree to disagree.

    Bring on the PTB! I'm particularly curious about new Dead Hard and whether it's a nerf, relatively neutral or a buff and VERY much interested to see if it still eats a killer's power like Nemmy's tentacle not breaking a downed pallet if the survivor hits DH as the tentacle should hit them.

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418

    I think they should've kept the BP bonus on both BBQ and WGLF. I understand they didn't want blood points to dictate people's chosen perks, but BBQ is now mediocre at best without the bonus. At least they semi-buffed WGLF to compensate for the removal of the BP's, but as you said, 'BBQ & Chili' is now simply 'BBQ' 😂.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,508

    I don't like that I now have no way to earn stacks. They didn't make it so it's like, "Oh, well now you don't have to run BBQ to earn stacks." They've made it, "You can't earn stacks, not with BBQ or anything else." There's a difference, and it sucks. It should have been made basekit so the people who care don't lose it. Some people didn't run BBQ, didn't care about stacks, this doesn't affect them. For those of us who did run BBQ and WGLF, there is no replacement.

    I played for stacks. This is absolutely going to negatively impact my experience.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    In fairness, the effects of BBQ are far better than WGLF. I agree that they should've given it something but I that's not my real complaint

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Even BBQ? I cannot understand this situation anymore.